Adapted to persons of a rheumatic diathesis.
Bad effects of getting wet, especially after being heated.
Ailments from spraining or straining a single part; muscle or tendon; overlifting, especially from stretching arms high up to reach things; lying on damp ground.
Affects the fibrous tissues especially; right side more than left.
Pains as if sprained; as if a muscle or tendon was torn from its attachment; as if bones were scraped with a knife; worse after midnight; in wet weather.
Great restlessness, anxiety, apprehension; cannot remain in bed; must change position often to obtain relief from pain.
Muscular rheumatism, sciatica, left side; aching in left arm, with heart disease.
Great sensitiveness to open air; putting his hand from under the bed-cover brings on the cough.Vertigo when standing or walking, is worse when lying down.
Drams of great exertion; rowing, swimming, working hard at his daily occupation.
Corners of mouth ulcerated; fever-blisters around mouth; exanthema on chin.
Sad, begins to weep without knowing why.
Great restlessness.
Inflammation of the eye.
The eyes are closed or greatly swollen and inflamed.
Heaviness and stiffness of the lids, like paralysis, a if it were difficult to move the lids.
Great swelling of the face.
Sore sensation, with redness at the apex of the tongue.
Throat much swollen externally.
Parotid and submaxillary glands hard and swollen.
Great thirst.
Desire for cold milk.
Short cough, from severe tickling and irritation behind the sternum, followed the feeling of discouragement and apprehension.
Stiffness in the small of the back, painful on motion.
While sitting the small of the back aches, as after walking; with a sensation of a hundredweight upon the nape of the neck.
The limbs upon which he lies, especially the arm, fall asleep.
Drawing in the limbs, while lying down.
Pains in the joints, during rest, better during motion.
Crawling, as if asleep, in the tips of the fingers.
Great weakness of the legs.
Stiffness, especially of the knees and feet.
Feels stiff on rising from a seat.
Soreness in every muscle, which passes off during exercise.
Erysipelas, with numerous vesicles that burst, and secrete a slimy liquid.
Covered from head to foot with a fine red vesicular rash, itching and burning terribly, especially in the joints, worse at night, causing constant scratching, with little or no relief, and which felt very hard upon pressure with the finger; skin burning hot.
Violent vesicular erysipelas of the face and hands, attended with a high state of fever.
Vesicular eruption on the cheek, with intense itching and burning.
Restless sleep, with tossing about, raising, and throwing off the bed-covers.
Pains occur and are aggravated during repose and are ameliorated by motion.
Severe chill at 7 P.M., as though dashed with ice-cold water, or as if the blood were running cold through the vessels; cold when he moves; increased by eating and drinking.
Cough during chill; dry, tearing, fatiguing.
Excessive heat, as from hot water running through the blood vessels.
No cough in heat, but urticaria breaks out over entire body with violent itching, increased by rubbing; passes off with the sweat.
Stools: thin, yellow mucus; bloody; lumps of transparent mucus; bloody water, like washings of beef; very offensive.