Lobelia inflata

9. A medical student named BIRKNER, aet. 23, of middle height and vivid colour of cheeks, and of a scrofulo-venous constitution. He had suffered from various ailments as a child, including scarlatina followed by dropsy; was long in weak health, and had some deviation of the spine. Two years previously he suffered from haemorrhoids, which, however, entirely disappeared. He suffers in winter from slight catarrh, and is habitually constipated, not having an action of the bowels oftener than every 2nd d.

9a. July 25th, 1839, took 4 dr. at 7 a. m., pulse 56, followed at once by scraping in throat and warmth in stomach. In open air felt pressing pain in occiput lasting until midday. After dinner pulse 68, and in evening 59. Hiccup several times about 6 p. m.; about 8 some return of occipital headache; stool as usual in e. No change in urine either in quantity or quality. 26th. -8 dr. at 7 a. m.; at once dryness in throat and warmth in stomach. Slight headache, especially on going upstairs. Towards evening hiccup. Pulse and urine as usual. 27th. -Took 16 dr. at 7 a. m., followed by dryness in throat. On moving, confusion of head, especially at vertex. Pulse and urine normal, but urine has a thin film, like a mist, upon it. Stool in evening as usual. 28th. -No medicine. Pulse, m., 56; after dinner, 70; evening, 64. Urine normal. No symptoms all day, nor the 2 following d.

9b. Aug. 24th. -10 dr. at 7 a. m. At once scraping in throat, eructations and sensation of burning rising from stomach; warmth in stomach. After eating great dryness and scraping in throat, not relieved by drinking, and lasting 1 h. Pressure in stomach after a small meal. In evening heat of face and peculiar dull tension in head. Pulse m., 56; after 1 hours same rapidity but rather small, and in evening 76. Urine normal. Stool in evening, although bowels had acted the day before. Sleep god. 25th. -20 dr. at 8 a. m.; at once heartburn, with flow of water in mouth; burning in throat soon changing to feeling of dryness and lasting all forenoon. Towards evening heat, and tendency to sweat, especially about face. Distension of abdomen with painful rumblings. Severe pressure in epigastrium. Sensation of fulness in chest, with somewhat short and superficial breathing (24 respirations per m.). Abdominal respiration appeared to be entirely absent. Pulse, m. 55, midday 82, evening 90; feebler than usual. Urine normal. About 9 p. m. bowels acted, stool more pappy than usual. 26th. -No dose. Slight nausea in m., going off after a draught of water. During day much distension with slight rumbling, tendency to sweat, feeling of languor, and slight pain in chest, aggravated on deep breathing. In evening heat and dull headache towards back of head. Urine normal and stool again in evening of a natural appearance. Pulse rather more rapid. 27th and 28th. -No dose; no symptoms except on 27th slight tickling below inferior extremity of sternum on deep breathing, and on 28th scarcely noticeable tension in region of lambdoidal suture. No stool either d.

9c. Sept. Ist. -40 dr. at 7 a. m. Pulse was 58 before dose; immediately after, scraping and painful soreness in throat with sensation of constriction of oesophagus passing from below upwards. Frequent eructation with flow of water in mouth. Embarrassment of breathing; respiration somewhat quickened, and accompanied with sensation as if insufficient, necessitating occasionally taking a deep breath. The abdominal breathing appeared lessened, and it was more than usually difficult to hold his breath. After 1 hours pulse 74; in afternoon 83, and at 10 p. m. 76; otherwise normal. After food fulness, pressure in region of stomach, rumbling in abdomen and slight confusion of head, which increased in evening to severe pressive headache with considerable heat of face. Th difficulty of breathing lasted only 2 h. Bowels acted, urine normal. 2nd. -No dose. Pulse, m., 56; midday, 75; evening, 68. Urine normal, no stool. In m. peculiar trembling in abdomen, as of an antiperistaltic movement in stomach, but without nausea. Pressure in occiput, relieved by taking off his hat. Breathing again feels insufficient, otherwise natural and easy. Loss of appetite. Experiment broken off. ( Ibid.)

