Rhus Toxicodendron

Dr. S.R. Phatak describes the clinically confirmed symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Rhus Toxicodendron in his Concise Materia Medica, published in 1977….


      This remedy is an irritating agent to the SKIN esp. of face, scalp, genitals; affects the fibrous tissue, ligaments and joints causing RHEUMATIC SYMPTOMS; it is an infective agent producing TYPHOID LIKE FEVERS. Affections of NERVES and SPINAL CORD give rise to PARETIC EFFECTS. GLANDS are swollen, hot and painful; indurated; suppurating. Symptoms appear on the left side or go from left to right. PAINS ARE TEARING, SHOOTING; STITCHING; worse AT NIGHT; CANNOT REST; in any position. Parts feel sore, bruised and STIFF. Pains as if the flesh was torn loose from the bones. Dislocative sensation. Muscles twitch. Crawling. Numbness; of parts paralyzed. Trembling. Burning, swelling, and lividity. Mucous discharges are acrid; rusty red, like meat water; musty; causing eruptions. Infections; septicaemia, carbuncles in early stage. Cellulitis. Inflammation and swelling of the long bones; scraping, gnawing, tearing loose in periosteum. Rheumatism in cold season. Post-operative complications. Hemiplegia, right sided; sensation as if gone to sleep. Infantile paralysis; from exposure to cold damp. Influenza. Small-pox. Strictures, after inflammation. Soreness of prominent projection of bones. Paralysis; after unwanted exertion; after parturition. Boils, abscesses.


      EXPOSURE TO-WET; COLD; air; draft; chilled; when hot or sweaty. Uncovering; parts, head etc. BEGINNING OF MOTION. REST. BEFORE STORMS. SPRAINS. Overexertion. After Midnight. Blows; jar. Riding. Ice cold drinks. Side lain on.


      Continued motion. HEAT. Hot bath; if heated. Warm wrapping. Rubbing. Nosebleed. Holding affected part, abdomen, head etc. Stretching limbs. Change of position. Warm dry, weather.


      Anxious, sadness; helplessness and profound despondency. Low mild delirium; incoherent talk, answers correctly but slowly, or hastily or reluctantly. Inclination to weep worse in evening; without knowing why; with desire for solitude. Fear of being poisoned. Satiety of life; thoughts of suicide, wants to drown himself. Forgetful cannot remember the most recent events. Fear worse at night, cannot lie in bed. Confusion. Anxiety, respecting one’s children.


      Vertigo; in the aged; whirling; then headache. Shattering or loose feeling in the brain worse jar. Feeling as of a board strapped across the forehead. Stupefying headache; must lie down, worse least chagrin. Painfully stiff scalp better lying on it. Head heavy.


      Pain behind eyes worse motion. Eyelids; stiff; agglutinated; dry; firmly closed. Profuse gush of hot tears on opening lids. Pustular inflammation. Saccular conjunctiva. Photophobia. Iritis. Ptosis. Paralysis of any of the muscles of the eyeball. Vertical diplopia. Orbital cellulitis. Affection of inner surface of the eyelids.


      Parotitis (left); with fever. Lobules swollen. Pain in ear with a feeling as if something were inside. Discharge of bloody pus.


      Red sensitive tip; it drips water. Sneezing, fluent coryza. Nosebleed; worse at night, stooping, at stool, in fevers which gives relief. Violent aching in bones of the nose. Breath hot, it burns nostrils.


      Jaws crack on chewing. Joints painful. Facial neuralgia with chilliness. Easy dislocation of jaws. Cheekbones painful. Red spots on left cheek. Stiff swollen face. Lips, dry, brownish, cracked, at corners; crusty. Herpes on lips. Crusta lactea. Acne rosacea.


      Sordes on teeth. Teeth feel loose and long. Bloody saliva runs during sleep. TONGUE; dry, red centre; cracked, stiff, sore, has a triangular red tip; coated diagonally or one side only. Feeling as if tongue covered with skin. Coppery, or herby or bitter taste. Bread tastes bitter.


      Red, puffy itching fauces. Tonsils covered with yellow membrane. Sore throat, with swollen glands. Difficult swallowing; of solids as from contraction; of saliva. Oesophagitis from swallowing corrosive matter.


      Craves cold drinks, though they worse cough, chill etc. Desire; for cold milk; sweets; oysters. Vomits; from coughing; lying on back; faecal. Nausea; worse ice creams; after eating. Great thirst worse at night. Drowsy after eating. Great thirst, but no appetite for any kind of food. Pain in stomach after ice water.


