
14. Miss A. T -, aet. 32, April 26th took 2 dr. 2nd dil. Great confusion of head, worst at noon, relieved by washing face in cold water, weakness in whole body. – 27th. 2 dr., great weariness of whole body, and a tensive spasmodic feeling in houghs till e. Appearance of menses 5 day too early. – 28th. Quite well. – 29th. Menses stopped m., but returned slightly p. m. Hardly any on 30th. – May Ist. Menses gone. The scantiness and short duration of menses was quite unusual. Great weariness and spasmodic drawing in houghs till 2nd. – 3rd Recommenced taking 2 dr. After some hours great confusion of head and some feeling of catarrh, relieved by cold washing, open air and exercise, worse when sitting and when stooping. P. m., fulness of head. Cannot sleep at n. on account of excited imagination. For several n. has passed the n. half asleep with wild phantasies.. – 4th. 2 dr. A.m., confusion of head, chiefly in region of frontal sinus. After dinner was for some hours as if stupefied with vertigo, had to lie down; this was attended with great languor of whole body, and the spasmodic sensations in houghs. At n. slept soundly and as if stupefied, was not inclined to get up in m. – 5th. No med. Dull pressure on eyelids with compression of head, chiefly posteriorly. Since commencement of menses strong urging to urinate and cutting and burning when urine passed. – 12th. Well. – 14th. 2 dr. of a dil. between 1st and 2nd. – 15th. 2 dr. of same dil. Rheumatic pain in left knee lasting some day, hindering her in bending it, e.g. when going upstairs. When she bent it quickly felt tightness of ligaments, and the inner condyle of femur tender on pressure. – 16th and 17th. 2 dr. – 18th. No med. – 19th. 3 dr. Each day confusion of head. – 16th. Repeated tinnitus aurium, difficulty of getting to sleep at n., uneasy tossing about. – 17th. Immediately after going to bed, tinnitus aurium for 2 hours, accompanied by palpitation of heart and feeling as if blood were too restless, many disagreeable phantasies until she fell asleep. – From 16th to 18th slight cutting in abdomen with frequent but ineffectual call to stool. Great longing for acid and piquant things. – 19th. Soon after dose, sensation as if blood were in mouth and loud rumbling in abdomen. Immediately after rising for about 1 hour small dark spots, changing their position, before eyes. Toothache, to which she was subject, much oftener and much worse than before. All through proving out of spirits and sad, very much affected by the crying of a child, which had never occurred before. Took no more after 19th. – 25th. Great confusion of head and pains in sacrum. – 26th. Confusion of head and toothache in m. – 27th. Toothache with headache and excitement of circulation. – 28th. Sacral pains. – 29th. Toothache. – 30th. Confusion of head and toothache. – 31st. Disagreeable relaxation and heaviness of limbs. Severe toothache when heated. – June 4th. Nausea, great weariness and relaxation of arms and hands, disinclination for all occupation. – 5th. Nausea, anorexia, heaviness in limbs. – 6th. Same state. – 7th. Menses 14 day too late. (Ibid., 147.)

15. Mrs. H. L -, aet. 32, took, Oct. 24th, 7 a. m., 3 dr. 2nd dil. some time afterwards continued formication and gone – to – sleep feeling in right arm. After 4 hours single stitches in occiput, sometimes on one side, sometimes on the other. – 25th, 7:30 a. m., 6 dr. From 11 a. m. till 4 p. m. remarkable numb feeling in left leg from knee to toes, sometimes sensation as if hot blood flowed into it. – 26th. No med. Transient numb feeling in both feet. – 27th. In course of day here and there, transient drawing and numb pains. P. m., without cause much excited. – 28th, 7 a. m., 8 dr. Drawing forcing towards pelvis and rectum as if menses were coming on, some ineffectual urging to stool. Urine when passed quite clear, on standing quite cloudy and turbid. – 30th, 7 a. m., 10 dr. From 2 p. m. on posterior aspect of thighs from lumbar region to knees a dull pain, such as is felt after lifting a great weight, worse when at rest, and increasing so much in evening that she had to leave a party and go home, relieved by movement, only going off when got to bed. Legs go to sleep on crossing them. Transient feeling of catarrh consisting of sneezing and stuffed nose. Since yesterday p. m., hurried call to urinate with some forcing. – 31st, 7:30 a. m., 8 dr. At n. alternate going to sleep of arms and legs, waking her. – Nov. 1st, 7:30 a. m., 10 dr. After 1 hour violent shootings in left ankle – joint, going off in 1 hours – 2nd. No med. No symptoms. – 3rd, 7:30 a. m., 9 dr. At n. going to sleep of arms, drawing and forcing in hypogastrium as if menses were coming on. Transient shooting and pressive sensation in various joints. Arms and legs easily go to sleep. – 4th, 7:30 a. m., 8 dr. Almost all m. drawing and forcing down in hypogastrium