Calcarea phosphorica

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Calcarea Phosphorica, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Tricalcic phosphate, Ca3 2PO4.


1. HERING. – a. From 2nd trit. Easily excited; headache, – like confusion all over inner sides of skull (sic), – in m. on waking, a heavy painful confusion, as if close to bone, from within and without, worse on vertex, disappearing on mental, returning on (or aggravated by) bodily exertion, relieved by washing with cold water, – like a fulness, a painful pressure of brain against skull, most severe on top, first recurring at short regular intervals, then continuous, aggravated on any movement, especially on rising from sitting or recumbency (when it is accompanied with vertigo), better while lying still, – with hot head and face, together with ill – humours and indolence, in m., with sore-throat, – not aggravated by taking wine, but severe on going afterwards into open air, relieved while scratching head, – better at first from going out; sensation as if something were in eye, felt always anew if even after several d. it is only mentioned; violent painful biting in left eyelid, towards external canthus, compelling violent rubbing, which causes pain, but dose not relieve; frequent violent sneezing, with running from nose and flow of saliva, thin bright streaks of blood on mucus; sometimes sensation as if something had got into nose, which could not be got out; kind of contraction in throat, as after much weeping or after running; sore-throat in m. on waking, worse right side, low down in back of fauces, worse when swallowing, disappears during breakfast, warm drink causing no pain; nausea after coffee, incipient heartburn and exceedingly unpleasant sensation, with confusion and pain of head and great ill-humours; difficult passage of flatus, followed by slight relief; very dark urine in afternoon, quite unusual; cutting- drawing pains in glans penis, extending towards tip, only while sitting, not very severe, but sensation exceedingly unpleasant; creaking on left side of sternum, like cracking in joints; tensive pain below right shoulder- blade, extending forward; pain and numbness of left arm in afternoon (drug taken in m.); no sleep till 2 or 3 a.m., dreams of dangers, without fear, – of fire, without many flames; especially chilly when going into open air, but warm room is oppressive.

1 b. From crude salt. – Headache in afternoon, with diminished appetite and dread of labour, some pressure on both sides towards back, relieved for awhile during supper, but continuing somewhat during e., relieved 3 or 4 times by sudden sneezing, which leaves sense of soreness in nostrils, some remaining next m., but with general well – feeling, unusual appetite, and more readiness for work; itching on scalp, provoking scratching, for several e.; severe burning pain excited thereby on small spot above right ear, with great sensitiveness to slightest touch, disappearing suddenly; itching in eyes; itching and soreness within right angle of nose near tip; sensation as if something were sticking into lower incisors, it feels like small painful swelling of the gum; saliva copious and acid; appetite better than for a long time previously: diarrhoea after cider, – in which were many small white points, or flames, like pus, scarcely perceptible (3rd d.); stool in right (unusual), scanty, with very much flatulence; genito-urinary organs seem generally affected after passage of stool and urine; frequently obliged to take a deep, sighing breath; sound sleep at first, but early waking; many dreams, quite unusual, with thoughts about many events; frequent creeping shivering, with motion of scrotum (not like that after urinating).

1 c. Without indication of dosage, – pain beneath hollow of knee every time it is strongly bent (as, for example, in drawing on boots, when it hurts greatly), making use of whole limbs uncertain, as in walking and jumping. (Allentown provings, 1837: from Allen.)

2. BUTE proved 4th on several persons.

2 a. Great weakness and weariness soon after taking it; sharp pains in stomach and knees, with headache, lasting whole d. Next m. pain in r. great toe, worse when walking, lasting all d. After a few d. repeated dose, which renewed pain in stomach and headache, with diarrhoea; pain in stomach continued next d., was very severe at times, with watery and burning stools; diarrhoea continued 3rd d., with violent pain in stomach on every attempt to eat anything; much better 4th d., well on 5th.

2 b. Woman, soon after taking it, felt weak and prostrated, with flushes of heat in head; 3 h., later severe pain in right knee, so that she could scarcely walk; she felt as though she had received blow on inner side of knee; with pain, sensation of soreness, both lasting 2 d. A 2nd dose taken some d. afterwards had same effect, aggravated by bending knee.

