
14 i. Larynx, Bronchia, and Chest. – Hoarseness; constant inclination to cough, from tickling in the larynx, increased by speaking; short dry cough. Hoarseness, with roughness and scraping in throat. Slight pain in the chest. Decidedly quickened respiration on walking; difficult respiration after exertion, with general feeling of illness. Hoarseness and roughness of throat. Stitches in region of heart or in heart. Pain in left side of chest. Acute pain in right lung from apex to base, to right of sternum, aggravated by inspiration. Lancinating pain along cartilages of false ribs, increased by inspiration. Soreness of chest. Cold chills and pricking in the female mammae.

14 j. Genital Organs. – Pain and retraction in right spermatic cord. Drawing pain along same. Pain and tenderness in the testicles. Menorrhagia. Suppression of menses.

14 k. Neck, Back, etc. – Stiffness of the neck. In morning, on bending neck forward, he experienced severe drawing tensive pain at points of spinous process of 3 upper dorsal vertebrae, which continued for several hours. Trembling and weakness in back; weak trembling pain in small of back. Lame tired feeling in back, extending from region of kidneys to sacrum, relieved by rest, and increased by motion. Dull heavy aching in small of back, extending towards sacrum. Dull pain behind right scapula. Stitches in back, a little below right scapula, and spine. Dull pain in the region of lower dorsal and upper lumbar vertebrae. Pain below left scapula. (Symptoms of back, etc., felt for several days.) Cramping of muscles of neck, on moving head, first in left, afterwards in right side. Occasional slight pain in either scapula and right shoulder. Weight and pain in lumbar and sacral regions, sometimes extending all around the body, somewhat below crest of ilium. Rheumatic pains in muscles of neck and back; feeling of stiffness and contraction. Feeling of weight in small of back. Drawing pain in a single muscle, between the right scapula and spine, for some hours.

14 l Extremities. – Dull pain in right arm, in muscles, from shoulder to wrist. Itching and redness of back of hand. single pimples on back of hand with a little pus at apex. Small red papillae first appeared, becoming a diffused redness. Trembling in limbs; scarcely able to walk. Hands and forearms weak and trembling in limbs; scarcely able to walk. Hands and forearms weak and trembling; cannot grasp anything firmly; later, hands and feet cold as death, with general chilliness. Dull, aching muscles. Rheumatic pain in knee joint. Excruciating pain left external malleolus and left forearm. Lameness and inability to flex 2nd finger of left hand. Lameness of left wrist. (These rheumatic pains continued for several day). Rheumatic pains in muscles of arms and legs of a drawing character. Pain in right arm, elbow, and wrist, and in the knee, extending down to ankle. Feeling in foot as if it had been compressed. Pain in extremities and back as of boils, with fulness of head on left side. Restless, drawing sensation in extremities. Rheumatic pain in left leg. After going to bed, jerking commenced on side on which he was lying, obliging him to change position; it began by a perceptible twitching in left foot. Severe pains in arms with numbing sensation as if a nerve had been compressed; these pains were first felt in shoulder, and passed down arm and then forearm, producing a very peculiar lame, numb, and sometimes cramping sensation. Similar pains in legs, but more severe and constant in upper part of thigh, about hip – joint and inguinal region. Slight rheumatic pains all next day. m. Sleep. – Very restless; restless latter part of night; troublesome dreams. Frequent workings during night; and copious pappescent stool in morning. n. Febrile Symptoms – Chilliness in forenoon. Coldness and chills, especially of arms and feet. Soon after waking in morning whole surface became old. Slight cold perspiration. Disposition to perspire at night for 3 weeks. Pulse too slow – every 3rd or 4th beat intermitting. In 3/4 hour, increased heat of face; slight inclination to sweat; pulse rather full, 90, it being nearly 80 before taking drug. In 3/4 hour after taking second dose, pulse weaker, and very irregular, 80. After third dose, pulse very weak, with general feeling of lassitude and weakness, and heat and smarting of face. At the end of the an hour pulse 70 – 80, irregular. Pulse quick and weak. Chilliness, with cold hands and feet. In morning, pulse feeble, with weakness and trembling. Pulse feeble and accelerated. Drowsiness, with creeping chill upon back during evening, followed by frequent wakings during morning and desire to throw off the bedclothes, although the thermometer was below zero.

