
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Ledum, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Ledum palustre, L. Wild rosemary, marsh tea. Nat. Ord., Ericacea.


1. HAHNEMANN, Mat. Medorrhinum Pura, part of 4 of original, vol. ii of translation. Contains 186 symptoms form self, 148 from six others, and 4 from authors.

2. LEMBKE took, Aug. 12th, 1848, 7 a. m., 5 dr. tinct. 8 a. m., eructation of air with smell and taste of med. Chilliness in back, repeatedly; head dazed and giddy. 9 a. m., pressure in right zygoma and right toes. Drawing in bones of head, right side, coming and going. Pressive pain in pit of stomach, increased by drawing in abdominal integuments. -13th, 6:30 a. m., 10 dr. Heaviness in sinciput. Nausea, eructation of air. Pressive pain in lower part of left leg, right knee, lower part of left upper arm, Ist phalanx of right middle finger, thoracic wall under right nipple, worst when walking. Wandering cutting pains in abdomen, increased by drawing in integuments. Nausea long continued. In bones of left leg, especially their lower part, severe pressive pain, when sitting forenoon, which lasts 2 hours chilliness in back. Boring in right inner ankle in bed, evening – 16th, 6:30 a. m., 15 dr. Drawing in lower part of bones of forearm. Shooting in anterior part of left shoulder-joint, and occasionally in lumber muscles. Eructations with taste of med. Dazed in head. In left middle finger feeling as if nail were raised up by pressure from below, prickling in tip of finger; this feeling continues in every position of hand, and varies in severity, lasts some h. Much salvia, constant nausea. Drawing in right tibia. Nausea, weak feeling, general perspiration, which becomes cool, with cold hands and feet, and horripilation through back from 12 till 1:30 p. m.-18th, 6 a. m., 20 dr. For last 3 day pains at junction of nasal cartilages with nasal bones, most when touched; in each nostril much thick mucus; breathes with difficulty through left nostril, as if m. m. were swollen. for some day on left temple and check some red painless pimples, slightly elevated. 6:45 a. m., tearing in frontal bones and left toes, and in joint of right big-toe. Much salvia, nausea, yawning, cold hands, frequent chill through back. Drawing in left tibia, posterior border of right scapula, right detailed muscle where it is attached to humerus, in muscles along dorsal vertebrae, in right parietal bone, right toes, soft parts above left knee. 8 a. m., pressive feeling in chest; drawing in left side. Noon, pressure in right ankle-joint. Painful feeling of weakness in left leg, and pinching in tendons and dorsum of left foot. 12:30 p. m., sneezing several times caused by tickling in left half of nose. constant nausea. 3 p. m., tearing on dorsum of right foot. Shooting in ball of left foot and above left knee, and above right wrist on its dorsal aspect. -19th. Frequent sneezing, much nasal mucus, pressure in forehead, occasional drawing in knees. Tearing in frontal bone, left side, e. No stool. -23rd, 6:30 a. m., 30 dr. 6:45 a. m., rumbling in belly. 7:15 a. m., confused in sinciput, increased salvia; while sitting persistent pressure on chest and behind 7th and 8th left costal cartilages, peculiar obtuse pressure on both sides of larynx. 8:15 a. m., pressing in left elbow, tearing in frontal bone. 9 a. m., frequent call to urinate; eructation of air, anorexia, warm feeling in stomach. Shooting in larynx, bringing tears into eyes. Drawings alternately in left leg, right knee, left hip-bone, left thoracic wall, left lower jaw-bone, r. Wrist. No stool and less urine to-day. -24th. On rising m. pain in right knee when moved. 6:45 a. m., 40 dr. 7:15 a. m., pricking at orifice of urethra, dazed and heavy in sinciput, boring in left lower maxilla, drawing through left leg; nausea and increased salvia. Tearing from lower part of left upper arm, through elbow to upper part of forearm, repeatedly, pressure in dorsal muscles right side, also in great trochanter and os ischii, left side. Pressure on upper part of chest impeding breathing, tearing in left tibia; pricking in borders of right eyelids towards inner canthus; tearing in frontal and parietal bones; shooting and tickling in larynx; pressure in temples, worst in left, prickling in left eve towards inner canthus. 