
6. PIENITZ took 1 gr. on March 18th, 1825, at 9 a.m. Next day, at 8 a.m., was seized with sharp colicky pains in abdomen, with rumbling in intestines, distension of abdomen and loss of appetite, followed by three watery stools. Coupled with these were heaviness and confusion of head, with pressing pain spreading over whole head. Pulse was small and less frequent, skin cold and dry. By midday these symptoms had entirely ceased. After 2 grs., noticed no ill-effects until next day, when he had four watery evacuations, without pain, but with much passage of flatus downwards, in spite of which abdomen remained distended during whole d. Pulse was meanwhile small and frequent. After 3 grs., felt nothing till next day, when two soft evacuations and much flatus passed, without pain in abdominal organs. Had, however, feeling of heaviness and fulness in abdomen lasting till midday. Pulse was small, weak, and somewhat frequent. On April 15th, at 9 a.m., took 4 grs. At 11 a.m., felt trembling over whole body, skin being cold, and pulse small and weak. At midday had no appetite. In afternoon felt two transient stitches, one after another, in head, commencing in forehead and extending to occiput, leaving confusion of head, lasting under 1/2 h., and accompanied by slight acceleration of pulse. Next m. had two liquid stools, followed by rumbling in intestines, heaviness and distension of same, lasting till midday. Next d. had three liquid stools with acute pressing pain towards rectum. After 6 grs., bowels acted twice towards evening, evacuations being yeasty; same thing occurred on following d. During same d. that this dose was taken, genitals remained for several hours in excited condition. (Ibid.)

7. SIEBENHAAR took 1 gr. on March 26th, at 9 a.m. This was followed by rumbling and gurgling in abdomen. After 2 grs., noticed same symptoms, with confusion of head and full and quick pulse, lasting till towards e. Same results followed 3 grs., with addition of actual pain, especially in region of stomach. All symptoms only lasted till towards e. Dose of 4 grs. was followed successively by following effects: Heaviness and confusion of head; peculiar pressing feeling in chest, relieved after mucous expectoration; bellyache with active movements and rumbling in intestines; some loss of appetite at midday; persistent inclination to go to stool, followed either by hard faeces or nothing at all; full and quick pulse; and general malaise. These symptoms lasted nearly whole day to same extent. After 5 grs., felt same effects, but more intensely. On rising next m., felt very marked nausea and great inclination to vomit; latter remained undiminished after breakfast (of bread and butter) and he felt quite out of sorts generally. Both symptoms lasted till midday, and instead of appetite for dinner he felt considerable urging to vomit. No vomiting occurred, but frequent belching of foul-tasting flatus. At 1 p.m., nausea abated, and condition improved generally. After walking for 2 h. in open air during afternoon perceived a peculiar affection of genitals, in consequence of which testicles became painful, especially to touch or on movement, lasting 1/2 h. (Ibid.) 8. JORG, on March 31st, at 9 a.m., took 1 gr. After 1/2 h. cutting in umbilical region came on, increased on sitting down and pressing abdomen, and lasting till evening; coupled with this felt peculiar movements in stomach and in oral cavity, spasmodic contractions of former alternating with increasing nausea and inclination to vomit, appearing frequently as if peristaltic movements of intestines were inclined to become reversed, and as if this inclination had been already communicated to gullet; no vomiting followed, but, after much urging to stool, passed four evacuations of hard or pappy faeces. Abdomen remained distended all rest of day in spite of frequent passage of flatus. Next m. woke with same inclination to go to stool, but bowels did not open all d. After 1 1/2 grs. felt again cutting in umbilical region, lasting as before, and along with this several transient stitches in and under frontal bone, and later pressing and burning under sternum with frequent irritation and cough. Taste was after 1 h. better, became after 2 h. foul and acrid, with slight nausea, After 2 h. distension of intestinal canal came on, with same apparent reversal of peristaltic action, lasting with occasional intermissions till late in evening, former being worse in afternoon and evening, apparently from fact that after constant attempts to evacuate bowel only small, dry, hard faeces were passed. Next day had repeated cutting in umbilical region with distension of abdomen, and persistent constipation in spite of constant urging to stool; pains like spasms at stomach, and a feeling kept coming and going as if gums were raw. Constipation lasted all next d. On April 5th, at 9 a.m., took 2 grs. Very shortly felt severe cutting pains in abdomen, burning in region of stomach and diaphragm, distension of abdomen and frequent urging to stool, very little hard or soft faeces being passed. Simultaneously felt confusion of head with frequent stitches in frontal and temporal regions, lasting till nearly midday. During fore-and afternoon had same feeling of reversed peristaltic movement of bowels, and feeling of urging in gullet from stomach towards mouth. During afternoon rheumatic pains came on in upper and lower extremities, in region of scapula, but more especially in joints, situation changing at times, lasting till e. During evening noticed rancid fatty taste in mouth. Next day noticed same symptoms as from previous doses, with irritable condition of gullet and taste in mouth as if he had eaten and drunk too much the day before. Appetite during day was lessened, and in evening felt very tired and sleepy. (Ibid.)

