
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Phosphorus, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Common transparent phosphorus.


1. HAHNEMANN, Chronic Diseases, part v of original, vol. of translation. Contains 1915 symptoms, 1169 from self, 662 from 9 fellow – observers, and 84 from authors.

2. ALPHONSE LE ROI took from 2 to 3 gr. Ph. in treacle. Was tormented by very disagreeable affections for some hours, felt heat and gnawing pains in stomach, which seemed to him to be distended with air, and he had frequent ineffectual efforts to vomit. Relieved by sipping cold water. Urine deep red colour. Next day had great increase of sexual power and scarcely resistible desire for coitus. (Mem. de la Soc. med. d’emulation de Paris, 1979, t. i, p. 171.)

3. C. E. WEIGEL took 1 gr. of Ph. dissolved in oil. After 1/2 hour pulse increased in rapidity by 12 beats, on repeating the dose by 20 beats per minute. Increased heat of whole body with feeling of internal itching and great congestion of blood to head. (diss. in aug., 1797, p. 14.)

4. FRANZ BOUTTAZ dissolved 4 gr. Ph. in 3iv naphtha vitrioli, and took of this 20 dr. every 2 h. The 1st dose caused slight nausea, relieved by drinking water. The 2nd dose caused ravenous appetite, pulse became more lively, heat of whole body increased, felt a peculiar comfort and lightness of whole body. After 1 1/2 hour ate with the greatest appetite; 2 hours after eating continued the med.; he took in all 5 doses. Nothing disagreeable ensued, he felt extremely well towards e. Passed much flatus, felt increased muscular power and unusual excitement of the genital parts. The quantity of urine passed was increased. (Quoted by SORGE, Der Phosphor, 115.)

5. SUNDELIN took, 2 hours after breakfast, 1/4 gr. Ph. in oil. Soon great heat in stomach, and later in whole abdomen. After 1 hours painful vomiting and diarrhoea with febrile symptoms. For several day stomach remained very tender, could only bear light food. (BIBRA and v. GEIST, Krank. d. Arb. in d. Phosphor. Zundh., 225.)

6. Dr. A. L -, aet, 40 phlegmatic temperament, well, with the exception of a slight catarrh, took, October 10th, 7 a. m., 4 dr. of 3rd dil. After 1/2 hour, when washing, heaviness of right arm, it cannot be easily raised, as if stiff in shoulder – joint, lasting 1/4 h. Frequent rumbling in bowels. – 12th, 8:30 a. m., 6 dr. After 1/4 hour, when washing, slight pressive pain in muscles of ulnar side of right forearm, followed by heaviness of whole arm, more persistent than yesterday. Stiffness of shoulder located in deltoid muscle. Drawing in right hand. In evening burning pricking in finger – tips of right hand, several times repeated. At n. unusual and vivid dreams. – 13th, 7:45 a. m., 8 dr. Recurrence of stiffness in right shoulder, a kind of tension extending up to occiput. – 15th, 6:45 a. m., 10 dr. After 5 m. a shoot upwards in right half of brain towards right parietal protuberance followed by pressure and heaviness of right arm. – 18th, 6:45 a. m., 10 dr. While washing, a slight burning pressive sensation in right shoulder – joint when raising arm. In deltoid muscle, as also in upper dorsal muscles, up to nape, a tensive – pressive sensation. Heaviness of right arm, sensation when it hangs down as if it were drawn downwards. During a somewhat unsatisfactory thin stool burning in anus; after 2 hours flat taste and frequent eructation with taste of food. – 19th and 20th, no med. On two successive n. emission with confused dreams. – 21st. 12 dr.; when washing, and for some time afterwards, the same sensation in shoulder and nape and heaviness of arm. In occiput heaviness and pressive pain. Frequent eructation, taste of food even some hours after eating. Next n. uncommonly vivid and persistent dreams. – 22nd, no med. Tension in all dorsal muscles. 6 p. m., after discharge of fetid flatus, cutting in abdomen and a thin brownish stool. Frequent eructation with taste of food during day – 24th, 7 a. m., 10 dr. After 10 m. in 2nd phalanx of right middle finger a slight burning going to and fro in bone. A pressive sensation along extensor digit medii up to middle of forearm. Later the same in 2nd and 4th fingers. During and after washing, the usual heaviness in right arm, tension and pressure in shoulder and nape muscles of right side. Noon, recurrence of slight gnawing pain in 2nd phalanx of right middle finger. – 25th, no med. Soon after rising in m. usual heaviness in right arm when writing. P. m., spirits depressed, disinclination for work. In evening suddenly violent sneezing with heaviness of limbs and confusion of head. – 30th, 7 a. m., 10 dr. Soon pressure in stomach and rumbling in bowels. When brushing teeth, the tensive stiffness and heaviness of right shoulder so severe he had to let the arm fall several times. – 31st, 6:30 a. m., 10 dr. No symptoms. – Nov. 1st, no med. Catarrhal symptoms without having had a chill. – 2nd, no med. Last n., as generally during the proving, uncommonly vivid dreams, remembered in m., which was unusual. When washing the stiffness and pressure in shoulder and heaviness of arm, also felt when writing. P. m., occasionally transient pressive pain in side of occiput as if in bone. – 3rd, no med. Same sensation in left side of occiput, frequently recurring. 9 a. m., on outer side of right leg, about the middle of m. tibialis anticus, in crossing legs four stabs as with a knife. The same pains repeatedly during day at varying intervals, but more of the character of burning shooting. They were chiefly felt when sitting and when crossing legs, and when standing, not when moving. In addition, transient, sometimes shooting, sometimes pressive sensation in various joints and other parts of body. – 4th, 7 a. m., 4 dr. After 1/4 hour painful stiffness in hands, particularly right middle finger. When brushing teeth and combing hair or raising arm, the sensation in shoulder, the stiffness, tension and pressure were worse than ever, so that he must let his arm fall several times; these feelings lasted all the m. Transient pressive and boring pains as if in bone in left thigh and leg. When sitting unusual numb feeling in feet, especially when covering them. – 5th, no med. When washing, brushing teeth and combing hair the usual heaviness of right arm, stiffness and pressure in right shoulder were much felt. The burning shooting pain in right m. tib. ant. recurs frequently in course of a. m. No more med. taken. – 6th. The above – described pain in m. ant. tib. several times, which once extended to m. ext. comm. The sensation in right shoulder, back and forearm was very marked on 7th and lasted to some extent for four weeks. The consequence of the proving was a diminution of the sexual desire and too speedy ejaculation during coitus. This lasted at least four months. ( SORGE, op. cit., 123.)

