Heat and fulness of uterine region.

Burning or stinging pains in region of uterus of ovaries Menorrhagia, with heaviness in the abdomen, faintness, uneasiness, restlessness, yawning; may have red spots on body, stinging like bee-stings.

Suppressed menses, with congested or inflamed ovaries.


Dysmenorrhoea, with scanty discharge of slimy blood.

OEdema of the labia.

Ovarian tumors.

Leucorrhoea: profuse, acrid, green.


      Abortion during the early months.

Mammae: burning, stinging, swelling, hardness and suppuration.

Erysipelas of mammae.

Stinging, burning in scirrhus tumors of the mammae, or in open cancer.

Menorrhagia accompanying pelvic peritonitis.

Ulceration of the navel in the newborn.


      Hoarseness. morning, dryness, burning of larynx.

Speaking is painful; feels as if it wearied the pharynx in which there is drawing pain.

Weak feeling in larynx.

OEdema glottidis.


      Breathing: hurried and difficult, with fever and headache: short, quick; difficult, worse bending forwards or backwards; worse lying on the left side.

Great feeling of suffocation; cannot bear anything about the throat.

Oppression, worse ascending; worse in a warm room.


      Irritation to cough in the suprasternal fossa.

Severe cough, especially after lying and sleeping Cough: croupy, with ringing sound; dry, with gagging: with soreness of upper part of chest; with painful concussion of head.

Expectoration: seldom; sweetish or tasteless.


      Sensation of soreness, as if bruised or beaten.

Dull, aching pain in left side of chest, near the middle of sternum, with sensation of fullness in the chest and short breath.

Hydrothorax. after pleurisy.

Stitches in left side of chest.

Burning, stinging pains throughout entire front of chest.

Heart Pulse

      Sudden attack of acute pain just below the heart, soon extending diagonally toward the right chest.

Blowing sound with the diastole.

Pulse: accelerated, full and strong; feeble, scarcely perceptible at wrist; at times intermittent and imperceptible; wiry and frequent: hard, small and quick.

Outer Chest

      Chest feels as if beaten or bruised.

Neck Back

      Stiffness in the back of neck.

Rheumatic stitches in right side of neck.

Tensive pain from left shoulder to back of neck.

Burning and heat like”prickly heat.” on the back.

Lower posterior dorsal region, especially left, feels as if bruised.

Burning, pressing in coccygeal region, worse from any attempt to sit down; evening.

Upper Limbs

      Violent rheumatism in right latter in left shoulder.

Lame feeling in the scapulae.

Pressure under the scapulae, painful when moving.

Drawing pains in the arms.

OEdema of the hands.

Sensation of numbness in fingers, especially the tips about the roots of the nails.

Panaritium, with burning, stinging and throbbing; very sensitive to touch; especially in “runaround,” after abuse of Sulphur.

Lower Limbs

      Sore pain about left hip-joint; later, weakness unsteadiness, trembling in the joint.

Violent pain in left knee, more outside and to the front.

Sensation in the toes, with redness; feet cold.

swollen and stiff; also at night on removing the boots.

Burning in the toes, with redness; feet cold.

legs and feet waxy, pale, swollen, oedematous.

Limbs in General

      Trembling of hands and feet.

Limbs numb; cold.

Position etc.

      Inclined to sit quiet: Lying: on left side Sitting Rising: Motion Walking: Holds head and eyes down: Stooping: Bending forwards or backwards: Better by changing position of painful parts, which were worse by lying down.

Pains are better while moving or walking.


      Trembling; nervous restlessness.

Tired, as if bruised in every limb and especially in the back, like after exertion; worse on rising after sitting.

Great prostration.

Left side motionless; now and then moves the right arm : convulsions. trembling and jerking of the limbs.



Great inclination to sleep, but cannot, from nervous restlessness.

Continuous deep sleep.

Restless sleep and incessant dreaming.

Screams during sleep; also sudden starting.

Dreams: of journeying; of flying; of assembled people: unpleasant.


      Morning: 3 P.M.: Evening: Night: Day.

Temperature and Weather

      Closed rooms, especially if overheated, are insupportable.

Inclination for open air.

Cold weather aggravates weakness and chest troubles.

Worse getting wet through, but better from washing or moistening the part in cold water.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill about 3 p.m. worse in warmth: runs down the back, with great prostration Chilliness from the slightest motion, with heat of face and hands: towards evening.

Sensation of coldness without coldness of the skin: ague.