as if menses were coming on, 8 day before expected time. Drawing pressive pains in various joints of various degrees of intensity, always recurring, worst when at rest, relieved by movement. – 5th. No med. No symptoms. – 6th. Soon after rising drawing pains in joints. Very frequent going to sleep of limbs and numbness in arms when working; transient pains in joints. – 7th. 10 dr. All day violent drawing pains in various joints, relieved by movement. In right finger – joints frequent stiff swollen feeling, so that she must cease needlework. Soon after taking dose feeling as if catarrh were coming on, going off after sneezing. P. m., for some hours roughness in throat and stuffed nose till e. No more med. taken; after this slight pains in joints occasionally. On 11th, her usually regular menses came on 2 day tool soon and scanty. In Oct. and Nov. of next year took, every time 8 day before expected menses, every m. 4 dr. 1st dil. She felt all day before they appeared drawing and forcing in iliac region as if menses were coming on. The first time the menses came on 3 day too soon and were more scanty. The second time the blood was darker than usual. During the days of the proving in the latter months she had frequent and persistent vertigo, so that she was for hours as if intoxicated, or there was heaviness and confusion of head with feeling as if she would have an attack of apoplexy. During the proving she was very irritable and excited, so that the merest trifle would irritate her very much. In the last proving she had pains in joints, especially shooting in ankles, often lasting for hours at a time, relieved by movement. She had frequently going to sleep of lower and upper extremities. Also frequent transient feeling of catarrh. (Ibid., 151.)

16. Miss N. S -, aet. 23, took each time, about 8 day before expected menses until they appeared, every day from 3 to 7 dr. 1st dil. From Sept. 19th she took daily for 8 day 3 dr. without experiencing any effect. For 4 day, until menses came, daily 5 dr. On all 4 day about 2 hours after the dose, chilliness all over body, lasting 1/2 hours, with such a staggering gait that she thought she must fall. At 1 p. m. dull pain and heaviness of head and perspiration for more than 1 h. The menses were less painful and more scanty than usual. In Nov. she took the first 3 day 5 dr. without effect, then for 5 day 7 dr. On each of these latter day, a. m., for 1/2 hour chilliness and uncertainty of gait, and. p.m., heaviness of head and perspiration. These symptoms came on daily 1 hour later, in the intervals she felt quite well. On 9th day of the proving the menses appeared, much scantier and without pain, but with sleeplessness, loathing at butcher’s meat, and bad appetite. They lasted only 3 d. In Dec. she took for 8 day 7 dr., m. From 4th day she had feverish symptoms both a. m. and p. m., coming on each day 1 hour later till the menses appeared. They were painless, very scanty and lasted only 2 d. She took no more med. after this. – Jan. 29th. Menses returned, quite painless and very scanty, lasting only 2 d. In the beginning of Dec. she was affected as never previously. At 10 p. m. anxiety about heart, accompanied by nausea, and peculiar feeling of hunger, removed by eating, but sometimes tormenting her for hours in bed. In Nov. she had another never before experienced ailment. A shooting began from sternum, and went through chest to below left scapula, was aggravated by working, slighter by day, worst in evening when spinning. In the evening this shooting is generally ushered in by slight chilliness, soon followed by slight perspiration. If she did not keep quiet during this state she was seized with anxiety and palpitation of heart. Pressure on the part of head affected was very painful. She had frequent tinnitus aurium, sometimes changing into beautiful tunes. She had often palpitation of the heart, during which she was much inclined to weep, and felt very unhappy without cause. All the other symptoms went away by the middle of February, but in July, when seen, she had distinct sufferings in the canal of the spinal cord, which she had felt since the previous Nov. The spinal processes of the dorsal vertebrae betwixt the scapulae were very sensitive to pressure, or else the muscles betwixt the dorsal spine and the left scapula, less so on the right side. Shooting pains commencing from the spot near the left scapula went through the centre of the chest to the front or vice versa, and sometimes extended to upper arm. By leaning firmly on the back, by rest and warmth, the pains were relieved, but they were distinctly aggravated by lifting, working, during menses, and especially by disagreeable mental emotions, notably anger. These symptoms were not quite gone in the autumn, though they were milder. (Ibid., 153.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.