Ferrum metallicum

7. A strong young man took at 10 a. m. 1 gr. 1st trit. of F. metallicum. After 10 morning discomfort in stomach with bitter eructation smelling of rotten eggs, going of after dinner. No other symptoms during day. After midnight colicky pains and one diarrhoeic stool. Next today appetite increased, face redder than usual. (LAA, Z. d. Verbascum d. hem. Aertze Oesterr., ii, 216, 1875.)

8. A strong healthy woman took 1 gr. 1st trit. of same. Immediately discomfort in abdomen which increased to feeling of illness, accompanied by bitter putrid eructations and griping in bowels, followed by a copious stool, mostly liquid. After 1 hours such great hunger that she had to take food at an unaccustomed time. This did not cause a feeling of satiety, for though she are several times during day, and in considerable quantities, she was unable to allay her hunger. Next day her appetite still continued excessive. (Ibid., 217)

9. J. C. MORGAN, M. D, proved Ferrum phosphoric in 2x trit. April 10th, 1876. – Took 1 gr. at 11 p. m.; in a few morning, aching sticking in right ear. a few morning later, pinching in epigastrium; still later slight earache again. Leaning, standing over table, repeated emission of fetid flatus-continuing while undressing. In morning less tired feeling than usual, less tired aching in occipito-cervical region than usual. 11th, 10 a. m., took 1/2 gr., same at 4 and 10 p. m., after meals. After last, painful smarting of right posterior nasal passage, especially during inspiration, better in expiration. (Had been as leap.) Later, similar feeling in edges of right eyelids, and anterior right nasal passage. Early in evening loss of courage and hope; better since sleeping. Later (reading), k headache from right brow to right ear; renewed sticking (slightly right side), Doses after each meal. 12th. – Walked wearily; felt pain in neck and chest. At breakfast – bending forward, colicky in transverse colon. Repeated whilst standing, using arms moderately towards left. Dose, some time late. in a few morning colicky in transverse colon; sitting writing, palpitation. Later, dull right sided headache. 13th. – Several doses after meals, and at midnight. Went to bed some time later, with sticking in right ear as if a large pointed stick were loaded deeply therein; extending as a dull headache over that side; seemed to be sub-aponeurotic in location -(as if above periosteum) 14th. – Dull feeling on right side of head still observable. Soft, but consistent, decidedly yellow, easy stool. Took another dose at 11. After this, constant working down of phlegm behind velum palati; also loosing from below. 15th, 1 p. m. had desire for and drank ale. At 3 p. m., no appetite for dinner, but desire for brandy; of which he took about a teaspoonful; afterwards, ate with good relish. (The same yesterday. Doses were still taken regularly after meals). The same desire before breakfast, 16th. – After moderate tepid bathing, mostly with sponge, lips look blue. Urine, which before taking drug was yellow, became limpid, abundant, and pale after taking drug was yellow, became limpid, abundant, and pale after taking – weather being warmer; the past 2 day, weather being cooler, urine is darker, less copious. When pale, a few drops crystallized on glass examined by microscope, presented several crystalline forms; the principal being hexagonal plates, answering to cystine, as figured in Frey’s microscopical technology. Also. tablets answering to uric acid and chloride of sodium, but not numerous. E., sitting in church, right lumbar region felt tired; needed support. 17th. – Doses at 4 p. m., and after meals. feeling constantly as if a stimulant wee needed (none taken since last mentioned); relieves when taken; a feeling of “letting down” inertia, indifference to ordinary matters, with inward craving for brandy, and feeling as if energy would be renewed by it; yet no real muscular debility, more a feeling of indolence, as to ordinary matters only. Head feels as if sleep had been insufficient, with desire for sleep. 4:30 p. m.feel asleep as the table (not having lost sleep last night) All evening, sensitiveness to cool air and malaise. (No more medicine until noon, 19th.) 18th, evening, impetuous feeling, yet obstacles cause annoyance and hesitation, and trifles seem like mountains is; still intolerance of hindrance and annoyance. Late in evening, when riding neuralgic ache at inner left eyebrow, and down left side of nose. 19th, noon, took another dose. (All morning under pressure of influences of contradictory sort, no lack of firmness; but old symptoms worse, as fatigue of brain, from long study, frequent change of position on bed on waking in morning, and much of the time since, because of aching in neck, throat and occiput.) Vary sensitive to cool