8:15 a. m., shooting in left 2nd and 3rd toes. Drawing in right ankle and muscles about left shoulder-joint, severe tearing in right humerus. 9:15 am., frequent chill through back with cold hands. 3 pm., pain in joints and limbs, increased by taking wine. In evening the shooting in left tibia, and pressure left temple and. increase. 9:15 pm, drawing in l.4th and 5th metacarpal bones. urine scanty- 25th, m, shooting in left knee. 10 a. m., tearing in right metatarsus and in frontal bone. Pressure in bone behind left ear. Boring in upper border of left zygoma. frequent call to urinate all day 9 pm., pressive pain in 1st joint of both toes- 26th, 6:30 am., 50 dr. 8 am., drawing under scalp from crown and sides and forehead, great chilliness in back, cold extremities. The chilliness first between shoulders, later in lumbar region. Increased saliva. Shooting in colon, drawing in joint of right big toe, in left hip joint, in frontal bone. Call to urinate all d. Much borborygmus. Tearing in sole towards its outer border. Pricking in right big toe. Dull pressure deep in sides of lumbar vertebrate. Shooting in right shoulder joint, with pressure in muscle running over it, more when at rest. 10 am., voluptuous tickling in orifice of urethra repeatedly. Tearing in upper part of left ankle joint. boring in frontal bone, left side and, and left temple. drawing in dorsum of right foot, boring in left trochanter and tuber ischii. 4 p. m., several times during day violent cutting pains in umbilical region, with drawing of abdominal integuments. All symptoms worst when at rest. Stool firm and scanty. boring in right parietal bone. Obtuse knocking pains in and behind sternum- 27 th, 8 a. m., knocking boring in and behind left trochanter, drawing in right forearm. 10 a. m., boring in first joint of right thumb, with stiff feeling. frequent call to urinate all d. Small pimples at root of nose. 4. p.m., severe boring in right maxillary joint. 6:30 p. m., boring in first joint of right big toe. Drawing from left thigh to knee. Occasional during day commencement of nausea, but appetite good. Shooting in left knee, boring in right ankle, instep, and toes- 28 th, m., boring under left elbow, in right ankle while sitting. 3 p. m., repeated boring in left temple. 4. p. m., pressure in left side of lumbar vertebrae. 4:45 p. m., drawing from right axilla to inner side of upper arm. Obtuse pressure in lower part of radius and ulna extending to wrist and metacarpus for a long time. Tearing in right parietal bone, in bones above left ankle, with tired feeling in tibia under right knee, in left heel. Boring in left lower maxilla, then in left tibia. 5 p. m., pricking in top of right big toe. -29 th 6:30 a. m., 40 dr. 7 a. m. tearing in right metatarsus, drawing in left fibula, dull boring through frontal bone, pressure in right zygoma, in right external ankle, when sitting. 7:45 a. m., eructation of air repeatedly, much rumbling in abdomen, chilliness in lumbar region, shooting and pressing in Ist joint of right thumb and ring finger when at rest, shooting in Ist joint of left big toe; pressing-in left temple. Obtuse pressure in left of lumbar vertebrae. Pricking in upper and inner aspect of right upper arm. 8:30 a. m., painful stiff feeling in left wrist, elbow and knee. Pressure in right maxillary joint, 1. thoracic wall. Feeling of plug in throat making him swallow, repeated at n. on going to bed. 9:30 a. m., pricking at end of urethra, calls to urinate very frequent all day, increased saliva. Tearing in left parietal bone. Noon, painful weakness above left elbow and in left knee, frequently. Pinching in outer border of foot, spreading to dorsum of foot. Scraping in throat, e. Cutting burning pain in skin above nose-root, in a small spot. Drawing in flexor aspect of right toe when sitting. -30th, 7 a. m., 20 dr. Yesterday and to-day burning and redness in the fold of skin between alae nasi and cheek. 