Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Homeopathic remedy Apis Mellifica drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Poison of the Honey bee. BRAUNS. 1835. Apium virus.


      Loss of consciousness.

Sopor interrupted by piercing shrieks.

Impaired memory. Absent-mindedness.

Awkwardness, lets everything fall from his hands.

Dulness of head; indifference.

Could not bring his thoughts to bear on anything.

Muttering delirium.

Sudden shrill screams Hydrocephalus, etc.

Busy, restless, changing kind of work.

Delusive idea that he must run or hop, that he cannot walk.

Great tearfulness, cannot help crying.

Dread of death.

Apathy, hardness of hearing; happy expression.

Mood: irritable; hard to please; nervous.

Violence amounting to frenzy.

Jealousy (in women) Manias, especially proceeding from sexual cause in women.


      Confused vertigo, worse sitting than when walking, extreme when lying and on closing the eyes; nausea and headache.

Inner Head

      Brain feels tired; as if “gone to sleep,” tingling.

Dull heavy, tensive headache over the eyes, with pain through the orbits.

Chronic headache, violent pain in forehead and temples, at times involving the eyes, attended by vertigo, nausea, and vomiting, must hold the head and eyes down.

Burning and throbbing in the head, worse by motion and stooping, temporarily better by pressing the head firmly with the hands; occasional sweat.

Aching in the occiput.

Violent drawing from the back of neck, extending behind the left ear, spreading over let half of head.

Neuralgic pain, like a bee-sting, in and about left temple.

Congestion to the head and face; fulness in the head.

Child lies in torpor; delirium, sudden shrieking cries, squinting, grinding teeth, boring head in pillow; one side twitching, the other paralyzed; head wet from sweating; urine scanty, milky; big toe turns up; nausea while lying; breath offensive; tongue sore. Acute hydrocephalus. After erysipelatous eruptions.

Pain in occiput, with occasional sharp shrieks. Hydrocephalus.

Chronic meningitis, with considerable cephalic disturbance and symptoms indicating threatening if not actual effusion of serum in to the cavity of the arachnoid.

Hydrocephaloid; stupor; eyes red, head hot, shrill shrieks; tongue dry, skin, dry, hands colds cold and blue; urine suppressed, abdomen tender; diarrhoea mucous, offensive, involuntary, containing flakes of pus.

Hydrocephalic enlargement of the head.

Outer Head

      Head feels swollen; integuments feel swollen and stiff.

Hair falls out in spots.

Puffiness of scalp, forehead and around the eyes.

Erysipelatous inflammation of scalp and face.

Boring (backward) the head in the pillow.

Fontanelle sunken. Cholera infantum.

Copious sweat of the head, of musk-like odor.


      Squinting; trembling of eyeball, worse at night.

Rolling the eyes.

Severe, darting, lancinating pains in the eyes.

Burning, stinging, shooting pains.

Conjunctiva injected, full of dark vessels; chemosis.

Cornea: thick, having dark, smoky spots; greyish, smoky, opaque.

Ulcers on cornea; cicatrices; staphyloma corneae. Conjunctivitis, photophobia, but cannot bear eyes covered.

Scalding tears, profuse; great sensitiveness to light.

Lids: dark red, everted, swollen, excoriation of edges; granulated; swollen and very sensitive; oedematous, with bag- like swelling under the eye; non-inflammatory oedema (like [Arsen].); feel stiff.


      Hardness of hearing.

Redness and swelling of both ears.

Raises the hand to the back of the ears with each scream.


      Thick, white, fetid, mucous discharge, mixed with blood.

Nose swollen, red and oedematous.

Boils in nostrils, better from cold.


      Expression: happy, pleasant; of terror; apathetic; features distorted, face dark and much swollen; sunken, pale, sickly.

Face : pale; sallow; dark red; swollen, red and hot, with burning and piercing, more right side; oedematous, waxy, pale.

Burning cheeks, with cold feet.

Erysipelas of the face.

Stinging pain in left malar bone.

Lower Face

      Lips oedematous.

Raging, violent pains in the lips, extending to gums and head, finally to the whole body.

Roughness and tension in lips, especially upper.

Upper lip swollen, hot and red.

Lower lip chapped.

Burning : in the lips; on the chin.

Bluish lips from asphyxia; constriction of the throat.


      Jumping pain in left upper molars.

Sudden involuntary biting the teeth together.

Gums bleed easily.

Violent pain in gums.

Swelling and redness of gums and cheek, with sore pain and stinging in the teeth.

Dentition: gums sacculated, look watery, child awakens with screams; red spots here and there on the skin.

