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We have classified the remedies in three groups: At first three most important remedies, then remedies in alphabetical order which are frequently used and finally the exceptionally or rarely indicated remedies.

A Bryonia (6, 30) – Indifferent laterality. Aggr, by movement while standing, by superficial contact. Amel by rest, lying on the affected side, by strong pressure. Drawing pains, lancinating as if from a sore below the skin” of which the seat is in the lumbar region and on hips.

General aggr. by heat, anger. Dryness of the mucous membranes with thirst for large quantities of water at long intervals. Constipation.

Gnaphallium (6, 30) – Indifferent laterality. Aggr. by walking; by movement; however feels the necessity of movement and change of position; while lying down. Amel. while sitting, bending the legs. Intense pains, continued pains alternating with numbness. Cramps of the calves and hips. Foetid diarrhoea, with colic, aggr. in morning.

Kali bichromicum (6, 30) – Left side. Aggr. while standing, sitting, lying down (must change position). Amel. by walking, by flexion of limbs. Violent pain, moving along a limb; appearing and disappearing suddenly. General aggr. by cold humid coldness; towards three A.M. Aggr. by drinking beer.

B. Remedies having frequent Indications

Aconite (6 30) Indifferent laterality. Agg. at night, by movement, by the heat of the room. Amel. by rest and while sitting. Acute sciatica. Sudden attack after being exposed to dry cold. Extreme physical and mental agitation. Intolerance of heat. Fear of death. Hypersensitiveness to contact. Pain with numbness.

Ammonium muriaticum (6 30) Left sided. Aggr. while sitting down. Slight amelioration while walking, complete while lying down Chronic sciatica. Sometimes grave from, with tearing pains, stinging pains accompanied by contraction of the limb which causes limping. Menses abundant at night.

Arnica (6 30) – Indifferent laterality. Agg. in the evening, at night by movement. (Should change position), by coldness. Amel. While lying down. Burning tearing pains.

Traumatic sensation, sensation of fracture, numbness. Traumatic sciatica. Creates a scene when the doctor arrives does not require his service.

Arsenicum album (6 30, 200) – Indifferent laterality. Aggr. from midnight to 2 A.M. by cold and cold applications by violent movement. Amel. by heat and hot applications. Burning and tearing pains forcing the patient to constantly change position. Prefers to lie down but constantly moves. Restlessness, weakness. Fear of death. Refuses to take medicines because he is hopeless of cure.

Belladonna (6 30)- Indifferent laterality. Aggr, at night after midnight By touch, by the least contact, by sound and light, by gush of wind. Amel. While standing hanging the affected limb; by half sitting position, by heat. Pains appearing and disappearing suddenly. Periodical attack, beginning in the afternoon and ending at midnight. Alternate restlessness and depression. Hyperesthesia of senses. Tendency to spasms. Dilatation of pupils.

Bufo (6 30) – Indifferent laterality. Aggr by heat, in a host room, during sleep. Amel. by haemorrhage, by putting the feet in hot water. Mental weakness idiocy in depressed persons, as a result of sexual abuse or of onanism. Sudden anger, bites. Epilepsy.

Chamomilla (6 30) – Left laterality (noon-exclusive). Aggr. at night in bed, by the least movement, by rest. Amel. When carried, being in a vehicle. Slight amel. by cold. Pain with numbness Intolerance of pains, with great restlessness, cries, tendency to become angry. Need for movement when suffering. General aggravation by anger and fear. General amel. by humid heat.

Cocculus (6 30) – Indifferent laterality. Aggr. by contact, by noise, in open air, afternoon. Amel. by rest. Sciatica with weakness and tremblings. General aggravation by long privation of sleep, riding.

Colocynthis (6 30, 200, M)- Right sided. Aggr. in the evening, at night by movement by the stretching of limbs. Keeps the limbs stretched; by contact, by cold. Amel. by rest, by hot application. Very important remedy. Sciatica with intolerable pains followed by numbness and paresis. General agar. by anger.

Dioscorea (6 30) – Right sided. Aggr when getting up, while walking, by movement. Amel. by rest, by slow extension (contrary to Colocynthis). Cramping pain along the nerve, specially in the hip. Amel. of all symptoms by extension. Ferrum metallicum (6 30) – Indifferent laterality. Aggr. by rest, at night, being seated. By cold, by air current. Amel. by moderate movement, by heat. Tearing pain. Pale and flushed individual, has gushes of heat, localised on the face. Anaemia, chlorosis.

Gelsemium (6) – Indifferent laterality. Aggr by rest, at beginning of movement, at night. Chronic sciatica. Stubborn cases remedy of trembling.

Hypericum (6) – Indifferent laterality. Aggr. by cold humidity, mist, confined air, by touch. Amel not marked. Hypersensitiveness of nerves, sensation of laceration, drawing pains. Burning pains with numbness. Traumatic sciatica. A remedy of traumatism of nerves. Coccygodynia. Sometimes sensation as if the limbs are detached from the body.

Iris versicolor (6) – Left sided. Aggr. at night, by lying on the painful side, by cold, by touch. Amel. by walking, heat, by bending forward. Lumbar neuralgia. Pain in the back, feels the need of support. Weakness of the lumbar muscles. Sometimes numbness of the limbs. General conditions depressed. General aggr. by fatigue, by sexual acts.