8 a. m., shooting in orifice of urethra, call to urinate, drawing in frontal bone. 8:30 a. m., drawing above left elbow, 1. tibia, dorsal muscles, 1. metatarsal bones, shooting in Ist joint of right big toe. 9 a. m., tearing on inner side of left ankle-joint, nausea, boring in right knee on inner side of patella. 9:30 a. m., obtuse pressure in pit of stomach increased by drawing in abdominal integuments, cold feeling in lumbar region, borborygmus. 10 a. m., boring in left tuber ischii and left tibia above inner ankle, boring in left parietal protuberance, heat in head, especially sinciput, with weight. Pressure deep in left side of lumbar vertebrae. Abdomen distended by flatulence, eructation of tasteless air. Boring in right instep under inner ankle, and in 1. Ist and 2nd cuneiform bone when walking, painful shattered feeling in muscles at back of left thigh to knee, when walking and standing, tension in lower part of both calves when walking. Unusual warm feeling in jaw, which is not warm to touch, shooting in skin on lower border of right nasal bone. Noon, pressure in right pectoral muscle going into upper arm, stiff feeling in left knee and ankle-joints when walking, distension of upper part of abdomen, with dull pain for 1 hours severe shooting in left sole when walking, boring in lower jaw. 2:30 p. m., painful stiffness in left muscles of nape, relieved by moving neck, drawing from neck to right shoulder, pressure in right elbow-joint, shooting in Ist joint of right big toe repeatedly. In posterior part of left crista ilii dull pressive pain when walking for 1/2 hours, drawing in left palm, pressure in frontal bone repeatedly. evening, pressure in right finger-joint. The last 2 n. uneasy dreams, urging to urinate all day, not at n., sometimes quantity of urine increased. -31st, 7 a. m., 10 dr. 10 a. m., sinciput confused, some unsteadiness when walking, especially on rising stooping. Much eructation of air, obtuse pressure in pit of stomach, pressure and drawing in shoulder-joints and left forearm, pressure in right temple, heat and pressure in sinciput, boring pressure from forehead into eyes. Drawing in legs, right thigh superiorly and externally, when walking and when at rest. Pressure in right thoracic wall in various places, drawing in lower part of calves very frequent, also when walking. Drawing in left toes. Obtuse pressure and tearing in left knee and tibia when in bed, evening, boring in left zygoma, in frontal bone above right frontal protuberance. – Sept. Ist, 6:30 a. m., 40 dr. 7 a. m., boring in right tibia below arm. Obtuse pressure on sternum. Pricking in tip of tongue. 1 p. m., much noisy wind in bowels, and discharge of flatus. Pressure in bone and soft parts behind right ear and above left elbow-joint. Heaviness and giddiness in sinciput, tearing, in frontal bone, and parietal bones above ears. Constant nausea, pricking in borders of eyelids towards inner canthi, dull pain in pit of stomach, increased by pressure, tearing along right tibia. Tickling pricking at orifice of urethra, pricking in rectum, pressure in various points on each side of sternum, continual desire to urinate all d. Boring pressure in first joint of left big toe. Compression on lower parts of both calves, on sides of tendo Achillis, on left forearm and shoulder-joint, repeatedly. Violent boring in coronal suture, urine increased, bright yellow. 1 p. m., shooting in thoracic wall under arms, drawing in legs violent scraping in left tibia when sitting, boring in left angle of jaw. 4 p. m., boring in jerks in middle of left femur when sitting. evening, obtuse pressure in right wrist. -2nd. a. m. pressure in both femora and behind right ear. Tearing along left tibia p. m., later in lower anterior part of both legs. Weight and obtuse pressure in sinciput. Shooting pains in various parts of right thoracic wall. -3rd, m., pressing and bruised feeling in left forearm. Tearing in lower front part of left leg, p. m. Pressure above right eye, severe pressure on right shoulder- joint; drawing in left lower maxilla. 