

      Cracks, ulcers. Soreness in folds of skin. Warts; seedy, large, jagged, bleeding easily, ulcerating; on tip of fingers, nose, lids, brows. Itching. Deep burns and their effects. Cicatrices reopen. Skin prone to intertrigo during dentition.


      Frequent movements of arms and legs during sleep. Laughs and cries during sleep. Very drowsy, can hardly keep awake. Yawning and stretching. Nocturnal sleeplessness with dry heat, inquietude. Wakes with slightest noise. Yawning; when listening or paying attention to others.


      Coldness not better by warmth. Sweat about 4 a.m.; profuse, on slight exertion, open air. Heat from 6 to 8 p.m. Coldness; left sided, of diseased part, with pain. Flushes of heat followed by chill.


      Gels; Kali-b; Phos; Rhus-t; Sepia


      Carb v; Graph; Lach; Stann; Staphysagria

S.R. Phatak
A pioneer of Homoeopathy in Maharashtra, Dr Shankar Raghunath Phatak was born on 6th September, 1896. He did his MBBS from Grant Medical College, in 1924. Started his practice but somehow not satisfied with Allopathic Treatment.

He was convinced about Homoeopathy while going through Sir William Osler's writings on 'History of Medicine' so switched over to an entirely Homoeopathic Practice in 1932. He also started working on Homoeopathic literature along with his Practice.

He has contributed immensely to homoeopathic literature. He was an ardent follower of Dr Boger. His Repertory is based on Boger's ''A Synoptic key to Materia Medica'.