air – 65o F.; desire to be in a warm room. Top of head, aching dulness, extending towards orbits and sides of head, as a pressure; worse when holding head down in writing; not noticed when going about; but whilst walking in street, more in occiput; when rising and walking etc. most in impinges; always dull and oppressive, without throbbing. On sitting down to supper, at 7:30 p. m., indifferent to food, but ate fairly – food tasting good. (Doses at 3:45 and 8:30 p. m. after meals). 20th, noon, hiccough, after sitting bent toward floor. Dose at 4 p. m. At 4:30, drowsy – eyes feel it much; feeling extends upwards into head. Soon after had to lie down and take a nap. Afterwards, dry heat of palms, and accelerated pulse. Took a dose at 9:30 p. m. Soon some heat and dryness of face and palms; palpitation; all while sitting. No medicine until a dose, 21st, at 10:30 p. m. This p. m, about 6 o’clock, observed that face and hands were again heated and dry, whilst reading, also throat and upper chest. 3rd, 7:30 p. m., sharp ache at outer edge of left orbit, as if in bone. At 1:30, similar but slight pain on right side, both transient. At 9:30, sitting at table bent forward, reading, most intense heartburn, with rising to irritating it made me cough and hem for some time; irritation in throat, and behind left of mid – sternum. Very little or no desire for stimulants since yesterday, the last taken. The later risings of fluid have a slightly greasy flavor, still provoking repeated cough – they come up with eructations of gas. (Partook, at supper, of stewed oysters, and very aromatic, good tea.) At 11, a sharp twinge over whole left side of head. 23rd. – Dose at 8:30, before breakfast. Speedily, a general liberation of pharyngeal, tracheal and nasal mucus. All day a dull headache, slight, mainly right side; most on first thinking of it. Afternoon, recurrence of the intolerant feeling. Dose at 12:20 p. m. In 1/2 hour, irritating region not sour, but somewhat greasy in flavor. 24th, 1 p. m., took a dose. Hasty, intolerant feeling during afternoon. Indignation for cause followed by oppression of left chest and stomach. Walking in a quiet part of the city after dark had a soothing, pleasant effect, ceasing on returning to the bustle of the central streets. Appetite and taste good. At one time this p. m. cross words of another party about an absent stranger created a feeling of momentary shrinking and type. Aggravation of an habitual aching in the dorsal spine, all day, especially when tending or sitting, better by going about, and by leaning back against chair supporting spine; these symptoms are habitual, but are more conspicuous and constant and annoying. Also, better by change of position, even by brief bending forwards (when standing). Urine pale; quantity being somewhat copious; weather cool. 25th, 1 a. m., took a dose. In 20 morning, a after writing, rheumatic feeling in right wrist, extending downwards in course of dorsal tendons, most when resting it; then pain seems to ebb and flow at short intervals. When writing, it occasionally extended up forearm, mostly on dorsal and ulnar aspects; on rising felt in little finger, to first phalanx. Better by external warmth and wrapping. Studying until 2, rose in morning somewhat below par; desire for brandy took a teaspoonful with good effect. At 10 a. m., took a powder. P. m., twinge of pain from right vertex to right supra-orbital foramen. (Amer. journ of Hom. Mat. Medorrhinum, ix, 308).

10. a Dr. F. MULLER, when preparing the 1st december trit. of F. iod,. on September, 1st, felt a great tickling and scraping in throat, oesophagus, and nose, and sense of suffocation. He had to hawk to get the mucus out of throat; headache, or rather dazed feeling, especially in forehead. After 1 hour had all the symptoms of catarrh, great secretion of mucus in nose, and frequent expectoration of mucus from larynx and trachea. At night dreamt of meeting many of his friends, every one of whom complained of having a different disease; usually does not dream.

