
18. D. T -, girl, aet. 16, had her menses 8 day. previously. – September 28th. 5 dr. tinct. shooting frontal pain; exhaustion. – 29th. 10 dr., stabbing in both temples, as if with a pointed knife. – 20th. 15 dr., menses came on after 190 days. – October 1st 20 dr., heat of head, feeling as if head turned round in bed; great inclination to vomit; menses increased. -2nd 24 dr. in evening heat of head, restlessness and exhaustion. – 3rd. 26 dr., menses continue. – 11th. 1 dr. only heat of head. – 12th. 2 dr. – 13th. 10 dr., 26 dr., menses continue 11th. 1 dr., only heat of head. – 12th. 2 dr. – 13th. 10 dr., same symptoms. – 14th. 15 dr., heat of whole body, violent frontal headache, all day, diplopia; no appetite. 15th. 16th 20 dr., some frontal headache and vertigo; night sleepless; appetite diminished no stool for 2 days. -17th. 40 dr., headache, vertigo, thirst, drank 8 glasses of water. – 18th. 5 dr., same symptoms. (Ibid., 474).

19. S. F. -, girl, aet. 21, menses regular since 14th year, none for 1 1/2 year. – September 27th 5dr. tinct., no effect. – 28th. 10dr., immediately vertigo – 29th. 10 dr., no effect. – 30th. 15 dr. vertigo all after noon; occasional dim vision. – October 1st 20 dr., heat of head, till evening; slight vertigo, dimness of vision less. – 2nd. 25 dr., vertigo, heat of head, some perspiration. Since yesterday papular eruption on forehead. – 3rd. 26 dr., heat of head; bellyache at night (Ibid., 475.)

20. L -, girl, menses always regular, but none for 7 weeks. – October 11th. 3 dr. tinct. headache in evening, disgusting taste, much thirst at night -12th. 6 dr., at night sleepless, thirst, heat and headache; great exhaustion and disgusting taste. – 14th. 10 dr., only bitter taste. – 15th. 15 dr. frontal headache, then heat of all body, no sleep at night 16th. 25 dr., felt occasionally as if bed turn round; dark before eyes – 17th. 15 dr., in afternoon attack of vertigo and dim vision. (Ibid., 475.)

21. H. F -, girl, aet 26, miscarriage 3 months ago. – October 10th. 5 dr. tinct, no effect. -11th. 10dr., pains in belly. – 12th. 15 dr., low spirits for 1 hours, inclination to vomit, for 2 hours headache. – 13th. 10 dr., pains in belly. – 14th. 25 dr., nausea all afternoon, weak and is inclined for work; drawing in sacrum; stool loose. – 15th. 30 dr., inclination to vomit; disinclination for work. In evening, spasmodic pain in belly. – 16th. 35 dr., immediately pains in belly, and headache; night very restless – 17th. All forenoon pain sin belly made him keep his bed. (Ibid., 476).

22. HJ.e-, girl, always healthy except that menses often stop for 1/2 year; the last menses 6 weeks ago. – October 10th. 5 dr. tinct., slept better than usual. – 11th. 10 dr., afternoon, mist before eyes. – 12th. 15 dr., all afternoon and night troubled with pains in belly, stool loose – 13th. 20 dr., restless at night owing to frontal headache. 14th. 30 dr., all afternoon spasmodic pains in belly and headache, especially in forehead. – 16th. 35 dr., violent pains in belly all day, mist before eyes; shooting pains in forehead; very restless night 17th. 2 dr., violent spasm in abdomen, frontal headache. ( Ibid. 476.)

23. R. A. -, k girl, aet 25, always healthy, except subject to violent spasms in abdomen, and irregularity of menses; has had none for 3 months – September 28th. 5 dr. tinct., violent spasm in abdomen, headache and vertigo all afternoon. -29th. 10dr., heaviness o head. – 30th. 15 dr., great ebullition of blood in head, violent headache, anxiety, dim vision. – October 1st. 20 dr., immediately vomiting, again in night; pretty soon diarrhoea; towards morning vomited again, then sound sleep. -3rd. 20 dr., in evening, inclination to vomit; dim vision, diplopia; at night profuse sweat, headache; in morning very exhausted and prostrated. – 4th. 24 dr., menses appeared. (Ibid., 477).

24. S. M. -, girl, aet 18, healthy, menses regular, the last 8 day ago. – October, 10th, 5 dr. tinct., after pains in abdomen, menses reappeared. – 11th. 10 dr., after 1 hour vertigo and dim vision; later vomited mucus twice. – 12th. 12 dr., immediately vomited twice food and mucus, wit vertigo, exhaustion, vision of colours, diplopia; restless at night – 13th. 1 dr., no symptoms. 14th. 6 dr., vomiting, followed by exhaustion, vertigo, dim vision, frontal headache; restless night – 15th. 7 dr., vomited twice greenish fluid, preceded by headache, vertigo, dim vision; feels weak and perspires much; restless night, disturbed by great heat. Has had nausea days. – 16th. 6 dr., vomiting of green fluid. (Ibid.,478.)