7a. Dr. B -, aet. 54, began from Jan. 16th to 25th with the 25th dil., which he took for 5 day without much effect. He only felt slight urging in isthmus or neck of bladder, which was relieved by passing urine. A similar symptom occurred when taking the 12th dil. On Jan. 22nd to 29th he took every morning at 5 a. m. 5 dr. 2nd dil. without any effect. – Feb. 7th, 5 a. m., 6 dr. During day had several times sudden urging to pass urine. Some prostatic fluid and urethral mucus came away. – 8th. 9 dr., several times urging to pass urine, which smells of violets. – Till 14th every day a dose, rising to 15 dr. No symptoms referable to the med. – 21st to 23rd, recommenced taking the Ph. – 24th. Pulsation in left hollow upper canine tooth when the cold air comes to it, frequently repeated (he has never had toothache). After continuing to take the same dil. up to 15 dr. the only noteworthy symptom he experienced was on March 24th, – the last right upper molar somewhat loose, sensitive, and sunk down.

7b. April 7th, began to take 12th oil., which he continued with interruptions till May 24th. The only noteworthy symptom occurred repeatedly soon after ingestion; it was burning in tongue, which on the 24th May lasted all day, and in evening spread all over palate.

7c. May 27th, 5 a. m. 3 dr. of “alcohol phosphoratus.” soon burning in plate, less on tongue, in forenoon. – 28th and 29th. 4 and 6 dr., slight burning. – From 29th to June 5th took daily from 3 to 10 dr., which only caused slight burning on tongue and palate.

7d. Oct. 9th, 5 dr. 10th, 6th dr, 11th, 7 dr. 3rd dil. On last day p. m. occasional dull stitches in left side of chest, relieved by deep inspiration. – 12th. 8 dr., soon transient burning on tip of tongue, later vertigo on quickly turning and raising head. – 13th. 3 dr., slight burning in tongue. On going upstairs bruised feeling in legs. – 18th. 3 dr., no effect. – 29th. 6 dr., burning in throat.

7e. Nov. 3rd m., 3 dr. alc. pt. Transient burning in tongue. – 4th, 5 a. m., 6 dr. Burning in tongue all a. m. In p. m. this extended to larynx, causing repeated cough; it extended upwards to choana, causing there false smell, urine of violet odour. Evening, 3 dr., and also 5th, m.; slight burning. – 5th, 9:30 p. m, burning in tongue till 11 p. m., and burning smarting sensation in palate, with dryness of throat; urine of violet odour. – 6th. 4 dr., burning in tongue and in throat, great relaxation of genitals, weak erections, transient oppression of chest, and dull pain in left thorax like rheumatism. – 10th, 5 a. m., some dr. Burning in tongue extending to palate. P. m., dry feeling on tongue and thirst; increased urging to urinate, shooting drawing in middle of urethra. – 11th. 3 dr., after coffee p. m. great thirst and frequent micturition; feeling in urethra as if prostatic fluid came to orifice, for 1/4 hour, wetting him while walking. At n. dry feeling in mouth and burning on tongue. – 12th, 4 a. m., 3 dr., after which he fell asleep. At 6 a. m. nightmare, so that he cried out, as he dreamt he was in danger. P. m., much thirst, dry feeling in mouth, frequent urging to urinate, urine of violet odour, acid. Towards evening for a short time glassy mucus in orifice of urethra. Restless sleep at n., disturbed towards m. by a drawing pressive pain involving left side of thorax and abdomen, relieved by rubbing and removed by eructation of air and discharge of flatus. Tongue all day as if burnt. P. m., dryness of mouth with thirst, tongue swollen, especially on left side; it is red and the papillae swollen into vesicles. – 14th. Tip of tongue still as if burnt, and left border of tongue swollen. P. m., wet feeling at orifice of urethra, dryness of mouth and thirst. Increased urging to urinate. – 15th. Tongue sensitive, its left border still swollen, yellow moisture at orifice of urethra. Dryness on tongue. evening, pruritus in glans penis, early drowsiness, sleep restless. At midnight emission without dream, after that slept better. – 16th, p. m., after coffee frequent urging to urinate, thirst and dryness of mouth moderate. After the proving he had insufficient erections during coitus. (Ibid., 126.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.