Pain in region of heart, extends down left arm to fingers.

Pains wander from Joint to joint, and and finally become fixed in the heart, must sit upright; feels as though heart ceased and then suddenly gave one hard thumb.

Puls small, but accelerated.

Weak pulse, cardiac asthma, mental depression; great debility.

Neck Back

      Swollen cervical glands.

Tension in neck, as if muscles were too short, even at rest, mostly when stooping.

Spine disease, with gressus galinaceous.

Pain in small of back as from fatigue.

Tendons of lumber muscles so painfully stiff, that the thigh cannot be raised; thigh feels paralyzed.

Upper Limbs

      Boring in left shoulder.

Inflammatory swelling of axillary glands.

Difficult movement of arms; they feel fatigued; forearms feel heavy.

Severe bone pains in right elbow.

Boring in right forearm.

Cramp-like tearing in bones of both wrists.

Palms itch. Herpes of the palms.

Boring in finger-joints.

Lower Limbs

      All the blood appeared to rush from her hand into lower limbs; they feel paralyzed, she has to sit down.

Tottering of the knees; stiffness, paralytic feeling; they pain as if firmly bandaged, when sitting.

Right knee becomes weak from walking; drawing when walking or setting foot on floor.

Boring in tibiae: ankles; dorsum of feet.

Swelling of legs and feet when getting up in the morning, better after walking.

Toes red.

Itching on soles.

Limbs in General

      Limbs go to sleep, numb, insensible on awaking; more lying than moving.

Paralytic drawing in of the limbs in the morning when awaking; also on getting cold.

Has to seize hold of left arm during attacks of palpitation.

Swelling of periosteum of forearm and thigh bones.

Pain as from bruises in head and limbs, early in bed; mostly at rest; passes off after rising.

Position etc.

      Rest: Sitting: Must sit up-right: Lying: Must lie down: Walking: Walking in open air: Motion: Exertion: Mental exertion and labor: After over exertion: stooping: Rising: Setting foot on floor: In bed:.


      In the morning completely exhausted, as if he had not slept at all.

Tremulous agitation, as in joyous hope.

Hysterical spasms; alternate laughter and crying.

When thinking of a motion, he makes small motions without knowing it; when speaking he smiles involuntarily.

Sensation of internal emptiness and weakness of whole body.

Great nervous weakness.


      Sobs aloud during sleep; frightful dreams about thieves, with loud screams.

Awake all night, on pain; no lassitude or sleepiness in the morning.

Sleeplessness after midnight.

Awakened by bone pains, suffering so great he despairs, does not want to live.

Bruised feeling, mornings in bed.


      Morning: Morning and evening: Evening: Noon: Night: Sunset to sunrise: Evening till midnight: After midnight:.

Temperature and Weather

      very sensitive to cold.

Generally better growing warm.

Warmth: Room: Cold:. Air: Wet weather: Open air: Many symptoms disappear after washing.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Cold hands and feet; sometimes lasting all night want of thirst.

Chill lessened after getting out of bed; shivering in bed; legs cold as far as the knees, Coldness of whole body, nausea chill predominates.

Heat only in face; aversion to uncovering cold hands and feet.

Heat alternating with chill.

Auric fever: temperature raised, pulse frequent then profuse, lasting sweats salivation, sore mouth: profuse urine, or turbid, fetid urine.

Sweat early in morning, mostly on and around genitals.


      Sunset to sunrise: Every three or four days: Every two or three weeks palpitation. Evening till midnight:.


      Right: Left: Behind forward: Without in: Within out: Above downwards:.


      Oversensitive to all pain, pains drive to despair, does not want to live.

Susceptible to all sorts of pains; on thinking of them, he imagines he already feels them.

Boring pains, mostly in the bones.


      Violent orgasm plethora.

Cold at first causes a feeling of strength even of buoyancy later come depression, sense of illness etc.

Cancerous ulcers.

Pus yellow, with cheesy flocculi; lumbar abscess.

External parts become black Dropsy.

Exostoses of skull and other bones.

Boring in the bones caries especially after mercury; pains drive to despair worse at night.

Corpulency fat about the heart.

Glands painfully swollen scrofula, ruddy complexion.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch: Pressure: Chewing: Seize hold of left arm:. Rubbing : washing:.


      Violent itching, first in the soles of the feet and then over the whole body, from evening till midnight.

Fine popular eruption on the face.

Deep ulcers, affecting the bones after abuse of mercury.

Small and large blotches, burning feeling like hard knots, of a dirty yellow color;less indoors than in open air.

Stages and States

      Women nervous cough.

Girls at puberty pre-public boys.

Open indicated with old people; weak vision; corpulency; heart disease.

Scrofula; light haired; sanguine temperament; ruddy complexion.

Syphilitic and mercurial patients; especially advanced cases with melancholy, malnutrition and excessive debility. Syphilis in the strumous after abuse of mercury.


      After daily use of whisky, blind.

Antidotes to Aurum: Bellad, Cinchon., Coccul., Coffea, Cuprum, Mercur., Pulsat., Spigel., Sol-nigr.

Aurum antidotes: Mercur., Spigel.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.