Equisetum hyemale

3 b. Commenced August 30th to take pellets of 3rd dil. After 4 doses at short intervals fearful rumbling sensation in ears, with dulness and heaviness in head. After 2 doses September 2nd, rumbling in left ear, followed by confusion of noises in same, and slight boring pain from left to right in temporal and occipital regions. After a 3rd dose at 9:45 a. m., pains in head continued all forenoon. 7th. -” Continued with 3rd dil. ” Pain in hip-joint, also near knee-joint; severe frontal headache; heavy weight on top of head; stitching pain near lambdoidal suture, also darting pain in each temple; stupefying headache about 4 p. m.

3 c. Sept. 18th. – At 1:30 and 1:45 p. m. took 10 dr. of tinct. Severe pain in right lumbar region. 22nd. – Took 15 dr. at 1:30 p. m. About 2:15 severe pain directly over right temple. Heavy sensation, as of a lump, in right lumbar region, directly over joint; severe vertigo; skin over frontal bone very tight, and feeling as if continuing joints; severe vertigo; skin over frontal bone very tight and feeling as if continuing to contract; great desire to urinate, but only a small quantity passed each time; some pain in penis while maturating. 27th. – Took 15 dr. at 8:45 a. m; 25 dr. at 9:45; 50 dr. at 11:30; 55 dr. at 12:30. During 24 hours after taking drug passed 45 oz. of urine, sp. gr. 1028; great desire to micturate about 11:30, and quite a large amount passed; in a short time again great desire, but while this increased, amount passed grew less each time; severe burning and aching in penis while urinating, also severe dull pain in bladder, not relieved immediately by emptying it; urine had very cloudy appearance after standing in a vessel a short time. Bladder pain continued for 2 days after taking drug, to such extent as to make him fear impending inflammation. (Ibid.)

4. C. C. P-, female, took repeated doses of 30th, with same action as displayed in former cases in temporo frontal region – headache there and contractive feeling of integument, also heaviness of eyelids and sleepiness; sleep disturbed by confused dreams of many people present together, but quite unconnected, as in No. 2. (Ibid.)

5. a. J. H. CARMICHAEL, M. D., January 3rd, 1876, at 2:30 p. m. took 6 dr. of tinct, 10 dr. at 5:30 and 12 at 10:30. After taking 2nd dose slight uneasiness in epigastrium and right hypochondrium, more decided after 3rd; much wind in stomach, constantly changing position; slight neuralgic pains in head, most frequent in left temporal regions. During night fitful sleep; increased saliva, causing frequent desire to swallow; pain in both scapular regions, worse in left and great soreness over kidneys, worse on right 4th. – At 7 a. m., 5 dr. More or less stiffness in muscles of neck; left scapular pain continues; pain about pyloric office of stomach; decided heavy pain over right kidney; urine diminished; pulse quicker by 1 beats per morning; general feeling of malaise. At 5 p. m., 10 dr. Pain in left pectoral muscles; dull, heavy headache; epigastric and umbilical regions painful; pain in left kidney still. At 9 p. m., 10 dr. Very severe pain in right lung between 4th and 5th ribs. 5th. – Pain still in right lung, but not so severe as last night; frequent calls to urinate; urine has ammoniacal smell; decided stiffness of all muscles of trunk; soreness still on pressure over right kidney; left scapular region very sore on movement of arm. Very severe pain in right pectoral region all day, worse in evening, cannot fill lung with air for pain; pulse 100, but do not feel feverish. Later, both lungs feeling as if becoming congested, and respiration difficult; took veratrum viride with relief. 6th. – Restless night, could only lie on back till midnight, after that on affected side; it felt as if a spot beneath left nipple were inflamed, worse on inspiring, stooping to right or elevating right arm. 7th. – Pain continues, but to as bad as yesterday. In evening, frequent desire to pass water, with severe cramp-like pain in hypogastric region, somewhat relieved on micturition, but recurring, – for about 2 hours.

5 b. April 24th. – Took 4 doses of 10 to 12 dr. each, and on 25th 4 doses of 10 dr. The drug had a decided diuretic effect, with slight pressure in vesical region, decided burning over epigastrium, and more or less uneasiness in different parts of the body also (on 25th) dull heavy aching over left kidney with sharp pain in left hypochondrium. 26th. – At noon, 20 dr. Diuretic action of remedy continues; left kidney has been more painful during last 6 hours; soreness in right subscapular region, also uneasiness in right kidney. 27th. – Could not sleep first part of night on account of dull, heavy pain over both kidneys which is till severe this morning; occasional sharp shooting pains through both lungs; great acidity of stomach for last 2 day. On pressing hypogastric region, much soreness; in forenoon much uneasiness about stomach, bowels feeling as though diarrhoea were about to set in 28th. – Kidneys still feel sore; frequent calls to urinate, quite a large quantity passed each time; heavy pressing pain in stomach commencing about 1 hour after each meal and continuing about 2 hours; much soreness much soreness about thorax. 29th. – Feeling somewhat better, but often reminded of back by pain on movement. (U. St. Melilotus Investigator, August 15th, 1878.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.