10 b. September 2nd, 10 p. m., took 2 gr. of pure F. iod. Immediately a disgusting acrid taste, painful burning on tongue lasting a long time. Also smell of iodine long afterwards in nose. Constant inclination to eructate, and frequently actual eructation. After 10 to 15 morning headache and weight in sinciput, forehead, betwixt and above eyes, lasting long and worse on lying down in bed. – 3rd. Burning on tongue where medicine lay after lasting all night continued in morning, better after breakfast. Flat, sickly state, persisting after rinsing mouth, going off after breakfast. Rumbling in bowels in morning before stool. After eating much eructation. Nose dry, stopped up as in coryza, better about noon. 8:30 a. m., 5 gr. 1st trit. Headache, dazed feeling, weight and pressure, especially on right side of forehead, increased by putting on hat, reading, writing etc. relieved by open air, sitting, standing in a drought. Much eructation and sickly, flat taste. Noon, pulse 68, chilly feeling. From 3 p. m. feverish; pulse 84, at 3:30 p. m.; 80 at 4 p. m. Oppression of chest in upper part of lungs. Rumbling in bowels. Headache all day, worst in hot room, when stooping, shaking head, walking quickly, reading writing etc.; better in open air, a drought, and in cold air; continues till evening. All day taste of iodine in throat and mouth. In afternoon, cough and spitting, great accumulation of mucus in throat. E., frequent urging to stool but without result. Urine clear. Pulse 72. 10 p. m., 5 gr. Disgusting taste immediately and recurrence or headache, especially in forehead. – 4th, morning slight pains before stool. sore feeling and rumbling in belly. 9 a. m., 5 gr. Much eructation, nose not so stopped. Hardly any headache, only dazed feeling and weight in head, especially forehead; reading brinks back headache. Towards noon, from 12 to 1 p. m., feels cold, chilly, and sleepy, the eyes close. 3:30 p. m. pulse 96, feverish, heat and fever; 1 hour later, pulse 80, headache going off. E., frequent call to stool without result. All day a curious feeling in rectum and anus as if something twisted and turned in a circle and something was trickling down there as if a screw were boring up and down there. All day frequent rattling of mucus in throat, and expectoration of mucus, cough with expectoration of grayish white viscid mucus in long strings. Pulse 72 evening Took 5 gr. – 5th, morning, nasty, pappy taste in mouth, rumbling in belly, slight colicky pains before stool. Stool scantier than usual, light brown, comes after much straining and pressing, though it is rather soft. Pulse 80. dazedness in sinciput; nose again stopped. Noon, pulse 72. 3 p. m., 84 to 88, but not so Feverish as yesterday. 9 p. m., pulse 72, sore feeling in belly all day; the same curious feeling in rectum and anus as yesterday. 10 p. m., 5 gr. – 6th. Same symptoms as yesterdays. E., 5 gr. – 7th. Stool, headache etc. as yesterday. Rheumatic paralytic feeling in right upper arm and right the shoulder, and wearied feeling in all limbs, great disinclination to move or walk about. Sore feeling in belly greater. Oppression of chest as if great weight lay on chest. Headache returns after smoking, which is not relished. Cough increased, more hawking and expectoration of mucus. Pulse, morning 80, p. m. 84, evening 80; evening 5 gr. – 8th. Slept uneasily, woke frequently, many dreams, erections. Stool, urine, taste as on previous days. Last night’s urine is clear, yellow, smells sour, and has a slight white, whey – like sediment. Nose has stopped; hawking of much mucus and cough with mucous expectoration. More headache, increased sore feeling and colicky pains in belly, especially after eating. Pulse at 8 a. m. 80 at noon 84, felt warm and feverish, frequent urging to urinate. 