Tongue etc.

      Bitter taste.

Inability to talk, or put the tongue out.

Dryness of tongue; fiery redness of buccal cavity, with painful tenderness.

Rawness, burning and painful stinging blisters along the edge of the tongue.

Tongue: red at the tip: swollen, looks dry, glossy; cracked, sore, ulcerated, or covered with vesicles; coated white; glossitis.


      Dryness of mouth and fauces.

Scalding in the mouth and throat.

Fetid breath.

Viscid, tough, frothy saliva.


      Tonsils swollen, bright red, stinging when swallowing.

Deep ulcers on tonsils or palate; erysipelatous and oedematous appearance around ulcers.

OEdema of the glottis.

Mucous membrane covered with dirty, greyish deposit.

Tenacious mucus in the throat.

Throat swollen, inside and outside; hoarse; breathing and swallowing difficult.

Small blisters filled with clear lymph, in clusters, on back part of throat.

Desires Aversions

      No appetite, nor desire for food. Insatiable thirst; drinks often but little at a time.

In catarrh of chest, diarrhoea, diphtheria and some dropsies.

Thirstless. In cerebro spinal meningitis, ovarian dropsy, ascites and pregnancy.

No thirst with the heat; mouth dry.

Craves milk, which relieves.

Appetite for sour things.

Child nurses by day, refuses at night. After vaccination.

Eating and Drinking

      Continued swallowing relieves soreness and cough.

Vomits the food as soon as taken, followed by retching.

After eating: heaviness at stomach; diarrhoeic discharge renewed.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Bitter or acrid belching; heart-burn up into throat; water brash.

Nausea with inclination to vomit Vomiting: of bile; of mucus, with red specks; of ingesta and slime; and diarrhoea.


      Burning heat in stomach.

Pit of stomach sensitive; burning as from acidity; irritability of stomach; fulness; pressure aggravates the


Great soreness in the pit of stomach when touched.


      Violent burning pain under short ribs on both sides.

Sensation of soreness under the ribs.

Obliged to bend forward from a painful contractive feeling in the hypochondria.

Pain in hypochondriac regions, extending upwards.


      Fulness and enlargement of abdomen.

Rumbling in abdomen.

Sickly feeling in abdomen, inclines him to sit quiet.

Violent cutting pains in the abdomen.

Soreness of the bowels and abdominal walls felt when pressing upon them, or sneezing.

Feeling as if intestines were bruised. Dysentery Ascites.

Aching, pressive pain in the hypogastrium, with bearing down in the uterus.

Burning, stinging in the bowels.

Peritonitis, with exudation; often with metritis; urine scanty, dark.

Walls of abdomen tense; sensitiveness of ileo-coecal region. Typhus.

Stool etc.

      Throbbing in the rectum, with sensation in the anus as if stuffed full; tenesmus.

Diarrhoea; watery; yellow, with griping; watery and foul smelling; watery, copious, black; greenish yellow, mucous, worse morning; slimy mucus and blood. painless; olive green, slimy, profuse, full of bright red lumps; thin, yellow with extreme weakness, stool with every motion of body, as if anus were constantly open.

Costive, with large, hard. difficult stool; stinging pains, and sensation in abdomen as from something tight, which would break if much effort were used.

Hemorrhage from bowels, with burning pains, excoriation of anus, constant tenesmus. Prolapsus ani.


      Renal pains, soreness on pressure or when stooping.

Frequent sudden attacks of pain along the ureters.

Great irritation of neck at bladder, with frequent and burning urination.

Frequent desire, with passage of only a few drops.

Strangury, stricture, retained urine or inflammed bladder after abuse of cantharides.

Difficult urination, with children.

Incontinence, with great irritation of the parts.

Urine: scanty, high colored; red, bloody hot and scanty; scanty, fetid; scanty, reddish-brown; after standing, turbid; scanty, milky, albuminous; dark, with sediment like coffee- grounds; containing uriniferous tubules and epithelium.

Male Sexual Organs

      Frequent and long-lasting erections.

Swelling of testicles, more the right; violent itching and redness of scrotum, sore to touch.

Dropsy of the scrotum; hydrocele.

Female Sexual Organs

      Sharp, cutting, lancinating pains in ovarian region, extending down thigh; worse right side; numbness in side and limb.

Ovaritis Ovarian tumor.

Feeling of weight, heaviness in ovarian region.

Right ovary enlarged, pain in left pectoral region, cough.

Dropsy of the ovaries (right), or of the uterus.

Great tenderness over the uterine region, with bearing down pain; leucorrhoea and painful urination.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.