2 c. Daughter of above, aet. 12, had same symptoms from same dose, only more severe; weakness, severe headache, pain and sense of soreness in left thigh, which after a time extended into knee, and lasted there 24 h.; after disappearance of pain knee still sensitive to touch, as if beaten.

2 d. Son, aet. 10, was also affected by violent pain in left knee, extending to sole of foot.

2 e. An infant she was nursing, and which had just begun to stand, would not stand any longer.

2 f. While nursing 5th child during 6th month, 4 dr. in water caused labour pains going down thighs, with involuntary stool, and some blood from vaginas (in a strong, healthy woman, who never had catamenia while nursing before).

2 g. Following symptoms are given without note of subject: – Very offensive diarrhoea; diarrhoea and pain in ball of thumb; pain in region of kidneys, when lifting, digging, blowing nose, frequently so violent as to cause crying out; urine dark- coloured, hot, smelling like strong tea; severe pain above sacrum, and in hips, soon after taking it; loss of power of whole left arm, for 1 h.; very sensitive pain from left elbow-joint to shoulder; all fingers feel paralysed; pain in fingers of right hand when writing in evening; ulcerative pain in roots of finger- nails of right hand especially of middle finger; sharp pains in both knees when walking in afternoon of 2nd d.; pain in right calf, so violent that he could scarcely raise leg (m. of 3rd d.); very unpleasant formication over whole abdomen, for 1 1/2 h. (5 h. after 8 dr.); she feels very uncomfortable; distended veins. (Ibid.)

3. GREEN. – Much flatulence and borborygmus, with some pain, after 2 doses of 1st; same, but much more severe after a 3rd dose, together with confusion of head, which soon increased to a dull pain, which was always more sensitive on stooping; this continued more or less severe during whole d., till a thin evacuation followed, preceded by sensitive pain; quite well next d. From 2nd had meteorism and pain in abdomen, followed by stool and immediate relief of symptoms. (Ibid.)

4. HUMPHRY. – Proved 2nd; symptoms occurred after 2nd dose, and gradually diminished till 4th d., when they disappeared. They were – complete loss of memory, so that he forgets what he has just done, or what he should do next, towards noon of 1st d. nausea lasting 2 h., with vertigo and headache, worse when stooping, also flatulence in abdomen, head and thoughts confused; pains in various parts of body, frequently shooting along muscles into joints, – small of back, knees, and thumbs are specially affected. On 3rd and 4th d., severe pain in abdomen, with flatulence and unusually frequent stool, at first natural, afterwards soft; also frequent copious passage of urine, with weakness and weariness. (Ibid.)

5. S. M. CATE, M. D. – Proved drug prepared as follows :

Five parts of calcined ox bones, finally powdered, were well mixed with 6 parts of oxalic acid and 20 to 30 of distilled water. After standing 24 h. whole mixture was filtered for purpose of separating precipitated oxalate of lime. The solution of phosphoric acid after standing till all extraneous particles had subsided was decanted, and bicarbonate of soda added in small quantities till acid reaction ceased. This solution of phosphate of soda was evaporated on a sand bath till it crystallized. The crystals were then collected and dried on a filter. To boiling acetic acid pulverised oyster shells were added as long as the acid would act on them, and the clear solution evaporated and crystallized. One and a half parts of the phosphate of soda, and one part of the acetate of lime, were each separately dissolved in convenient quantities of water, and the two solutions mixed. The precipitated phosphate of lime was collected on a filter, thoroughly washed and dried on bibulous paper.