3:30 p. m., pulse 102, pretty strong fever, skin not very dry but warm. After 4 p. m. the fever abates, pulse becomes slower, skin begins to be moist but there is no profuse sweat except on forehead. All day great oppression of chest, must breathe deeply, which causes a feeling of soreness in chest and such an oppressions as if something prevented the chest expanding. Great exhaustion, general weakness and drowsiness. All day lame and bruised feeling in upper arm, especially right, and still more in thighs, which feel heavy down to the knees, the legs below knees much higher. Towards p. m., the lame feeling goes into calves. In evening right arm is so weak that the must cease writing because it tires the arm so much and seem to paralyze it. Left arm but little affected. Right tibia painful; pain in sacrum and kidneys, worse in evening and they go further down. All day rather severe prickling and itching in urethra, especially in its front part and frequent calls to urinate with very little urine at a time. Slight pain throughout urethra through whole penis when urinating. Feeling as if the urine was arrested in the fossa navicularis and could not advance. Little appetite. After supper, which is not relished, violent eructation, slight nausea and inclination to vomit, great pain in abdomen, especially in middle and going downwards, much flatus, great urging to stool, feeling in rectum, and especially in anus, as if they were compressed, pinched together, and as if worms were there, and yet he had an easy stool, yellowish-brown, mixed with black spots, which relieved the pain in the bowels. pulse 84 to 88 at 10 p. m., when he took 5 gr. Thereafter burning in stomach and bowels, heat and feverish feeling also headache. Pulsation in abdomen with some sore feeling and increased headache, pain in sacrum and renal region, also tight feeling in chest. – 9th. Slept ill and restlessly, woke frequently, dreamt of historical incidents and his former life when at school and at the university. It seemed to him in his sleep as though he had grown 30 to 50 feet long, and that everything about him was small and insignificant, his bed too short, etc. Starts often in sleep, awoke once and though he was paralysed in hands and feet. Feeling of exhaustion and as if bruised and feverish all night. Very bad taste in mouth; the tongue is furred yellow; food not relished; sometimes sick and inclined to vomit. The abdominal pains relieved by stool, which is soft, very than, diarrhoeic, and bright yellow. Dull pain in forehead. Lame and bruised feeling in all limbs, especially legs. Painful drawing in tendons of back of right hand and of left foot. Severe pain in sacrum and kidneys. Urine dark coloured. Frequent expectoration of mucus but less oppression of chest. Pulse, morning 76, p. m. 84 to 88, evening 80; feverish p. m. In evening rheumatic pains from dorsum of left foot extending upwards to pelvis. Sacral and real pains and headache more severe; severe colicky pains and much rumbling in belly, pains increased after eating Frequent discharge of flatus smelling of iodine, fruitless urging to stool. Oppression of chest not so severe, less mucous expectoration, cough less. 5 gr. morning and evening – 10th. Restless at nigh with dreams as before. Colic pains more or less all day, not so severe as yesterday; these pains began usually above navel and go down to right side; all the symptoms of yesterday; these pains begin usually above navel and go down to right side; all the symptoms of yesterday, only not so severe. Stool morning and evening preceded by much pain, thin diarrhoeic, and bright yellow. Urine bright yellow, sour smelling. No more med. – 11th. Slept better, no dreams, felt better and stronger, tongue clean. Two stools, preceded by pains, diarrhoeic and bright yellow; still slight oppression of chest; some thick yellow mucous expectoration. – 12th Restless sleep, many dreams not remembered, frequent erections. Slight dazed feeling in head. Stool morning, thin, preceded by pains; slight rumbling and pain in abdomen. In evening fruitless urging to stool – 13th. Slept well; morning slight colic, ineffectual urging to stool. Urine dark. 10 p. m., pains in abdomen, urging to stool, which was darker coloured, with thick white sediment. – 14th. Slight pains before Stool, which is firmer and darker. In evening fruitless urging to stool, – 15th. No stool morning but firm stool evening – 16th. Quite well.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.