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Group IV – Enlarged Glands in Children

Another symptom of the FLUORICUM ACIDUM child who is tired out at school is a feeling of numbness in the arms or legs. An odd thing about this numbness is that it does not come on from pressure; even when the child is still the arms and legs are liable to become numb.

The diarrhoeic attacks of FLUORICUM ACIDUM are always irritant diarrhoeas; there is a good deal of peri-anal irritation and possibly a number of painful peri-anal fissures.

FLUORICUM ACIDUM is really a hot-blooded SILICEA, with amelioration from motion, and with a cheerful outlook instead of the flat tired outlook of SILICEA types.

FLUORICUM ACIDUM and PULSATILLA patients are not easily confused for the PULSATILLA types are usually very much heavier in build, they have much less tension about them, are softer both mentally and physically. There is not the activity in PULSATILLA of the FLUORICUM ACIDUM case, they have a slower brain, are much more yielding, much less active. The PULSATILLA patient gets tired out with exertion, and the FLUORICUM ACIDUM patient is rather stimulated by it.

PULSATILLA is aggravated by exposure to cold water, gets chilled; the FLUORICUM ACIDUM types will bathe in cold water and it will wake them up. It is very much a question of degree; in one the patient is more taut, the other is gentle, yielding depressed.

FLUORICUM ACIDUM will suddenly get irritable, much more violently irritable than PULSATILLA, will strike when the PULSATILLA would probably break out into wrath and then weep. FLUORICUM ACIDUM is very much more like PHOSPHORUS, much more intense mentally, more active, more alive than PULSATILLA.

Douglas Borland
Douglas Borland M.D. was a leading British homeopath in the early 1900s. In 1908, he studied with Kent in Chicago, and was known to be one of those from England who brought Kentian homeopathy back to his motherland.
He wrote a number of books: Children's Types, Digestive Drugs, Pneumonias
Douglas Borland died November 29, 1960.