Kali iodatum (6,30) – Right side (non-exclusive). Aggr. at night, by lying on the painful side. Amel. by movement, by walking, in open air.

Syphilitic ground. Mercurial sciaticas. Pain in the posterior part of the hip with contractions and spasms of the muscles. General characteristics : Pains that force the patient to get up at night to move in cold air.

Kalmia (6) – Right sided (non exclusive), Aggr. by bending double, by movement, by cold. General amelioration by eating. Pain from above downwards, lighting like pains. Fulgurating pains Sensations of weakness and coldness of the lower limbs with numbness.

Lac caninum (6) – Erratic pains passing from one side to the other. Aggr. at night, by touch, by movement Amel. by open air Pain in the sacral region extending throughout a limb, disturbing sleep and rest. General aggravation during menses.

Ledum palustre (6,30) – Left side (non-exclusive). Aggr. at night by heat of the bed, by touch, by movement Amel. by cold foot bath, by application of cold, open air and rest. Pinching pains. drawing in the whole limb, specially in the posterior face of the hip. Contraction. Joints of the feet painful, deformed. cold to touch. The affected limb is more cold than other parts of the body. Affected joints are white and not red. A good antidote for excess of wine. Rheumatic ground.

Magnesia phos (6) – Right sided. Aggr. by immobility, while lying down, by prolonged movement, by cold. Amel. by moderate movement, by heat. Pains coming and going suddenly. Fulgurating pains. Cramps, Paroxysmal attacks which obliges the patient to change position, to stand up, to walk restlessly. Chronic of Colocynthis. Its place is between Arsenic and Colocynthis.

Mezereum (6) – Indifferent laterality. Amel. in open air, at dawn. Burning, lancinating pains with shivering. Itching, syphilitic ground.

Palladium (6,30) – Right side. Aggr. at night, by cold, by touch, by movement. Amel. by heat and rest. very acute pains going from toe to the hip. Proud character, irritable cannot support contradictions. Pain in the right ovary..

Phosphorus (6,30) – Left sided (non-exclusive). Aggr. at night, lying on the painful side, by cold, morning and evening. Amel. while eating;by rest, being magnetised. General aggr. by hot drinks and mental work.

Phytolacca (6,30) – Indifferent laterality. Aggr. at night. after sleep, by movement, by pressure, by humid cold. Amel. by lying down, by rest and by heat. Sudden erratic pains, as if from electric shocks, often in the external or posterior face of the hip. Chronic sciatica on a syphilitic ground. Rheumatism.

Plumbum (6,30) – Indifferent laterality. Aggr. at night. by heat, movement, light pressure. Amel. by massage, by strong pressure. Chronic sciatica with muscular atrophy. Cramping and constrictive pains. Syphilitic ground.

Pulsatilla (6,30) – Indifferent laterality. Aggr. by heat, confined air, immobility. Amel. by movement and open air. Erratic pains. Changing of symptoms. Venous congestion. Mentality : timid, easily weeps with amel. by consolation. Ranunculus (6) – Indifferently laterality (predominantly left sided). Aggr. in rainy weather and by storm. Morning and evening, by movement, Complementary Rhus tox. General aggr. by changes of weather and in humid cold.

Rhus tox (decimals 6, 30, 200) – Indifferent laterality. Aggr. by rest. Cannot remain immobile. Constantly changes position at night, by humidity, beginning to move, lying on the back or on the right side;by fatigue, by cooling after sweat. Amel. by dry and hot weather, changing of position, by walk; by stretching, by hot application. Tearing pains with sensation of coldness, numbness, formication. Paralytic stiffness, sensation as if tendons are very short. Sciatica in persons drenched in water after being hot, or who have lain down in humid place. Consequence of overwork. Rheumatic ground.

Mauritius Fortier-Bernoville
Mauritius (Maurice) Fortier Bernoville 1896 – 1939 MD was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become the Chief editor of L’Homeopathie Moderne (founded in 1932; ceased publication in 1940), one of the founders of the Laboratoire Homeopathiques Modernes, and the founder of the Institut National Homeopathique Francais.

Bernoville was a major lecturer in homeopathy, and he was active in Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, and a founder of the le Syndicat national des médecins homœopathes français in 1932, and a member of the French Society of Homeopathy, and the Society of Homeopathy in the Rhone.

Fortier-Bernoville wrote several books, including Une etude sur Phosphorus (1930), L'Homoeopathie en Medecine Infantile (1931), his best known Comment guerir par l'Homoeopathie (1929, 1937), and an interesting work on iridology, Introduction a l'etude de l'Iridologie (1932).

With Louis-Alcime Rousseau, he wrote several booklets, including Diseases of Respiratory and Digestive Systems of Children, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Rheumatism, treatment of hay fever (1929), The importance of chemistry and toxicology in the indications of Phosphorus (1931), and Homeopathic Medicine for Children (1931). He also wrote several short pamphlets, including What We Must Not Do in Homoeopathy, which discusses the logistics of drainage and how to avoid aggravations.

He was an opponent of Kentian homeopathy and a proponent of drainage and artificial phylectenular autotherapy as well.