Euphrasia officinalis

6. a Dr. OTTO KLEINERT, aet. 42, sanguine temperament and apoplectic habitus. On December 4th caught cold. (His colds are coryza for 4 or 5 days. followed by affection of larynx and bronchia for same period causing hoarseness and cough). December 9th, 7:45 a. m., having still coryza, he took 12 dr. tinct. 9:30 a. m., after walking in open air some violent shoots in brain under right parietal bone (10 a. m., the fluent coryza becomes stuffed). 10:15 a. m., some violent shoots in corresponding left side o brain. 10:45 a. m., some violent shoots in corresponding left side of brain. 10:45 a. m., when sitting reading in room great desire to stretch as though had not slept enough. Immediately afterwards shooting in right side of brain. 1 p. m., violent stitches under both parietal bones as though headache were coming on, relieved by laying wet hand on head. 4 p. m., recurrence of shooting in brain. 5 p. m., repeated yawning. 7 p. m., shooting in both cerebral hemispheres. 11th (woke up at night with feeling of suffocation, probably from mucus flowing back through choana). 8 p. m., shooting in region of right nipple lasting 10 morning, can be re-excited by taking a deep breath 11 p. m., in bed very wide awake, tiresome pressure on lids on looking at moon. -12th. 1 hour after breakfast 30 dr. 3/4 hour afterwards, when walking in open air, violent shoot in right mastoid process; for 10 hours a mixture of burning and shooting in fascia late of left thigh which soon passes into the orifice of the stomach and ends in spasmodic contraction of the lower part of oesophagus. 11 a. m., shooting pulsation in left lung and region of nipple. After 4 p. m., nausea and qualmishness going off after drinking water, later dyspnoea. 5 p. m., return of nausea. 6:15, some shoots in right side of brain. At night on lying down dyspnoea; the inspiration has a bleating character, an sounds like the sobbing of children after crying – 13th (nose almost free of coryza, an the catarrh has as usual gone to larynx and bronchia, but the hawking of much is much less than usual, and the dyspnoea greater). During the day several transient shoots in brain, mostly on left side and most frequently in room. Room 7 p. m. itching in piles which changes to torturing boring and shooting, lasting 1 1/2 hours. Then when lying the dyspnoea and bleating. – 14th. From 9 a. m. headache on left side beginning with tinnitus and constantly increasing. No appetite for dinner. Cannot leap at noon, headache not relieve, until he applied cold water compress to the burning hot head, when it and the tinnitus cease. E. frequent maturation and copious discharge of urine. On reading aloud for a long time he does not become hoarse, but has pressure in larynx as though its lumen were contracted. At the commencement of night the dyspnoea returns. – 15th. Slight and transient shooting in left lung. E., when reading all round pressure in larynx. The usual symptoms at night in bed. – 16th to 18th. The same pressure in larynx when reading aloud, and the usual symptoms at night.