Prover was of a nervous bilious temperament. Health generally good, though somewhat inclined to diarrhoea, especially when overloading stomach. Tongue, from early recollection, has been coated on the middle and dorsum, and scalp covered with dandruff. Oct. 7th, 1854. – Weather warm and clear. Took 4 gr. 1st. trit, at 12 m. 8th. – Took 5 gr. at 8 a.m., At 9 felt sharp pain under left scapula, towards spine, continuing 10 m., followed by dull pain in left shoulder-joint. At 12 m., took 5 gr. Weather wet and rainy. In 1 1/2 h. dull pain in legs from knees to feet, continuing for 1/2 h. 4 p.m., feeling of great hunger, very unusual. Dull pain in head all d., increased towards n., and from 4 to 6 p.m., nausea. From 5:30 to 6 sharp pain at pit of stomach; nausea and pain in head increased therewith. Bread had bitter taste. Pain in stomach and head relieved by food. Weariness of legs, especially below knees, as if from severe labour. From 8 to 8:30, severe pain in front of right ankle, followed by soreness about sheaths of tendons, – most on extending and flexing foot. At 6 p.m., smart itching vesicle on left wrist; itching of left cheek, nose, and chin. At 9, sharp pain in abdomen, around navel, with slight feeling of soreness. Aching in right arm, in left temple and shoulder – joint, lasting a short time. – 9th. – Pain in right wrist, with lameness as if bruised, at 7a.m., lasting 1/2 h. Escape of considerable flatus, during whole forenoon. Increased appetite. 10th. – Took 5 gr. at 9 p.m. 11th, at 6 a.m., took 5 gr. more. From 12 m. to 9 p.m., frequent and profuse discharge of clear urine. 9 a.m., violent itching of l. wrist, with burning after scratching. The latter part of the n., and in m., dull pain as if from a bruise each side of dorsal spine. 12th. – Took 5 gr. at 6 a.m. Fluent coryza during forenoon, with dull pain in head from 11 to 12. 13th, 6 a.m., 6 gr., and 10 gr. at 9. Abundant emission of flatus. Appetite diminished in m., but good at noon. 3 p.m., severe pain in region of transverse colon, for 1/2 h. Dry hacking cough of a few m. duration. 5 p.m., dull pain in small spot in right chest, near mammary gland, lasting 1/2 h. In m. after rising, a thin, copious faecal discharge. An empty, sinking sensation at epigastrium, 7 p.m., 14th. – Diarrhoea early on rising. At 6 a.m., 8 gr. Emission of foetid flatus during d.; tremulous motion of hands. 10 p.m., 10gr. Pain on each side of lumbar and dorsal spine, as from a bruise, when awakening on following m. Disappeared after exercise. 15th, 6 a.m., and 6 p.m., 8 gr. After movement of bowels, pain in rectum, extending up 5 or 6 in., lasting some 10 m. A sharp pain at about 6th rib of right chest, a little to r. of mamma, worse on inspiration, lasting 10 m. 5 p.m. a like pain at a corresponding point of left chest. Considerable soreness of right chest when pressed upon; some, but less, in l. chest. Dull pain in l. arm between elbow and wrist. Yesterday, soreness of throat; today, tonsils, uvula, and pharynx red and swollen, with pain increased by swallowing. Pain in middle of abdomen during and after eating, lasting 1/2 h. this pain abated after copious emission of foetid flatus. 1/2 h. after, dull pain in epigastrium. At 6 p.m., sharp pain in tendons of inner hamstrings, when walking, lasting 20 m. for the last 2 d. obtuseness of intellect; difficulty of performing any ordinary intellectual operations; when composing would write throat for tonsils, red for swollen, &c., not clearly distinguishing the things under consideration. Dull pain in head at times through d. Urine has continued profuse, frequent, and watery, since 11th; but no unusual thirst. 16th, 6 a.m., took 6 gr. Soreness of muscles of back continues on getting up in m. M. cool and rainy. After dressing, seized with chills, and shivering, lasting 1/2 h., till after a brisk walk of half a mile; with chill, hacking cough and fluent coryza. After chill, dull pain in head; sharp pain in left chest, about 7th rib, and to left of mamma, followed by dull pain, felt more when inspiring deeply, – and this still continues (8 p.m.). Sharp pain for short time in region of spleen (8 p.m.). Diminution of sexual desire since commencement of proving. The pains above described in chest were felt very often through d. At 11:30 a.m., pain in right arm from elbow to hand, with lameness of wrist, all lasting till 9 p.m. From 8 to 9 p.m., burning at stomach, and rising of water into mouth (water-brash). 