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Nash gives the symptoms of homeopathy drug Sulphur in relation to Catarrh, Laryngitis, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pertussis, Pneumonia, Pleuritis, Tuberculosis & Cough. Leaders in Respiratory Organs by E.B. Nash, 1909….

Respiratory organs

Sulphur 30th once in 2 hours will complement and often conquer the disease in its first stage. These two remedies will abort many cases, if we are called to a case of this character in time, as I can affirm from experience. Pneumonia.

Sulphur follows well either of these two remedies, especially in psoric constitutions, and will often “finish up” the case and prevent its running into the chronic form.

Sulphur has always, and perhaps always will, occupy first place in the third stage, as indeed it does in many other diseases where the process of absorbing the effusions which are the result of acute or even chronic inflammation is desired. It is especially useful if after the violence of the storm of active inflammation is passed there remain fitful flashes of fever ending in debilitating sweats, faintness or weakness.These are the cases which do not finish up their stages well, and it is generally on account of psoric taint in the patient. Hence relapses occur again and again on account of deficient vital reaction. We have not only the disease to deal with, but a condition of the patient which existed before hand, perhaps all his life. Such patients will have Sulphur symptoms in general. The case will not clear up, the apparently indicated remedy does not act satisfactorily. It may be a Sulphur subject, viz – lean, stoop – shouldered persons, who walk or sit stooped, standing especially aggravates. Skin eruptions are present, or where in his usual condition, but especially if they have disappeared during the progress of the disease. If this latter is the case probably a restoration of the skin eruption will be necessary before there will be satisfactory improvement or cure. Burning in chest, skin or locally in many places, and especially of the feet, which must be stuck out of bed to cool them. Weakness, or weak, empty or gone feeling at the stomach, especially worse at 11 A.M.; white tongue with very red tip and borders, bright redness of the lips as if the blood would burst through, or redness of any and all orifices. All or any of these symptoms present will point to this great antipsoric, and when we remember its strong powers of absorption, we may then readily understand why Sulphur leads the van in the list as a “finisher” of the case. Pneumonia.

Sulphur is of course never to be forgotten in any stage, especially in psoric complication, and also in this convalescent stage which we wish to prevent running into a chronic condition leading to permanent lung trouble. Pertussis (Whooping Cough).

Sulphur is perhaps oftener indicated in pulmonary tuberculosis or phthisis in the first stage than any other remedy. Generally the exciting cause is some acute affection like laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, etc., and on account of tuberculous tendency of the patient convalescence “hangs fire.” The hepatization, pleuritic effusion, or other effects of the acute trouble do not “clear up.” Now as is well known, Sulphur is a powerful absorbent, or, as Father Hering used to say, “a finisher.” If given early (on indications, of course), the chronic troubles consequent on only imperfectly cured cases will be avoided. Symptoms indicating are – the pulse and temperature do not go and say down, there are hot flushes of fever by spells, and this is followed by debilitating sweats; strength and appetite come slowly or none at all, while the patient still is thirsty as the characteristics put it – “drinks much eats little. ” The circulation is weak and uneven, as is manifest in the alternately cold and hot burning feet, which must be put out of bed to cool them. If the patient is psoric, which is generally the case, the eczema or other skin troubles have disappeared during the sickness and do not re – appear. Psoric history is always a point toward Sulphur.

“Nightly suffocating attacks, wants doors and windows open.” Cough may be dry or loose and rattling. Great sense of weakness in the chest when talking or reading ( Stann. ) Pain running through left upper chest to scapula ( Myrtus, Pix liquida, Theridion and Tuberc. ). Morning diarrhoea driving out of bed, if present, is a strong indication for Sulphur. These symptoms are often present in such cases, and the remedy should not be given too low or too often repeated to get the best results. Or, if you must repeat, do so for a day or two and then give Sac. lac. and wait for results.

Sulphur, especially if the pleuritis seems to get a little better and relapses again and again. The fever comes and goes in fitful flashes, followed by spells of sweat and debility. Again the patient complains of burning, especially of the feet, which must be uncovered or stuck out of bed. There may be diarrhoea worse in the A.M. The lips are not so dry, cracked or blistered as in Bryonia and Rhus tox., but are very red, sometimes vermilion red. This remedy will, when these symptoms are present, often finish up the case, even to absorption of large quantities of effusion. It should be watched “out” for in connection with any of the other remedies and may be interpolated with advantage in any and all stages of the disease.

Sulphur, may now come in. There is still some fever which comes and goes in flashes of heat, which pass off with a little sweat and debility, there are faint weak spells, and generally, on enquiry will often disclose a psoric taint which is very apt to stand in the way of satisfactorily indicated drugs.

A dose of this remedy may clear up the case and secure prompt recovery or pave the way to the more successful employment of other remedies. Acute bronchitis.

Cough character – Dry, short, violent. Dry cough, worse nights, at other times loose cough, with rattling and gagging; expectoration greenish lumps, or sometimes blood mixed with pus. Sputa oppressive ( Psorinum and Sanguinaria ).

Cough aggravated by – worse talking eating, breathing in cold air, lying.

Cough ameliorated by – worse sitting up.

Cough Concomitants – Chest sensitive on percussion, in sports. Soreness or stitch in upper portion of left chest.

Burning in chest with heat in face. Rattling in chest when talking; weakness in chest. Flushes of heat all over Burning in feet. Faint spells. Want of air, wants windows open.

This remedy has such a wide range of action and covers so many symptoms that it is apt to come into use in many cases, and especially if on account of psoric complications other seemingly indicated remedies do not act. It will become, as Hering used to call it, a “finisher” of acute cases which convalesce unsatisfactorily. It promotes absorption of disease products, as effusions etc., and promotes the resolution of unresolved pneumonias, the hepatizations, etc. It will cover many cases of incipient phthisis, and here ( must be given high to get its best work. No remedy has a winder range of action or deeper and more lasting results. It is especially indispensable in chronic diseases and in those tending to become so.

Dr. E.B. Nash 1838- 1917, was considered one of our finest homeopaths and teachers. He was Prof. of Materia Medica at the N.Y. Homoeopathic Medical College and President of International Hahnemannian Assoc. His book Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics is a classic. This article is from: :The Medical Advance - A monthly magazine of homoeopathic medicine - edited and published by H.C. Allen, M. D.