6 b. January 27th, 7 a. m., 3j tinct. Nothing noticed during day; night, many disagreeable dreams. – 28th. Soon after going out dying away of right forefinger and numbness of right thumb and middle finger, also of the parts involved in writers’ cramp. 7 p. m., on stooping down to pick up something a violent shooting pain in right parietal region of brain. – 29th. 1 h after breakfast 3ij tinct. After 1/4 hour dying away of the sprained finger. From 4 to 4:30, violent long-contented pain in heart with audible palpitation. 7 p. m., has a difficulty in reading his own writing. N., unrefreshing sleep with much tossing about and frequent micturition disproportioned to amount of fluid drunk. 30th, 10 a. m., some stitches in spleen. After noon, violent pain in heart and palpitation. n., increased urging to urinate. ( A.h. Z. lxvi, 196, 205). 7. a. HERMINE KLEINERT, aet. 20 blonde, choleric temperament. December 10th. 1 hour after breakfast 10 dr.9 a.m., right eye so weak and vision so dim can hardly see to sew. After a few morning a shoot from forehead into right eye, after which the dines of vision goes off. 9:30 a. m., frequent sneezing (she has coryza) with much watery mucus from nose. Painless numbers of left foot. Soon afterwards dying away of right forefinger so that cannot hold needle. After 3 3/4 hours violent shoots in left upper part of brain. 4 p. m., formication in left scapula for 2 morning recurring in 1/2 hours. 5 p. m., rheumatic drawing from to moral vertebra to left clavicle, where there is great tenderness to touch. 7:30 p. m., rheumatic drawing and shooting in right elbow, wrist, and hand, which is hotter than left hand and shows distended veins. Then the pain extends to middle finger and thumb, and then suddenly comes into larynx more on left side, then quickly returns to hand. – 11th. Immediately after rising pain of gum of right lower jaw, an inflamed border round right lower canine tooth; afterwards pain in adductors of right thigh when walking and sitting lasting all day 6 p. m., several times violent drawing in right lower jaw and slight fits of earache on right side. 7:30 p. m., pain in left canthus, it feels swollen and cold. At same time stitched and pressure in eyeballs. 8 p. m. spasmodic yawnings in rapid succession; lachrymation, bubbling in ears and pulsation in throat. Sees not so well in left eye for 10 morning. – 12th. 0/c From early morning several stitches through right lower jaw. 9 a. m., dying away of right index and middle finger. 11 a. m., stitches in hepatic region which extend into abdomen and end in right lung; all day pain in adductors of right thigh. 3:45 p. m., weariness compelling her to lie down; heat of hands and quick pulse; upper arms heavy as lead, and both wrists feel as if forcibly squeezed. In spite of weariness and half asleep, when he close eyes hears everything and sees big heads making grimaces. Wakes up with general chilliness, especially in thighs and knees. Afterwards pressure in stomach as if it were overloaded. – 13th As all symptoms were gone she smelt several times at the tinct. 6 p. m., violent shooting in hepatic region radiating to back. 11 p. m., in bed violent pressure in right eye. – 14th, morning, pressure and great watering of right eye; same in evening. At noon while eating, griping in stomach, pain in adducts of right thigh. – 15th, 9 a. m., earache i right ear and feeling as if hot vapour penetrated it; shooting in chin; pain in adductors; some griping in stomach. During day frequent shoots in left side of head, liver, and spleen attended by warm feeling. 16th. Pain in right adductores cruris and some shoots in head and lungs. Afternoon, much pain in right thigh and gluteus muscle as if lighted tinder was applied there. – 17th, morning lachrymation. 9 a. m., shooting in right pectoralis muscle. During day, pain in adductors and shooting and burning pain in left scapula, scrob. cordis, liver and diaphragm, in the latter situation removed by deep breathing. Menses, expected to – day, do not appear. -18th. Scattered shootings in muscular system, pain in adductors. 19th. Same symptoms, especially in left gluteus muscle. Menses still delayed. 20th and 21st. Some shooting in muscular system. – 22nd. Delayed menses came on, but are scanty and short.

7 b. January 27th. 1 1/2 hours after breakfast 30 dr. tinct. 9 a. m., violent pressure in right eye proceeding from inner canthus, accompanied by great lachrymation. The lids seem smaller, the iris paler, the eye feels cold. This lasts 1 hours and then the same thing takes place in left eye but slighter. 11 am., dying away of fingers of right hand. During day stitches in right eye, stomach, right side of chest right upper arm. E., incessant yawning without sleepiness. In beginning of night for 1 hour extremely violent shooting in heel, which was frost-bitten four years previously. N. restless sleep with many dreams and frequent call to urinate. – 28th, morning, feeling of general prostration. Later, some stitches in various parts of body, especially adductors of right thigh and in distal phalanx of middle finger, which she had bruise some week before. 11 a. m., violent irritation to sneeze, everyday, all days whilst proving this drug. – 29th. Weariness in morning, small excoriations in corners of mouth. Other symptoms as before, and besides shooting in heart. Symptoms gradually declined and ceased on 31st. – February 2nd. 1 hour after breakfast 3j tinct. 9 a. m., great pressure and lachrymation of left eye; it appears smaller and paler. Soon afterwards single shoots in hand, s spinal column, arms, thighs, and genitals. Later, sneezing and yawning. Afternoon, for a long time violent pain under eye in region of facial nerve. E., shooting in ear. N., going asleep of hands, much restlessness and urging to urinate – 3rd, morning bruised feeling, great chilliness in warm room, pale complexion. In addition to former symptoms, stomachache. Eyes water frequently. – 4th. Same symptoms. – 5th. Less of the wandering stitches. Lachrymation and sneezing increased. – 7th. Weariness in morning and some stitches, nothing more. – 9th. 6 dr. 6th dil. Single stitches in body, vision not so good as usual evening (Ibid., 204, 205)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.