Ignatia amara

7. LIPPERT, after gradually increasing doses, taken without effect, took 180 dr. in 1 oz. water at 8 a. m.; at noon, and again at 7 p. m., had a half-liquid stool, although he suffered usually from constipation. (Ibid.)

8. MEURER, soon after 8 dr. in 1 oz. water, was seized with slight giddiness, lasting 1/2 hour. Same symptom was experienced more severely after 16 dr., whilst after 24 dr. giddiness lasted several hour continuously. After 32, dr. taken at 5 p. m. felt more severe giddiness, mingled with occasional single stitches in head lasting till 10 p. m. Sleep was restless and disturbed by dreams. Next morning felt quite well. A dose of 40 dr., taken next day, caused, very soon after swallowing, giddiness so severe that he staggered in walking, and could hold himself upright with difficulty. Single stitches passed through head, singing in ears set in, and objects before him were apparently in motion. Power of concentration of ideas was almost lost. Vertigo diminished during p. m., but lasted, with other effects, until late in evening. These symptoms were accompanied by nausea, abundant flow of saliva, and loss of appetite. Next day suffered from pressive headache, increased by taking good. This gradually diminished, but recurred from time to time for 2 days. (Ibid.)

9. PIENITZ took 50 dr. on June 15th, at 8 a. m., and felt soon after weariness in limbs, somnolence, and lack of appetite, lasting whole day. Towards 8 p. m., in addition to above, heaviness and confusion of head came on with painful pressure over eyes, besides pressure in eyeballs themselves, especially on looking at light sleepiness, and accelerated, though small, pulse. On awaking next morning, after quiet night, felt heaviness of head and pressure on and over eyes. At 10 a. m., had bitter eructations nausea, loss of appetite, and two loose stools. By 8 p. m. felt quite well. (Ibid.)

10. SEYFFERT, besides slight confusion of head, transitory vertigo and headache, and slight salivation, all coming on immediately after dose, experienced only persistent constipation even after raising dose to 100 dr. (Ibid.)

11. STROFER, after 9 dr. of strong tinct. (1 to 8), experienced dull, pressing headache spreading over whole head, and lasting 4 hour. After 14 dr., same symptoms occurred, but was not continuous. After lasting 1/2 hour, pain suddenly vanish, and than returned after a like period, and this was repeated all day. Same effects followed 18 dr. After 27 dr., had same headache, but lasting only 2 hours and not recurring. After 40 dr., taken August. 14th, at 8 a. m., felt no headache, but crawling and burning in anus and urethra, in latter especially on micturition; these lasted all day., being sometimes severe and accompanied by stinging pains, at other times much milder. Micturition more frequent than normal; stools natural. (Ibid.)

12. OTTO, 4 hours after taking 1/2 gr., felt only slight frontal headache over eyes, lasting 3 hours. After 1 gr., felt same symptom, but coupled with pain in occiput, spreading over mastoid process and at times extending to auditory apparatus for hearing appeared obtuse. These symptoms lasted till 4:30 p. m., and were succeeded by a noticeable pressure in thorax behind the sternum, which lasted till 10 p. m. On July 20th, at 8 a. m., took 1 1/2 gr. About 10 to 15 morning later by fixed pressing pain in region of stomach, lasting 10 morning. increased flow of saliva also came on soon after taking drug and lasted 1/2 hour. Dinner was eaten with relish, and bowels acted a second time during evening. At 10 a. m., pressure in forehead came on, spreading first to one part of head, then to another, but not remaining in any one spot; pain spread alternately to below orbits and into cheeks, but did not affect sight, and passed off at midday. At 9 p. m. same symptoms recurred, but more acutely, and lasted till 11 p. m. After 2 gr., same symptoms soon occurred, but was rather a heavy feeling than actual pain, and lasted till 11:30 a. m. at 4 p. m. it came on again almost a severely, and lasted more or less till 8 p. m. On 22nd, at 8 a. m., took 3 gr.; during first hour felt constant but from midday till evening several evacuations of natural stools took place; appetite was keen; 1 hour after dose, discomfort in head as from coryza came on, dull pressure in forehead spreading downwards into nostrils, and for 10 morning. there was feeling as if an acute coryza were commencing; as this feeling in nose diminished, it spread to other parts of head and so alternated till 10 a. m.; it was repeated from 11 till 12:30 more severely, and then finally vanished. On 23rd, at 8 a. m., took 4 gr. After 15 morning, urging to stool came on gradually increased, and during day bowels acted several times, but stools were natural in appearance. During p. m. noticed nothing unusual except occasional palpitation. At 8:30 p. m. was suddenly seized with pressure in head, spreading, as before first to one spot and then to another. slept well in spite of pain, but woke with it in morning, though not so severe, and felt unfreshed by sleep. By 9 a. m. it had increased to actual pain, and lasted to a moderate extent till 3 p. m. Appetite appeared good, but on attempting to eat felt as if already satisfy. Bowels acted again several times; faeces normal. Felt this day great lassitude and weariness as if he had over walked himself; was obliged to yawn constantly, but did not sleep during day. (Ibid.)

