Calcarea phosphorica

6. W. B. CHAMBERLAIN, M. D., of a sanguineous temperament and full habit took 6 gr. of 1st trit. without knowing what he was taking. Feeling in stomach as if distended by food. Dull, sleepy, oppressive pain, embracing whole head, but most in cerebellum. Slight jerking pain in right knee-joint. Bilious, slimy, offensive faecal evacuations, lumpy and covered with mucus, as many as 12 stools a day, with little pain. Seem to be more of a dysenteric character as the disease progresses. Stool in m. soon after rising, mostly bloody mucus. Slight pain low down in bowels. Frequent urging to stool with small discharges, attended with pain in head. Abdomen feels weak. Took last medicine on friday, and the symptoms were at their height on following Sunday, and continued with gradually abatement till last of week. (Ibid.)

7. E. M. JONES, M. D., sanguine temperament and very active. Jan. 11th, 1855, weather cold and clear, took 3 gr. (of pure substance) at 9 a.m. In 1/2 h. fulness and pressure in head, aggravated by pressure of hat, lasting at intervals all d. Not subject to headache, 12th. slept well all n., but during forenoon pain in all limbs, worse in gastrocnemii, as from a cold. Dull heavy feeling in head and sensation of fulness and repletion of stomach; soft stool, but otherwise natural. Took 4 gr.; biting stinging in small spot on left natis. 4 p.m., biting stinging in front corner of left nostril, succeeded by sneezing and lachrymation from left eye; whole group disappeared within 30 m. 13th, 6 a.m., 4 gr. Returned to bed. Drawing pains in gastrocnemii. Soft pappy stool. Slight momentary headache in forehead over left eye. Shock of pain in left ear. Dull pressive frontal headache all d. Sensation of faintness or emptiness in pharynx continued from last n. 14th. – slept well., 7:30 a.m., 4 gr. Empty sensation in throat continues. 4 p.m., 4 gr. 15th. soft stool, but difficult of expulsion. 12 m., headache principally on left side, pressive, occasionally throbbing aggravated by stepping or quick motion. 16th. – Stool rather costive, expelled with difficulty. 17th 7:30 a.m., 6 gr. In an h. biting stinging in front of corner of right nostril, accompanied by slight sneezing and lachrymation (similar to that on the 12th). Slight flatulence. 4 p.m., 4 gr. 18th. Before rising in m. sudden sharp cutting or stitches in region of heart, cutting short the breath both in expiration and inspiration, continuing about 5 m. and then going off. Slight pains of same nature preventing a full breath, occasionally during day 12 m., sharp shooting through temples, leaving a momentary soreness of right temple after pain had gone. Shooting through perineum and into penis. Shooting through left thigh. 19th. – aching in outer side of right knee in bed, soon followed by aching in ball of left foot, relieved by motion (lasting about 10 m.). Restless sleep disturbed by dreams. Severe biting sting in outer border of left axilla, momentarily relieved by scratching. Heavy confused feeling in head as if about to ache. Sleepiness all d., with yellowness of complexion and sclerotica. 20th. -Restless sleep last n., disturbed by dreams, amorous and fearful. Severe lamed or bruised feeling in both nates. (snowstorm yesterday.) Soreness of throat and fauces on swallowing. Throbbing headache behind left ear going off soon. 21st. – Aching in pulp of left forefinger, sometimes extending up arm and giving it a sensation of weakness (continuing all d.). Pain in nates better. Headache has continued at intervals throughout proving, generally being aggravated by eating. Yesterday and to – day pain has been a beating pain, extending through both parietal bones. Occasional aching pain in right eyeball. Painfully hard costive stool. Frequent emission of foetid flatulence. 22nd. Pain in nates nearly gone. No headache this a.m., though a feeling of fulness and confusion continues, which has been an accompaniment of the headache all along. I have noticed too a great lack of definiteness in my memory, an inability to remember common symptoms of common remedies, and for 3 d. past rather less appetite than usual. Pain in left forefinger today as yesterday, felt more when driving. Stool soft. 23rd. – Amorous dream with emission. 26th. – As it rained heavily on 22nd and I became thoroughly drenched and caught some cold, and was compelled to take medicine, I considered the provings vitiated and have not kept a record of symptoms. Have had rheumatic pains in shoulders and chest, &c., all of which might have been effects of cold. (Ibid.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.