10. ISIDOR MORZ, M. D., aet. 29, in robust health; small in stature; dark complexioned with yellow tinge; of melancholy temperament; and tolerably sensitive. Had tertian fever in Italy, but now quite well except for some degree of constipation. Feb. 6th, 1840. -Took 20 dr. in bed soon after walking; immediately felt considerable and penetrating burning scraping in throat from anterior palatal arch to larynx, causing, after 1/2 hours, frequent hawking of an abundance of mucus. After an hours only slight scraping, which appeared to be felt more at right side of larynx, but was always worse on swallowing. The scraping was perceptible until 11 a. m., gradually getting less, and in afternoon nothing was left of it. 7th. -Painful dreams in night, not, however, interrupting sleep. At 6 a. m. took 20 dr.; same scraping as before, but less burning. Soon after there was a very painful feeling of twisting in praecordial region lasting from 5- 8 m.; less mucus in throat than day before. At 8 a. m., moderate scraping, lasting only until 9. No other symptoms all day 8th. – 20 dr. in bed; some scraping as before, but less severe. 9th. -30 dr. 6 a. m.; besides scraping, frequent yawning for 2 or 3 m. after dose, internal restlessness, copious flow of thin saliva soon filling mouth; severe painful feeling of twisting in praecordium; nausea with cold sweat on head, especially face, and great inclination to vomit, which did not occur. This nausea, &c., lasted 5-8 m. and gradually passed off entirely in 1/2 h. Quite well after this. 10th. -At 6:30 a. m. 30 dr.; some scraping at once, and 2 m. later yawning, stretching, sweating of face, flow of saliva, slight inclination to vomit, and twisting pain in stomach. These last three symptoms less severe than day before. 11th. -10 dr. at 9 a. m.; slight transient scraping, as well as a sort of loathing in stomach itself. At 11 a. m. same dose; no more symptoms, excellent appetite for dinner. At 4 p. m. 10 dr. again, after which sensation of loathing returned, not more strongly but lasting longer. 12th. -Distressing dreams in n. At 8 a. m. 15 dr. Besides the scraping, violent and frequent hiccup came on 3 or 4 m. after dose, occurring about 20 times together, gradually lessening in intensity and disappearing. Frequent hawking on account of collection of mucus in throat. Took 15 dr. more at 4 p. m.; slight scraping only. 13th. -2 doses of 15 dr.; no new symptoms. 14th. -At 9 a. m. 50 dr. in a glass of water. Nausea both before and after dose; 1/2 hours later yawning and violent scraping in throat; frequent stretching and trembling in stomach, lasting 1 h. Good appetite at noon. Repeated dose at 3:30 p. m.; more burning than scraping for 1/2 h. Loamy taste left in mouth. 15th. -At 6 a. m. 75 dr. in water; nothing noticed beyond loathing and transient scraping. No stool for 1 1/2 d. At night all sorts of dreams. 16th. -At 9 a. m., 100 dr. in a glass of water. Transient scraping and loathing and shivering lasting till 11 o’clock. Several times belching of wind. Good appetite at dinner. Took 150 dr. at 3 p. m.; scraping, shivering from the loathing feeling, frequent belching, feeling of weakness and trembling of stomach, lasting longer than before, no more symptoms after 2 1/2 h. Subsequently on several day prover took more frequent doses of tinct., but did not obtain any new symptoms or striking increase of old ones. In consequence of this he brought his experiment to a close. It is especially noticeable that, in this case, small doses affected the throat chiefly, while large doses acted principally on the stomach. This agrees with the experience of American physicians. (Ibid.)

11. LAURA ECKH-aet. 21, born of healthy parents, slenderly built, with florid complexion, blue eyes, brown hair, tranquil disposition, and soft voice. Menstruation was regular, and accompanied with spasmodic pain, which had been present every mouth since she had amenorrhoea some years ago. Never seriously ill, digestion good, sleeps quietly, dreams but little, of regular habits, and in good health. The only noticeable peculiarity is that her hands perspired somewhat. May Ist, 1840. -Took 6 dr. overnight, and had scraping in throat at once and slight empty eructations in 1/4 hours; she passed a restless night, dreaming much. On awaking in m. cutting and drawing pain in abdomen. 2nd. -At 5 a. m. took 6 dr., thereupon scraping, chills, all over, pains in loins (1/2 hours after dose), soon passing off; appetite good. In afternoon, after a short walk, pains in back and belly, worse than in morning; also pain in chest and burning of eyes. Tiredness in back and heaviness of head all d. Before retiring took 6 dr.; no symptoms beyond scraping and eructations. Slept well. 4th. -No dose; no symptoms since last note. Took 6 dr. this m. Slight scraping and eructation. After breakfast pain in belly and back, especially the former, and pain in chest also. All symptoms disappeared in 1 hours 5th. -Took no med., but the pain in back and belly came on. 6th. -9 dr. Scraping, with abdominal pain, worse from eating. Took 9 dr. more on going to bed; restless sleep, with anxious dreams. 7th. -9 dr. this m. Same pains as before, with fatigue of limbs. In 1/2 hours later repeated dose with less effect than before. At 3 p. m. 20 dr.; pain in belly and severe pain in loins. At 6 p. m. 30 dr., and less result still. After supper some pain in abdomen. Before going to bed, 40 dr., followed by scraping, eructation, restless sleep, and on awaking next m. cramp in calves. 8th. -No dose. Slight pain in belly and loins. Half hours after breakfast burning pain under right breast, extending to pit of stomach, at first limited to an area about size of nut. When she moved sharply, took a deep breath, or sneezed, it caused a feeling as if something became displaced, and then went painfully back to its place again. Apart from these aggravating circumstances, the pain was only a slight burning. Towards midday the area of pain enlarged, in both directions, and in site of original pain a severe boring sensation developed. After dinner the pain increased, but passed off in about 1 hours, returned with increased severity about 4, and extended from before named spot right through body to back and under right shoulder. The painful parts felt as if paralysed, she could not move them; the pain and weakness passed off in about 1 1/2 h. Passed n. with anxious dreams after having taken another dose of 50 dr. Nothing noticeable to report of next menstrual period. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.