      Sore. Feeling as of water swashing in; or as of a lump in. Colic, compelling to walk bent, better lying on abdomen. Ileo- caecal symptoms; appendicitis. Stools; watery; frothy; or bloody; foul; meat water like; slimy, gelatinous; involuntary; in sleep at night; or with tenesmus; worse drinking. Dysenteric diarrhoea. Piles worse lifting. Painful tenesmus without stools. Hourglass contraction. Mucous colitis.


      Incontinence or urine worse lying, at night or sitting; in boys. Nephritis. Urine; dark, turbid, high coloured, scanty. Frequent, profuse urination day and night.


      Scrotum thick, swollen, oedematous. Prepuce oedematous. Intense itching of genitals. Hydrocele; from over lifting. Metastasis of mumps to testes.


      Swelling; with intense itching of vulva. Menses; too early, profuse and protracted. Amenorrhoea; from getting wet; with milk in breast. Metritis; septic. Lochia; thin, protracted, offensive, diminished, with shooting upwards in vagina. Prolapsus uteri from lifting or overstraining. Frequent after pains. Violent pain in vulva during menses. Vagina sore.


      Chest pains worse using arms. Tickling behind upper sternum; causing dry, hoarse, tearing, tormenting cough, with bloody taste; worse during chill; or when putting hands out of bed, after midnight to morning. Hoarseness from overstraining of voice. Sudden hypostasis or oedema of lungs. Pleurodynia; chest pains shoot into shoulders. Haemoptysis; from overexertion; from blowing wind instruments; blood bright. Rust coloured sputum. Larynx cold when breathing. Hot air from trachea.


      Uncomplicated hypertrophy from violent exertion. Heart feels tired; pains go down left arm. Palpitation worse when sitting still, better walking. Trembling in heart, better walking. Pulse; quick, weak, irregular intermittent, with numbness of left arm. Left arm aches with heart disease.

Neck and Back

      Stiff neck, with painful tension; when moving. Inter scapular pain worse swallowing. Contractive or breaking backache better hard pressure; lying on something hard; walking about or bending backwards. Lumbago; Coccyx aches into thighs.


      Numbness, and prickling in limbs. Arms nervous and shaky (left). Paralytic pains in elbows. Rhagades on back of hands. Palms; dry, hot, cracked and sore; washing causes burning. Pains down back of thighs worse stools; sciatica. Legs feel dead, wooden. Cramps in calves. Involuntary limping. Soreness of condyles of bones. Limbs stiff, paralyzed. Hot painful swelling of joints. Pricking like pins in tips of fingers and palms when grasping. Pain along ulnar nerve. Ulcers; on legs; gangrenous; runs bloody water; on dropsical legs. Itching of legs and feet. Ankles swollen after too long sitting; feet swell in the evening. Paraplegia; after parturition, sexual excess; fevers. As if walking on needles. Axillary abscess, after delivery.


      Stiff thick, dry, hot, burning; itching, worse hairy parts. Skin sensitive to cold air. ERUPTIONS; fine, VESICULAR; crusty, eczematous; moist or ERYSIPELATOUS worse genitals; alternating with dysentery. Pus erodes the hair. Vesicles over abscess. Milk crusts. Baker’s itch. Urticaria; from getting wet; with rheumatism or during chills and fever. Shingles.


      Awakes tired or nervous. Dreams; of great exertion; of blood; or fire. Yawning; frequent, violent, spasmodic; without inclination to sleep; with stretching. Restless, tossing about.


      Easily chilled worse least uncovering, with pain in limbs. Chill as if dashed with cold water or cold water in the veins; preceded by cough; alternating with heat. Chill in single parts. Heat, with busy delirium. Typhoid. Sweat; worse during pain; with sleepiness. Urticaria during fever. Wants to yawn and stretch during chill.


      Arn; Bry; Dulcamara


      Bry; Calc; Mag-c; Med; Phytolacca

S.R. Phatak
A pioneer of Homoeopathy in Maharashtra, Dr Shankar Raghunath Phatak was born on 6th September, 1896. He did his MBBS from Grant Medical College, in 1924. Started his practice but somehow not satisfied with Allopathic Treatment.

He was convinced about Homoeopathy while going through Sir William Osler's writings on 'History of Medicine' so switched over to an entirely Homoeopathic Practice in 1932. He also started working on Homoeopathic literature along with his Practice.

He has contributed immensely to homoeopathic literature. He was an ardent follower of Dr Boger. His Repertory is based on Boger's ''A Synoptic key to Materia Medica'.