Skin burning hot all over, or gradually grows cool in some places, hot in others.

Heat, with inclination to uncover.

Dry, hot skin, or alternate dry and moist skin.

Sweat after trembling and fainting, then nettle-rash.

During hot stage more or less violent headache, generally a continuous deep sleep. Intermittent.

Sweating stage either absent or of a very light grade. Intermittent.

Continuous low fever; no thirst; worse 3 p.m. is then very drowsy.

Typhoid forms of fever, especially enteric, cerebral, exanthematic forms; febris nervosa putrida.

Thirst wanting during sweat; may or may not be present during heat, always thirst during the chill.

Apyrexia: pain under short ribs left side; feet swollen; urine scanty; limbs and joints sore; restless; urticaria.


      Pains return periodically in diphtheria.

Sudden sharp paroxysms of pain.

Pains suddenly migrating from one part to another.


      Right : Left: Left to right :Right to left: Below upwards: Above downwards:.


      Burning, stinging like bee-stings, and soreness, seem to be the predominating painful sensations- while itching, tension and throbbing may be or may not be painful.

Numbness of external parts.


      Affections of circulatory apparatus and fluid, dropsies, phlebitis, varicose veins, ecchymosed spots gangrene, unhealthy suppuration. Periosteum inflamed.

Serous membranes: inflamed; effusions; synovitis.

Mucous membranes inflamed and catarrhal.

Glands enlarged, inflamed.

Muscles stiff, tender on pressure, somewhat swollen; rigid rheumatic inflammation.

Indurations: scirrhus, or open cancer.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch: Pressure: Cannot bear covering:.


      Stinging, burning, prickling, smarting, or itching of the skin; sensitiveness to the slightest touch.

Skin very hot and red.

Red spots on abdomen and other parts; burning, stinging.

Intensely deep red rash.


Measle-like eruption.

Small pustules, with burning, smarting, stinging; forming dry, scaly, laminated, brownish scabs.

Body covered with large, while wheals, deep scarlet interspaces.

Erysipelas, with bruised, sore pain and much swelling.

White miliary eruption on chest and abdomen.

Nettle-rash in warm weather, when one cannot sweat.

Skin: pale, waxy, almost transparent; dark blue, almost black.

Carbuncles, with burning, stinging pains.

Stages and States

      Strumous diathesis.

Bilious, nervous temperament; women and children; especially widows; girls, who though generally careful, become awkward, and let things fall while handling them.

Old people, asthma.

Those predisposed to miscarry should not receive [Apis] except in high potencies.


      Antidotes to massive doses and in poisoning: [Natr] [mur.,] the substance, the solution, the potencies; sweet oil, as it contains table salt; onions; bleeding is decidedly a bad palliative, and is in most cases injurious.

Antidotes to potencies: after overdosing, [Ipec], low, relieved much; to drink coffee, seems indifferent; some have given [Apis], high, Laches, and Lact ac.

(Has been given in ailments from stings, and from anthrax infection).

It is an antidote to Canthar. (Ischuria, inflammation of bladder, acute Bright’s disease); abuse of [Iodium], [Cinchon], Digit.

It follows well after vaccination (erysipelas, painless diarrhoea); after [Sulphur], in panaritium.

After it follows well: Graphit. (tetter on ear-lobe); [Arsen]. (hydrothorax); [phosphor]. (absorption of the false membrane in diphtheria): [Stramon]. After [Apis] has removed the jealousy in mania; [Lycop]. (in staphyloma); [Sulphur] (in hydrothorax, pleuritic effusion, hydrocephalus); [Iodium] (in puffy, swollen knee).

Complementary: Natr. mur.

Has been given in alternation in cases when the change of symptoms indicated it with: [Iodium] in swelling of knee; [Sulphur] in swollen eyes: Hepar in urticaria; [Mercur]. in ascites with peritonitis; [Lycop]. in staphyloma.

It often disagrees after Rhus tox. in eruptive diseases; and Rhus tox. given after [Apis] has often disagreed.

Collateral relation (belonging to the same family); Bombus, Crabro. Vespa.

It has cured where [Bellad]. failed in cough of horses; where [Bryon].,[Canthar].,[Digit]., [Helleb]., etc., had failed in albuminuria after scarlatina; cases in which Pulsat., seemingly indicated, failed, especially in uterine complaints; when [Thuja]. [Phosphor]., [Canthar]., etc., had failed in affections of the prostate gland.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.