Homeopathic remedy Agnus Castus drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Vitex Agnus Castus. Hahnemann. Verbanaceae.


      Absent-minded, reduced power of insight.

Low-spirited, fears of approaching death.

Despairing sadness; peevishness.

Anxious, fear and weakness.


      After dulness in the head, a pressing long-lasting headache, followed by vomiting and spasmodic trembling.

Heaviness of head and pressure in the neck, as if the head would fall forward.

Inner Head

      Tearing, with pressure in the temple and forehead, worse during motion.

Contractive headache, above the temples from reading.

Pain in upper head, as from staying in a close-room; looking to one point relieve it.

Outer Head

      Biting-itching on the scalp, worse evenings and when falling asleep.

Tension and chilliness in scalp, which is warm to touch.


      Dilated pupils; photophobia.

Eyes burn when reading in the evening.

Corrosive itching over and on eyebrows and lids, and below eyes.


      Ringing or roaring in the ears.

Hardness of hearing.


      Illusion of smell; as of herring; musk.

Hard aching on dorsum of nose, relieved by pressure.


      Corrosive itching on the cheeks.

Erysipelas on left cheek, spreading from nose over face and head.

Lower Face

      Rending-tearing under alveoli of r. lower jaw.


      Teeth painful when touched by warm food or drink.

Throbbing, tearing toothache in left eye-tooth, small boil near the tooth, very painful to touch; in attacks.

Tongue etc.

      Taste: metallic, coppery; bitter.

Tongue coated white.


      Corrosive itching in pit of throat.

Desires Aversions

      Lessened appetite; thirstlessness.


      Abdomen distended after meals.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Hiccough; inclined to get angry; peevish.

Nausea in pit of stomach when standing; later, qualmishness in the abdomen, with pressing down, wants to support it.

Nausea as from eating fat food. Checked catamenia.


      Pinching in scrobiculum when sitting bent over.


      Soreness in region of spleen.

Swelling and induration of the spleen. Intermittent.

Aching in region of liver, worse from touch.


      Rumbling in the abdomen during sleep.

Abdomen sensitive to pressure.

Incarcerated flatus.

Feels as if the entrails were sinking down, constantly inclined to support the bowels with the hands.

Violent contracting bellyache, coming suddenly in the morning, with bearing down. Suppressed menses.

Stool etc.

      Diarrhoea of children; chronic diarrhoea of adults.

Feels as if diarrhoea would set in, when standing; anguish, great weakness.

Great accumulation of wind; flatus smells like urine remaining long on the clothes.

Hard stool; constipation; difficult expulsion of the stool. Stool inclined to re-enter rectum (Sil).

When pressing at stool, discharge of prostatic fluid.

A sore feeling under the skin near the anus when walking.

Corrosive itching of the perineum; pruritus podicis.

Deep rhagades or fissures of the anus.



      Pains in bladder.

Passes more urine.

When urinating sometimes pain in lower abdomen, sometimes in the kidneys.

Red, turbid urine, with burning and pressure in urethra.

Emissions of prostatic fluid.

Male Sexual Organs

      Sexual desire lessened, almost lost; impotence with spermatorrhoea.

Feeble erections, no sexual desire.

Penis so relaxed that voluptuous fancies excite no erections.

Testes cold, swollen hard; penis small, flaccid.

Impotence, with gleet, especially with those who have frequently had gonorrhoea.

Yellow urethral discharge.

Itching of genitals.

Gleet, with want of sexual desire or erections.

Female Sexual Organs

      Suppressed menses, with drawing pain in the abdomen.

A transparent leucorrhoeal discharge passes imperceptibly from the very relaxed parts.

Leucorrhoea, not copious, but spotting, her linen yellow.

Hysteria, with maniacal lasciviousness.


      Retained placenta.

Milk scanty, or disappears.



      Voice as if passing through wool.


      Oppression on going up stairs.

Dyspnoea; worse in the evening.


      Cough : in the evening, in bed, before falling asleep; with raising of blood, followed by copious mucus; in paroxysms, with palpitation and nose bleed, mostly in the morning; when inhaling cold air.


      Feeling of dryness in the chest.


      Slow and weak pulse, often imperceptible.

Outer Chest

      Pressure in region of sternum, worse when breathing deeply.


      Sharp, deep stitches on and near the coccyx, to the left, near sacrum and coccyx.

Upper Limbs

      Hard pressure in right axilla and upper arm, worse from touch or motion.

Swelling of finger joints, tearing pains, arthritic nodes.

Lower Limbs

      Heaviness of right foot, as from a weight.

Lancinating pain in the right hip joint, worse during motion, somewhat better in rest.

Legs much fatigued and swollen towards evening.

Cold Knees.

Ankles swollen after a sprain.

Tearing, rending in feet and toes, worse on walking.

Feet easily turn under when walking on stone pavement.

Limbs in General

      Pain as if luxated.


      Motion : Walking: Going up stairs: Standing :.


      Spasmodic complaints of hypochondriacal men.

Great weakness: as from violent anguish; with depression of spirits; with agalactia.

Feels bruised all over.



Awaking often, as if alarmed, startings.

Anxious dreams.


      Morning: Evening :.

Temperature and Weather

      Bad effects from getting feet wet.

Warm things : 0.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chilliness, internal with trembling, skin warm.

Slight chilliness towards evening, followed by heat, with headache, no thirst, slight delirium, tormenting, profuse sweat.

Chill and heat alternate.

Chilly all over, but only hands feel cold to touch.

Flushes of burning heat, mostly in face, with cold knees; evening in bed.

Sweat on the hands when walking in the open air.

Sweats easily.


      Right :.


      Bruised feeling all over.


      Inflammatory, rheumatic swelling of the joints. Gouty nodosities.

Contact Injuries

      May be indicated in bruises or wounds.

Sprains and luxations of joints; strains from overlifting.

Prevents excoriation in walking.

Touch : Pressure :.


      Gnawing or itching on different parts of the body, relieved temporarily by scratching.

Itching around the ulcers, in the evening.

Yellow tint of skin.

Stages and States

      Lymphatic constitution.

“Old sinners;” with impotence and gleet.


      After Agn. cast. are useful : Arsen., Bryon., Ignat., Lycop., Pulsat., Selenium (impotence), Sulphur.

Antidotes to Agn. cast. : Camphor., Natr. mur. (the headache); strong solution of table salt.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.