13. JORG took 1/2 gr. on July 14th at 8 a. m.; after 1/2 hour noticed peculiar earthy taste in mouth as from eating chalk; this lasted till 11 a. m., and was repeated from 4 till 6 a. m. During a. m. felt great thirst; this troubled him again in night, together with inward restlessness and increased internal warmth. After 1 gr. noticed same peculiar taste and thirst. From 5 till 8 p. m. suffered pressure in stomach alternating with pressing pain in region of coeliac ganglion (as if he had taken camphor). Took 1.1/2 g. soon afterwards noticed peculiar movements in stomach, at one time “drawing’ as if walls of stomach were being stretched, at another ” pressing” [though neither was actually painful]. Stomach felt alternately full and empty, latter feeling accompanied by bulimia. Towards 10 a. m. those were accompanied by painful feelings proceeding from stomach to spleen, and so on round to spinal column. At 11 a. m. these changed to transient stabbing pains, spreading also from epigastrium to thoracic cavity, but not affecting thoracic viscera. Towards midday, stabbing and burning in region of spleen set in again, lasted 1/2 hour, and was repeated several times during day. Between 10 and 12 a. m. felt pressure and drawing in sublingual glands, as if they were becoming inflamed and swollen. Between 10 and 11 slight empty feeling in head. Next day took 2 gr. fasting. Appetite was at first excited, then diminished. From 9 till 10 a. m. felt pressure in stomach, cutting in umbilical region, and general bearing-down feeling towards anus. About 11 a. m. was seized with gnawing canine hunger, with occasional nausea and inclination to vomit, lasting 1/2 hour. During p. m. bowels acted thrice, stools being small and soft. At 8:30 a. m., confusion of head, changing at 9 a. m. into pressing pain in vertex, set in. At 10 a. m., this spread more towards forehead and left eye, although whole head was included. Burning and lachrymation commenced in eyes, especially left; eyelids swelled and Meibomian glands secreted much mucus. Between 12 and 5 pain was absent; it returned at 5

but gradually decreased, only some pressure and heaviness of head remaining at bedtime. Slept tolerably, but awoke with inflammation of left and irritation of right eye, with increased secretion of mucus in both, diminishing gradually during day. On repeating same dose felt same effects upon abdomen, with feeling, in addition, as if diaphragm wee being pushed upwards; frequent belching of flatus also occurred, and somewhat relieved pain. At 10 a. m. was suddenly seized with feeling as if whole body was about to burst into sweat; this did follow, but was only partial; head symptoms were only felt during a. m. of 2 following day, and eyes were unaffected. On 2 following day a few cramp-like pains in stomach were noticed, and salivary glands on these day and later secreted white frothy saliva more abundantly than usual. Repeated same experiment a second time. After 1 hour considerable cutting feeling in abdomen, which was relieved by scanty liquid stool occurring 1/2 hour, later; with exception of some movements at epigastrium coming and going remained well until 4 p. m., when he was seized with the pressing headache, especially in right half of forehead, spreading to right eye and causing feeling as if right eyeball were being pushed out. At same time burning in eyes, lachrymation and flow of mucus from Meibomian glands took place. At 6 p. m. had feeling as of pushing from epigastrium into thorax, with cutting and constricting pains in hypogastrium. All these symptoms ceased at 8 p. m., and next day only felt frequent painful attacks in stomach and increased flow of white frothy saliva, both lasting till evening of 3rd day., when they finally ceased. (Ibid.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.