25. K. P. -, girl, aet. 25, always healthy, no menses for 3 months. – October 10th. 5 dr. tinct., some nausea with headache; vertigo in evening – 11th. 10 dr., towards evening vertigo, then headache, drawing in sacrum. – 12th. 15 dr., towards evening inclination to vomit, vertigo, exhaustion; low spirits; night restless, loose stool. – 13th. 16 dr., loose stool; towards evening headache; night, sleeplessness on account of violent pains in belly. In morning, great inclination to vomit, exhaustion, vertigo, dim vision. – 14th. 20 dr., pain in belly, especially night; nausea, anorexia. – 15th. 25 dr., all night nausea, inclination to vomit, drawing in sacrum, vertigo, headache. (Ibid., 478.)

26. E. R -, strong healthy girl, menses always regular, but the last has continued 4 weeks. – October 11th. 1 dr. tinct. in evening headache. – 12th 2 dr., morning and evening headache. – 13th. 3 dr., ringing and shooting in ears, especially at night with headache – 14th. 4 dr., ringing and shooting in ears, eructations. – 15th. 10dr., spasmodic pain in abdomen. -16th. 20 dr., very violent frontal headache, vertigo, roaring in ears. – 17th. 21 dr., headache continues. – 18th. 25 dr., same report. (Ibid., 479.)

27. E. F., robust girl, the menses, usually regular, have not appeared for 2 months. – October 11th. 2 dr. tinct., in evening headache. – 12th. 4 dr., same symptoms. – 13th. 6 dr., headache slight; stitches in left side. – 14th. 10 dr., stitches in side continue. – 15th. 15 dr., spasmodic pains in belly for some morning, they suddenly cease and recur. -16th. 20 dr., stitches in right side. – 17th. 25 dr., no symptoms. – 18th. 30 dr., same report. (Ibid., 479.)

28. N. N -, suffers from weak sight, can only read by day for 1 hour, in evening still less. – October 13th. 5 dr., 1st dil. – 13th. 10 dr., no symptoms. – 14th. On rising in morning great headache and flickering before eyes. The headache lasted all day, and next day in equal severity, diminished 3rd day, and ceased 4th day. The flickering before right eyes lasted 6 days, and want off entirely on 7th day. It was still observed in left eye in a slight degree for 3 weeks. The slight inclined to get worse every day. Objects seemed veiled. On 7th day, the outlines of even large objects were indistinct, and he could not read by day or night. The candle flame appeared like a luminous ball. This went off in right eye after 8 days, but in the left eye it continued till November 3rd. He noticed, when eyes were open or shut, at a distance of about 2 feet a dark disc about the size of sixpence, which was often traversed by flashes as of lightning. This symptom went off after 8 days. After this the left eye seemed to be looking through a dark blue glass. This phenomenon continued till November 3rd. At first the stools were more frequent for 3 days. Urine also increased. (Ibid., 480.)

29. a. LEMBKE. -, October 3rd, 7 a. m., 10 dr. tinct. 8 a. m., continued pressure in stomach with distension and fulness. Frequent urination and much clear urine. -6th, 7 a. m., 20dr. No effect. – 10th, 8 a. m., 30dr. 7:30 p. m., without griping a sudden copious liquid stool. -12th, 7 a. m., 40 dr. Severe drawing in left leg from 10 to 12 a. m. 1 p. m., violent cutting at back of left inner ankle when walking; pulsating tearing on under aspect of right does for a few morning. Scraping in fauces all day. Burning and rancid eructation of air, very frequent, eating has no effect on it, almost all day 2 p. m., burning and shooting on left side of tongue, repeatedly. In left some pressure and painfulness as after a blow or great fatigue, whilst walking, lasts some morning; drawing in left big toe. No stool at usual time. E., burning in tip of tongue. -13th. Increased redness of tip of tongue with several small vesicle, frequent burning in it, making speech and chewing painful; flow of saliva; fluent coryza. – 14th. Coryza gone; the symptoms of tip of tongue continue undiminished intensity; saliva tastes salt and so does all food; tongue white. Frequent tickling in larynx and dry cough. – 15th. Much slime in mouth; fauces red; tongue symptoms unaltered; sudden scraping in larynx; sudden severe tearing in right frontal bone; slight jerking through upper teeth. – 16th. Much mucus in fauces; tip o tongue red, burning, studded with small yellow vesicles; sudden violent boring in left parietal bone; repeated tickling and scraping in larynx, with dry cough; lachrymation of eyes and accumulation of watery saliva; violent scraping in fauces and pain there when swallowing. – 17th. Fauces very red, painful when swallowing, much viscid mucus there; tongue better; frequent coughing; violent sharp stitches in region of left nipple, lasting some morning, twice repeated at 4 p. m. when walking. At night violent cough, much scraping in larynx; pain and thick mucus in fauces; salt taste of all food. – 18th. Same state; especially repeated sudden attacks of violent tickling in larynx with some fits of coughing; pain and much mucus in fauces; rough voice; slight burning in tip of tongue. At night severe cough and tickling in larynx. – 19th. Same state, but especially at night violent tickling in larynx with severe day cough and pain in throat. Several times at night sudden discharge from nose of a large quantity of clear watery-looking mucus without sneezing (his coryza are generally attended with marked sneezing). Much speaking or walking even again cold wind never caused or excited the fits of coughing, which usually were worst in sleep. For several night has passed much clear urine which bears no relation to the quantity drunk. The quantity did not vary whether the room was warm or cool – 20th. All symptoms gone.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.