9 p.m., took 8 gr. 17th. – Lasting n. dreams of travelling, of robbers; of an army of cats. Inflammation of throat continues; yesterday, moderate pain most of the time when swallowing; this m. pain more marked, and inflammation gradually increases. Sharp pain in region of heart, when making an inspiration (especially a deep one); dull pain in head. Involuntary sighing, at times, for last 3 d. 6 p.m., took 6 dr. Itching of edge of right eyelid for a short time. Pain in region of heart. Itching of edge of right eyelid for a short time. Pain in region of heart, violent at time. sharp pain in region of lumbar vertebra and top of sacrum, lasting a short time, followed by soreness. Sharp pain between 4th and 5th left ribs, a little to left of heart occurring frequently during forenoon; so sharp and severe as to cut off the breath as times. The sharp pain would last 10 or 15m., leaving a soreness for a longer or shorter time, and then come on again. After breakfast much loud belching of wind; sharp pain in l. hypogastrium., lasting a short time, Pain in l. chest has been troublesome through afternoon; felt most during a deep inspiration, though not all the time present (sic). Sharp pain in right chest, by turns, during same time. Dull pain in head with confusion; increased on stooping; worse at times. 9 p.m., took 8gr. 18th. – Dryness of throat last n. Vivid dreams of travelling. No other new symptoms till 2 h. after dinner; then heartburn, lasting for some time. Mind in less dull and muddy than for several d. 19th. – No medicine since last date; no new symptoms last n. Pains in chest troublesome, though not constant through d. Pain with soreness under l. scapula. Heartburn commencing about an h. after each meal, and lasting 1 h. Crampy pain in nape of neck, first on one side and then on other, lasting for a short time. Feeling of languor and haziness in e., and aversion to mental labour. 20th. – Frequent and urgent desire to urinate in forenoon; water pretty clear, and aggregate quantity large. From 12 m. to 5 p.m., no opportunity to pass urine. By 2 desire was urgent and pain in bladder considerable; pain kept increasing from 2 to 5, at which time it was very severe in bladder above pubes and in prostate gland and neck of bladder. The water passed in a feeble stream, occupying considerable time. After all had passed, considerable soreness of bladder, followed by frequent micturition. Though the urine had often been retained much longer without difficulty, it was evident that this group of troubles of the bladder arose from over- distension, and that the medicine affected the bladder only through the increased secretion of urine. Very sleepy in e.; slept sound for 10 h. in succession. Pains and soreness still felt about chest, though not so constantly as several d. ago. 21st. – No new symptoms till to-day an h. after dinner, when dull pain in stomach, with soreness on pressure, occurred. Burning itching of outer ear in evening, lasting 1/2 h. Violent pain in right toes and foot to instep, lasting 1/2 h. 22nd. – diminution of aphrodisiac sense still continues and whole function seems so weak as to be well-nigh removed, and has been so since 2nd d. of proving. The excitement reaches a low pitch, at which it culminates from slight cause, simulating impotency. Urine more natural; but emitted flatus still very foetid, and abundant. Pain in bowels still present at times through d., lasting a few m., and generally followed by flatulent emissions, showing that pains were caused by flatus. Pains in stomach still come on about 1 h. after each meal, with soreness of stomach to pressure, and accompanied at times with loud belchings of empty tasteless flatus, which affords relief. Pains in bowels to-day most in region of ascending and transverse colon. Pains in chest still troublesome, passing from place to place; felt in central part of left chest in front, and passing thence under left scapula, but of a less acute character, more sore and aching. Pains still aggravated by deep inspiration. A sharp pain as though some round sharp instrument was pushing out through the lower end of sternum, for a short time, at about 12 m. Burning itching of outer ears when in a warm room, after riding in open air (which was not cold), and on putting hand to the ears was surprised to find they were not hot, though they were red. This burning has been troublesome all d. when indoors. Inclination to sigh continues and is marked; I find myself making frequent involuntary inspirations; this has been for a number of days. 23rd. – Symptoms diminished; but gloomy and discontended. Many of the above symptoms continued to recur for several d., but in gradually diminished degree, till finally all disappeared. (Trans. of Amer. Inst. of Hom., 1858.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.