9. Frau CH., after 1 gr., felt slight cutting in umbilical region, with mild pressing headache, especially in forehead. After 1 1/2 grs., besides above symptoms had troublesome dryness in gullet without thirst and constant urging to stool although constipated. After 2 grs. early symptoms were same as before. Later on had waterbrash several times and occasional cutting pains in abdomen. Next day felt nearly all day pressure in stomach, pressing pain in forehead, and dryness in gullet. Had constant but fruitless urging to stool. July 28th, 8 a.m., took 2 1/2 grs. After 5 m. felt burning in gullet, after 1/2 h. burning in stomach. After 1 1/2 h. felt pressing headache, especially in right half; and after 2 h. acute labour-like pain in region of uterus, lasting 5 m., and recurring twice within 1 h. During afternoon and evening felt lassitude and weariness with desire for sleep. Burning in throat and stomach lasted all next d., changing into dryness, without thirst. lasting till 3rd d. Bowels remained constipated. Took 3 grs. at 8 a.m. Felt immediately burning in gullet and stomach. After 1 hours felt pressing headache, especially in forehead, with small and quickened pulse (10 beats per m. above normal). This state of pulse moderated towards midday, and ceased towards 3 p.m. After 4 p.m. had several attacks of above-mentioned uterine pains. Burning and pressing in stomach lasted till next d., when they were replaced by dryness in gullet and sensitive pressing pain in stomach; this alternation continued till 4th d., experimenter meanwhile complaining each d. of great lassitude towards e. Bowels remained constipated. After 24 h. catamenia appeared, 10 d. before usual time; flow was very scanty for 3 day, later became natural (Ibid.)

10. L- took 2 1/2 grs. on July 28th, at 9 a.m. Felt pressure at stomach lasting whole d. with heaviness and confusion of head, changing towards e, to troublesome weariness. Heaviness of head frequently amounted to veritable pressure over eyes, as if from great sleepiness. Same symptoms followed dose of 3 grs., pressure at stomach appearing also next d., lasting all forenoon.

11. TH., after 3 grs. taken at 8 a.m., felt pressing headache, especially in forehead, burning in throat, pressure in stomach, and heaviness in whole body, all symptoms except last vanishing before 4 p.m. (Ibid.)

12. EDUARD JORG took 2 1/2 grs. on July 28th, at 8 a.m. After 1/2 h. felt pressing and cutting pains in stomach and abdomen, lasting till midday; confusion of head proceeding from left half of vertex, changing to pressure towards eyes lasting with varying intensity till midday. After 3 grs. felt same pressure at stomach lasting 3 hours, and simultaneously confusion of head, changing at noon to vertigo. (Ibid.)

13. THEODORE JORG, on July 28th, at 9 a.m. took 2 1/2 grs. After 1 h. felt transient stabbing in left thorax; after 2 h. pressing headache, especially in forehead and over eyes, together with dryness in mouth. After 3 grs., felt after 3/4 h. pressure at stomach; after 1 h. pressing headache descending towards eyes and nose, lasting 4 h. Pressure in stomach was associated with much grumbling and rumbling in abdomen, passing off late in the evening with abundant passage of flatus downwards. (Ibid.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.