
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Asafoetida, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Ferula Asafoetida, L. Nat Ord., Umbelliferae. The gum- resin, obtained by incision from the living root, is the part employed.


1. FRANZ. [This is a pathogenesis consisting of symptoms from Hahnemann, Gross, Gutmann, Stapf, and Franz himself. Their contributions, however, are not distinguished, and no information is given as to how the drug was taken. -EDS.]

Immediately, tensive shooting in right upper arm, from above out at inner side. After 1/4 h., weakness in head. Superficial twitching on inner side of left thigh. After 1/2 h., pressure in right side of face from within outwards. Pressive shooting pain in right lower ribs, extending to flank of that side. Attacks of slight pinching in hypogastrium. Drawing pressive pain with tightness of chest. Slight twitching in right big toe. After 3/4 h., obtuse pressure in sternum; going off on in-and expiration, but returning while writing. After 1 h., pressure externally in forehead. In region of eyebrow cramp-like drawing across. Pinching in bowels with discharge of flatus. Obtuse shooting in left shoulder. Twitching in left shoulder. Boring pressure on inner side of left forearm, from within outwards. Pressive pain under right calf, goes off on walking. After 1 1/4 h., pressure in right temple. After 1 1/2 h., painless rumbling in bowels. After 1 3/4 h., pressive pain in right side of forehead, from within outwards. After 2 h., sharp shooting near penis in pubes. Fine burning stitches in and behind right scapula, towards ribs. Pressure in right side of nape. Fine tensive stitches in right shoulder-joint towards inside. Quivering in deltoid. Pressure on outer side of left forearm. Twitching of muscles of left thigh. Sharp outward shooting in right tibia. Quivering in left sole towards toes. After 2 1/4 h., burning shooting in left eye. After 2 1/2 h., pressure in forehead with exhaustion of whole body. Pressure in left ear. Fine sharp stitches in navel. Violent stitch in hypogastrium. Diarrhea with bellyache. Pressive pain in right scapula. After 3 h., whirling in head. Tensive drawing in left upper arm on its inside. Violent tearing pressive pain in whole right leg, less when walking. After 3 1/2 h., sharp stitches externally in left side of belly, removed by rubbing. After 4 h., crawling pricking in umbilical region. Quivering in deltoid. Twitching in muscles on outer side of left upper arm. Burning shooting in right patella. Sharp shooting runs down left tibia on inner side. Sharp shooting on dorsum of right foot, goes off on walking. After 4 1/2 h., pricking burning in left cheek. Drawing shooting pain in left side of chest. Weak movements in left intercostal muscles. After 5 h., pressive pain in forehead, from within outwards. Itching in skin of abdomen below navel. Itching pricking in skin in right side of hypogastrium. Flatus with diarrhoea. Pressive stitches in right thoracic cavity, followed by pricks, with pressive pain in ribs near spine. Pressure in left intercostal muscles from within outwards, aggravated by inspiring and expiring. Fine stitch from right loin to ribs. Quivering in muscles of right thigh. After 5 1/2 h., burning in left eyeball as from within outwards. After 6 h., pressive pain in forehead. Pinching in bowels. Stitch in right ribs. Tiresome backache, especially under scapulae. Backache in right side. Itching pricking in left tibia in front below the knee; goes off on walking. After 7 h., burning in right elbow- joint, on its outer side. After 8 h., pressive shooting in back of right hand. Pressure on roots of middle and index fingers of right hand. After 9 h., quivering in left shoulder-joint towards outer side. Pressure on inner side of thumb. After 9 1/2 h., pressure on left side of occiput. After 11 h., rumbling in bowels. After 12 h., burning in right eyeball. Dryness in esophagus; when swallowing, tension there. Shooting pinching in left side of belly. After 21 h., pressive pain out at navel. After 23 h. Quivering shooting in left side of belly, when in- and expiring. Cutting pinching in bowels. Twitching in right cervical muscles. After 24 h., pressure in left cheek. Stitches in region of diaphragm, right side. Obtuse stitches externally in left scapula. Tensive stitch in dorsal muscles of left side, from below upwards. Fine stitches in right 3rd toe, when walking. After 25 h., quivering in right thigh anteriorly. After 26 h., tensive burning in right eyeball, pressive pain in right side of chest, from