14 m. General Symptoms. – Feeling tired. nervous weakness in afternoon. Sensitiveness to cold air. Restlessness in afternoon – moving about not knowing what to do. General feeling of illness. Weak, trembling, exhausted feeling, with slight nausea. Easily fatigued, as after great exertion. Palpitation and faintness. After 3rd dose, tremors all over; after 4th dose, sick all over; so weak and trembling as not to be able to go out or study; believes the condition to be but one remove from mania a potu; next morning weak and trembling. Feeling of exhaustion, as from over – exercise. Desire to lie down and close eyes. General bruised feeling as if sore. Sensation as if from severe muscular exercise, especially in small of back. General feeling of weakness, weariness, and prostration, as if from over – exercise; it affects left side most; feeling which only those know who “spree,” “court,” or watch all night with the sick. Soreness and stiffness of whole body, as after hard labour. Sensation in head as though he had been on a “spree” and was getting over it. Uneasy feeling, hardly amounting to pain, in all parts, principally in right side. In morning his joints felt, on motion, as if he had laboured exceedingly hard previous day; joints felt stiff for a day after. In morning there was general feeling of lameness, and many unenviable feelings, which he thinks the feelings on getting over a “spree” would hardly express, unless it was a pretty hard case. (N. Am. Journ. of Hom., vii, 450.).


I A lady, aet. 26, had had labour – pains off and on for a m. after expected time. A drachm of squibb’s fluid extr. of C. was administered. In less than 2 hours patient began to complain of great pain in head, back, and limbs, with vertigo to such an extent that she could not sit up. Pupils were enormously dilated and vision much disordered. Labour- pains ceased entirely for 36 hours, and pupils remained dilated all that time, though intense pains in head and limbs ceased in about 12 hours, during which time there was also nausea and vomiting, with feeble pulse and prostration. (GARRISON, Brit. and For. M. Ch. Review, xliv, 547.).

2. When exhibited in a full dose, it prostrates in a distressing degree, producing nausea, vertigo, pains of extremities, anxiety, dilatation of pupils, quick small pulse, with universal restlessness and uneasiness. These effects are immediate and transitory. Its ultimate remote operation is the converse of the above. (GARDEN, Amer. Medorrhinum Recorder, vi, 611).

3. A woman took teaspoonful doses of powdered root for chorea. The only sensation produced was an uneasy feeling, “almost an ache, ” through all extremities, coming on every time she took it, and lasting from 1 to 3 or 4 hours. (YOUNG, Amer. Journ. of Medorrhinum Sc., ix, 313.)

4. In a woman of 35, in whom catamenia had not appeared since she was 20, the Ix dil. produced, after she had taken it about 10 days, “a catching pain at the left side, just where the heat is,” which comes on when she bends body forward, sometimes when sitting at dinner, and after dinner. Throat is rather sore also, and she has been passing a great quantity of clear urine, which makes her feel very weak. She never had symptoms like these before. (COOPER, M. H. Rev., xv, 179.).

5. a. Dr. King found it in three cases, given for rheumatism, cause symptoms like those of delirium tremens. ” In the cases referred to,” he writes: ” I gave 20 – 30 dr. every hour, but on the occurrence of these symptoms omitted the medicine till they had disappeared, and again administered it, but in smaller doses, until I found that even 2 or 3 dr. would be followed by the same results, and was therefore compelled to cease its use altogether. In one I was near being dismissed for insisting that patient had taken liquor. There was nausea, retching, dilated pupils, tremor of limbs, incessant talking, and changing from one subject to another without any order, though patients were perfectly sensible when addressed; great wakefulness, imagining strange objects on the bed, and in the room, as rates, sheep, etc.; sometimes arousing from their incoherent talkativeness as if startled, and inquiring regarding persons present – ‘Who is that? what does he want here? ‘ etc.; with quick full pulse, wild look of eyes, and the peculiar, indescribable expression of face commonly observed among those who labour under delirium tremens.”

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.