6 p. m., pressing on inner side of left patella. Boring in left heel. Drawing in external soft parts of right thigh. Boring in left nasal bones. Tearing in anterior aspect of left forearm. On left border of sternum, between 3rd and 5th ribs, pressive blows into chest. Boring in Ist joint of left thumb. -4th, 7 a. m., 50 dr. 8 a. m., giddiness in forehead. Shooting in joint of right big toe. Weight and pressure in temples and sinciput. Much urging to urinate all d. Severe pressure on front of left shoulder-joint. Pressive feeling on chest, affecting breathing. Boring in zygomata and left great trochanter, then tearing down into thigh. Shooting in joint of left big toe. 9:15, tearing in left scapula, in anterior surface of right leg bones and above right knee. Boring in sacrum. Chilliness in lumbar region. Pressing on bladder and urging to urinate. Stiffness of right nape muscles. Tearing left tibia, shooting in tuber ischii. 4 p. m., pressure in parietal bones and right shoulder. Obtuse pressure on top of left toes for 1 hours – 5th. On rising, m., shooting in first joint of right thumb, and violent pain in bones of left instep, making walking and treading painful, later tearing in left tibia. 1 p. m., boring in right lower maxilla. Passive bruised pain in right elbow extending to forearm, and in left metacarpus. 5 p. m., drawing in lower part of left calf and deep in left sole. -6th, m., pressure in above of left instep and lower part of leg. evening, boring in right zygoma and left lower jaw. -7th. Yesterday and to-day on waking, when lying on right side severe deep-seated pain between 4th and 6th costal cartilages on right of sternum, increased by inspiration and pressure. 6 a. m., tearing left metatarsal bones. 6:30 a. m., boring in left crista ilii. 7 a. m., 50 dr. Boring in right thigh above patella, repeatedly. 7:45 a. m., pressure and tearing in upper part of upper arms. Penetrating stitch between left ribs and crista ilii. Shooting in Ist joint of right big toe. Pressure in forehead. Drawing in left side of face, and above left temple to forehead. Boring in right lower jaw and zygoma. Obtuse pressure deep in sides of lumbar vertebrae. 4 p. m., pressing in both temples. Stiffness of left side of nape. Frequent micturition of straw-coloured urine all day -8th. Boring in zygoma. Pain in chest as yesterday. evening, boring in right tibia, drawing in under aspect of toes. -9th, 10 a. m., boring in right big toe. Tearing in bones of left leg. 6 p. m., in chest, constriction with cutting pain as though the parts in centre of chest were tied together with a thread, making him hold his breath. Shooting in left lung. -10th. Boring in right cuneiform bone; m., tearing along right tibia. evening, emissions on 2 successive n. -11th, 6:45 a. m., 80 dr. Some pressure in stomach. 7:15 a. m., paralytic bruised pain in shoulder-joint. Great urging to urinate. Drawing in left metacarpus. Heat and weight in forehead, pressure in right temple. Shooting in inner canthus of right eye. Pressing in Ist joint of right big toe. Dyspnoea and oppression of breathing when sitting. 8:30 a. m., obtuse pressure in stomach and behind sternum. Pressure in lower angle of left scapula. Boring in left inner ankle and metatarsus, drawing in right tibia. Obtuse pressure in dorsum of right foot, in lumbar vertebrae, between left scapula and spine. Drawing in lower part of right calf and on left upper arm. 6 p. m., drawing in all bones of skull. On waking at n. pressure in left knee. -12th. Pressive pain deep in belly, increased by pressure all m. All day urging to urinate, tickling in glans penis. evening, boring in left metacarpus. Drawing in left upper arm and lower part of left thigh. 