
Homeopathy medicine Cauticum from William D. Gentry ‘s Rubrical and Regional Text Book of Homeopathic Materia Medica, comprising the characteristic symptoms of homeopathic remedies from drug provings, published in 1890….

1 Paralysis of bladder from long retention of urine; urine is expelled very slowly, and is sometimes even retained.

3 Paralysis of bladder after labor, urine is retained.

5 Enuresis; involuntary passage of urine at night when asleep (Ars, Cupr, Kali-phos.).

7 Weakness of bladder; involuntary passage of urine when coughing (Colchicum); sneezing, or blowing nose (Natr-m, Puls, Zincum met.); at night when asleep; when walking.

9 Diabetes insipidus.

11 Burning in urethra when urinating, especially after coition.

13 Catarrh of bladder; frequent urging to urinate, day and night; or painful retention, caused by slightest exposure to cold.

15 Retention, with frequent and urgent desire; occasionally a few drops or a small quantity may dribble away (Aconite).

17 Retention of urine (in infants) (Arsenicum).

19 Urine:-

(a) Light-colored, like water.

(b) Thick, white, with offensive deposit.

(c) Dark-brown (Bryonia), turbid and cloudy on standing.

(d) Deposits a sediment like yeast.

(e) Deposits oxalate of lime.

(f) Loaded with lithic acid and lithates, with great debility.

21 Itching at meatus urinarius.

23 Pain in urethra and bladder after passage of a few drops.

25 Delay in passing last drops of urine.

27 Urging, with necessity to wait long; then scanty flow, then renewed urging.

29 Frequent urging to urinate, with involuntary dribbling of urine.

31 Cannot retain urine, or feel it passing through urethra.

33 Frequent, ineffectual urging, then while sitting involuntary micturition.

35 Ineffectual efforts at micturition, after passing a few drops pain in bladder and (after much walking in order to relieve it) cramps in rectum.

37 Cystitis. 39 Weakness of sphincter of bladder (especially in children); urine passes involuntarily, especially during first sleep at nights also involuntarily from slightest excitement during day.

41 Want of proper feeling in bladder and urethra; in consequence, micturition is so easy that prover is not sensible of urine passing, and can scarcely believe in dark that he is urinating until makes sure with hand.

William Daniel Gentry
William Daniel Gentry. (1836-1922) was the author of Concordance Repertory of the Materia Medica and The Rubical and Regional Textbook.