Hypochondriasis in studious men; sitting too much at home; with abdominal complaints and constipation.

All these symptoms show that diseases of the head and mind, are merely symptomatic, caused by some disease in the abdominal viscera.

Digestive Organs.-Very dyspeptic; much excited by coffee, spirituous liquors, or highly seasoned food.

Putrid taste low down in the fauces, when hawking up mucus.

Food and drink have a putrid smell to her; cannot bear the odor of tobacco.

Nausea and vomiting every morning, with constipation of large, difficult stools, and great depression of spirits.

Tastes is sour, musty, bitter, with a sensation of hunger, but the appetite is immediately satisfied, after eating ever so little.-HEMPEL.

Mouth and fauces full of fetid ulcers.

Mouth dry and sore, with bloody saliva.

No appetite, with complete loss of energy.

Nausea and sour, bitter vomiting.-RAUE.

Rising of sour and bitter fluid from the stomach.-RAUE.

Excessive acid risings, from the stomach.

Vomiting of sour mucus in the morning.

Sudden feeling of repletion after swallowing a small quantity of food.

Flatulent distention after eating or drinking.

Very dyspeptic, with tongue red and sore and coated with yellow at the base.

Cardialgia, with clawing, constricting, in the pit of the stomach, extending to the small of the back or anus; brought on by coffee, liquor, nostrums, sedentary habits, mental exertions.- RAUE.

Pressure over the solar plexus brings on the spasms.-RAUE.

No remedy is more useful in cardialgia than Nux vomica.

Colic with pressure upwards towards the thorax.-RAUE.

Hepatic colic, with sudden severe pain in the right side; spasms of abdominal muscles.

Hemorrhoidal colic, with hard tearing, pressing pains in the small of the back and lower bowels, frequent and ineffectual urging to stool; vertigo, headache.-HEMPEL.

Flatulent colic, as if the bowels, bladder and rectum were pressed upon with a sharp instrument.-HEMPEL.

Spasmodic, recent hernia (Strychnia).

Sensation as if a hernia would form.-F.

Constipation, with ineffectual and frequent urging to stool, with a sensation as if the anus was contracted.

The great key for Nux is constipation, with frequent but ineffectual desire for stool.

Piles, with shooting shocks in the loins; contractive pains which hinder from rising up, and ineffectual urging to evacuate.

Hemorrhoids, with frequent hemorrhages.

Habitual constipation of large and difficult stools, with frequent urging to go to stool.

`Frequent calls to go to stool, but not able to defecate.

Urinary Organs.-Frequent urination; she passes little and often, with much burning.

Paralytic incontinence of urine from irritation of the lower portion of the spine.

Nocturnal enuresis; urinates very often. Bloody urine.

Generative Organs of Men.-Nocturnal emissions, from plethora of the sexual organs; or emissions without erections, followed by debility and great relaxation of the parts.-HEMPEL.

This is the best remedy we have for spermatorrhoea, with sexual dreams and nocturnal emissions.

Women.-Great excitement of the sexual organs of women, with sexual dreams at night and sexual orgasm.

Menstruation very irregular.

Menstruation too early, too profuse, with weak faint spells.

Menses irregular, and never at the right time.

Every pain during labor produces a desire to defecate, or to urinate, particularly the former.

Pressure towards the genital organs early in the morning, in bed, or during a walk, with a sensation of contraction of the abdomen.

Fetid leucorrhoea, tinging the linen yellow, with pain in the uterus, as if bruised.

Much pain in the lumbar region.-HEMPEL.

Much pain in the small of the back, which is made worse by turning in bed.

Respiratory Organs.-Dry coryza; worse at night; nose completely filled up.

Dry, hard cough, with great soreness of the abdomen.

Dry, racking cough, where the stomach becomes very sore, is very characteristic of Nux vomica.

Spasmodic asthma; muscles of the chest become rigid; great anxiety and suffocation.

Spinal Symptoms.-Tetanic convulsions, excited by contact, noise or any external stimulus.-HEMPEL.

Affects the cerebro-spinal axis is the same manner as that unseen, immaterial, impalpable cause, which, by its action upon the cerebro-spinal axis, leads to the production of tetanic spasms.-HEMPEL.

Paralysis, resulting from softening of that portion of the cerebro-spinal axis which sends off nerves to the paralyzed limb; the temperature of the limb is diminished, especially in paralysis of drunkards.-HEMPEL.

Most suitable to spinal meningitis before the disease has progressed to the stage of actual exudation.-BAEHR.

Epilepsy, where the spinal centres are prominently involved, as shown by the shocks and jerks so characteristic of Nux vomica.-HEMPEL.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881