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AGNUS CASTUS symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Plain Talks on Materia Medica with Comparisons by W.I. Pierce. What AGNUS CASTUS can be used for? Indications and personality of AGNUS CASTUS…



      (Agnus-ayvos, agnos, the name of the tree Agnus castus, Castus, chaste.)

This remedy was first proved by hahnemann, but the report was not published until 1841, and then by Staff in the Archives.

While our school is the only come to use this plant, it was formerly employed as an antaphrodisiac.

“The name of the plant hints at its special action; and its history points the same way. It was used by Athenian women during religious solemnities and by mediaeval monks to repress carnal desire” (Hughes).


      On the homoeopathic principle, that a remedy will cure a condition similar to that which it causes we find that the most prominent action of the chaste seems to be on chaste men, provided we accept as our definition of chaste-free from sexual intercourse. This chastity, however, in cases requiring Agnus c., is nothing that they can claim any credit for, because, as we will find, it is impossible for them to be otherwise.

The symptoms calling your attention the remedy in loss of sexual power in men, amounting even to complete impotence (168), are, relaxation of h penis, which is not excited by voluptuous fancies, associated with coldness of the genital organs (168).

Dr. Bukk G. Carleton, who always has a pleasing way of dealing with a disagreeable subject, says in one of his articles, that Agnus c. “is especially useful in those advanced in years, who in their youth have carried sexual indulgence to extremes and who, while physically impotent, are mentally as excitable as in early life” (167).

Hering, referring to the same condition, says that it is useful for “old sinners, z” also for “premature old age, which arises in young persons from abuse of the sexual powers, marked by melancholy, apathy and general debility.”

It has proved useful for loss of sexual power following gonorrhoea, or associated with a chronic gleety discharge (83)

In women, the remedy has been used where there is great relaxation of the genital organs (203), with leucorrhoea, or where during lactation there is scanty and diminished secretion of milk, with perfect abhorrence of sexual intercourse.

Mentally we have sadness, with the impression of speedy death, and this symptom has led to the successful use of the remedy in puerperal mania (129).

I use Agnus c.3rd.

Willard Ide Pierce
Willard Ide Pierce, author of Plain Talks on Materia Medica (1911) and Repertory of Cough, Better and Worse (1907). Dr. Willard Ide Pierce was a Director and Professor of Clinical Medicine at Kent's post-graduate school in Philadelphia.