Air Passages.- Catarrhal symptoms become worse and worse.

She feels suffocated; wants the doors and windows open. — Much rattling of mucus in the lungs; cough worse in the morning.

— G.

Suppressed, choking cough. — G.

Does not walk erect; stoops or bends over forwards in walking or sitting. -.

Feeling as of a lump of ice in the right chest.

With single doses of Sulphur 55M., I have cured numerous cases of incipient phthisis, indicated by the usual symptoms. — Acute, plastic form of pleurisy, it will disperse rapidly; use the tincture.

Weakness in the chest in the evening.

Morning sweat setting in after walking.– H.

Chills and fever; no reaction; stupid; constantly sinking. Hot flushes, with spells of faintness, or passing off with a little moisture, and fainting with debility. — G.

Skin.- After violent scratching, aching numbness of the skin; swelling of the skin, even ulceration. — B.

In itch, Sulphur is the specific. The eruption is vesicular or pustular; much worse at night; warmth of bed greatly aggravates the itching.

In boils, nettle-rash, and nearly all kinds of skin diseases, this is the first remedy to be thought of.

Scrofulous people, that are frequently troubled with boils, and every little scratch has a tendency to fester.

Varicose ulcers, which bleed easily, secrete a fetid pus, and burn and itch much. — G.

Rhagades after washing. — LIPPE.

Hang-nails. — LIPPE.

Child dislike to be washed and bathed. — H.

Extremities.- Heat in the soles of the feet or cold feet, with burning soles; wishes to find a cool place for them, or puts them out of bed.

Unsteady gait; tremor of the hands.– H.

Standing is the most disagreeable position. — H.

Cramps in the calves and soles; particularly at night.– On going to sleep, one leg is suddenly drawn up and shot out again, particularly when rousing him. — RAUE.

Fever.- Dry, husky, scaly skin; no scaly skin; no sweat from beginning; pulse frequent; skin, especially of the feet, very hot; no change from day to day in cases of continued fever. In all such cases sulphur 3. M., in water every two hours, until sweat, which occurs always in about twelve hours, and is followed by convalescence.– DR. D.R. GARDINER.

An excellent remedy in chronic cases of ague; take all the constitutional symptoms.

Chills and fever; no reaction; stupid; constantly sinking.

In chronic rheumatism, Sulphur is of great value. Comes out of her spasms happy; at the end of each spasm, voids large quantities of colorless urine. — G.

During the action of Sulphur, all excretory organs are brought to increased activity, discharging carbon and nitrogen from the body. — H. N. M.

Adapted to lymphatic temperaments, venous constitutions, disposed to hemorrhoids, with constipation, or morning diarrhoea; to scrofulous diseases which seem to get almost- well when they return again and again, and especially to diseases caused by suppressed itch. In most chronic diseases a few doses of Sulphur at first will be found of great benefit.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881