10 p. m., tearing deep in right thigh. -13th, m., shooting in right side of thorax when inspiring. 8 a. m., drawing in left metatarsus into toes. – 14th-15th, m., when walking severe pain in joint of left big toe, making walking painful. Pressure and drawing in left knee. -16th, m., pressing in left elbow and obtuse pressive pain in left metatarsus extending to toes. Pressure in 5th metacarpal bone. 1 p. m., obtuse pressive boring on border of right orbit. -17th, 6:30 a. m., 80 dr. 7:30 a. m., tearing in right leg, boring in r, ankle, left zygoma, both sides of left tendo Achillis. Much eructation of air, urging to urinate. 8 a. m., drawing in right metatarsus extending to toes, and in middle of right ulna. 9 a. m., boring in left tibia and angle of right lower jaw. Drawing pressure, boring in frontal bone. Obtuse shoots in rectum. 10 a. m., pressure in middle of left radius. Shooting in joint of right big toe. Pressive bruised pain in left elbow and shoulder-joint, later in right wrist. 2 p. m., pressure in Ist joint of left thumb and shooting drawing in right metatarsal bones. Shooting in lumbar region. 3:30 p. m., bruised pain in right elbow-joint extending to upper part of forearm. 4 p. m., pressive pain in left knee extending into posterior and external soft parts of thigh. Pricking in tongue’s tip inferiorly. 6 p. m., bruised pain in upper part of left upper arm. Repeated pricking in orifice of urethra. Drawing in left side of frontal bone. 7 and 11 p. m., compression in lower part of left leg. All day frequent urging to urinate, but urine not increased in quantity. -18th, 8 a. m., boring pain in frontal bone. 9 a. m., pressing in upper part of left upper arm. Persistent dull pain in stomach increased by pressure. Boring in metacarpal bone of right thumb and in its joint. 2 p. m., pressure in right scapula, later in sides of right elbow. 4 p. m., pressing twisting pain from left elbow-joint through deep parts of forearm into wrist-joints. Pressure under nail of right big toe. 4:30 p. m., obtuse pressure on anterior and external side of middle of left thigh. Pressing in right wrist-joint, later in Ist joint of right big toe. Drawing in lower part of left calf. Drawing with cold feeling in lower incisors. N., emission without dream. – 19th, m., tearing in left side of frontal bone. Occasional shooting in thoracic wall on either side of sternum. 9 a. m., obtuse pressure in lumbar vertebrae. Bruised pain in left leg, above right knee, in right forearm, in right metatarsal bones, and above right wrist. -20th, 8 a. m., tearing in right tibia. Obtuse pressure in lumbar region. Tearing in bone over left eye. Drawing in lower part of right fibula, over right eye. Tearing in left ankle-joint and metacarpal bone of little finger. Bruised pain in right knee and in middle of left forearm. Shooting in first joint of left big toe and in ball of right big toe. Boring in Ist joint of right thumb. evening, pricking in left thoracic wall. -24th, 7 a. m., 5 dr. Tearing in frontal bone, zygoma, metacarpal bone of thumb. P. m., pressure in the thoracic wall. -25th, m., tearing in frontal bone, right elbow, lower part of left calf, right knee. -26th, 10 p. m., sudden attack of great weakness followed by chilliness for 3 hours, skin felt cool, trembling of all muscles, head hot and heavy, pulse quick and small. Frequent waking at n., tossing about, confused dreams, frequent micturition with cutting pain and much pain in limbs, cranial bones, thoracic wall. -27th. Woke early (4 a. m.) extreme weakness all day, much chilliness, painful sensitiveness of skin on touching limbs or scalp. Violent tearing pain in parietal bones, heat in sinciput and redness of face; shooting in throat, swollen tonsils, pulse quick and small, crossness. -28th. No more chilliness, but the previous symptoms of Ledum remained. Was quite well on 29th. (A. h. Z., xxxix, Nos. 21 and 23.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.