within outwards. Tensive shooting in left loin continuing during in-and expiration, going off when walking. Fine pricks like needles about left loin. Stitches in left shoulder-joint, from within outwards. Shooting pain on inside of left upper arm. Fine stitch on elbow. After 27 h., pinching sharp stitches on right inner side of ribs. Itching of skin on patella. After 29 h., burning pricking in navel. Pain in back, especially in right scapula. Pressive pain from right wrist to right index. Obtuse stitches in right glutei muscles. Quivering in inner side of right knee-joint. Obtuse shooting in left ankle-joint on inner side. After 30 h., pressive pain in right side of head. Can work no longer on account of backache. Itching in right knee-joint on its inner side. Unusual desire to sleep. Out of humour and disinclined to work. After 31 h., pressure in nose as though it would burst, especially in right ala. After 32 h., pressive shooting in sternum from within outwards. After 34 h., pressive pain in middle of sternum with a kind of nausea up from chest. Twitching sensation in internal muscles of left upper arm. After 36 h., coryza. Quivering in left knee-joint on its inner side. On left tibia pressure, going off on moving. Quivering in right ankle-joint inferiorly. After 37 h., pressive pain in left intercostal muscles from within outwards. After 41 h., boring shooting in left loin from within outwards, going off on in- and expiration. After 42 h., itching in right scapula. Quivering in muscles of left scapula. Itching pricking under right inner ankle, goes off on rubbing. Digging in inner side of left foot. After 43 h., boring shooting on inner surface of right upper arm, not going off by movement. After 45 h., pressure in left side of head from within outwards. Digging pressive shooting in left loin from within outwards to ribs, with anxiety. Obtuse stitch from thumb towards back of hand. After 46 h., pressive pain in right sole when sitting. After 47 h., boring obtuse stitches in left side of ribs outwards, when inspiring and expiring. After 48 h., quivering in left shoulder-joint towards inside. Burning stitch on outer side of right upper arm. Twitching drawing in left thigh. Pressive pain in dorsum of left foot when sitting. After 49 h., itching in right eye. Pressive pain in right ear. Transient stitches in right side of back. Quivering of anterior muscles of thigh in upper half. Itching creeping on under surface at right big toe. Burning pressure at root of left big toe. After 54 h., cutting pain under right scapula. After 58 h., tensive stitches in left pectoral muscles. After 60 h., needle pricks externally in penis. After 61 h, burning drawing in right intercostal muscles. Fine stitch in left knee when sitting. After 62 h., burning in left eyebrow. Burning stitches in right eyeball. Obtuse stitches outwards in left side of abdomen, with flatulence. After 63 h., along with constriction of throat pressure in chest. Obtuse stitches in left ribs. Sharp shooting burning in tip of left index. After 64 h., shooting in thoracic cavity extending to fauces, when standing and sitting. Pressive beating in thoracic cavity extending to fauces when standing and sitting. Fine stitch in elbow. Fine long stitch in bend of elbow. After 66 h. itching in dorsum of foot. After 67 h., digging shooting outwards from diaphragm to left hypochondrium when inspiring and expiring. After 68 h., pressure in left temple from within outwards. Pressive shooting in right upper arm on its inner surface from within outwards. Quivering in right glutei muscles. Burning pricking in left little toe. After 69 h., pressure in thoracic cavity out towards right side. After 70 h., shooting in left side of belly from within outwards. After 72 h., itching in right cheek. Tensive burning in left calf. Ist d., rush of blood to head with heat of face. Headache as if muddled in head, during which attention is apt to be overstrained. Confusion of head with pressure in temples. In forenoon obtuseness of senses, especially of hearing; he hears nothing distinctly, has always to ask twice. Great feeling of dryness of mouth, though he has moisture enough in it. Drawing down along left side of neck when moving. Loathing at beer, it tastes slimy. Perceptible pulsation in pit of stomach. Soon after eating pressure in gastric region. Violent pressive pain in pit of stomach towards hepatic region, when sitting. Sudden violent jerky stitch from right side of abdomen outwards, from within to external integuments. Stitches in left side of belly when walking. Contracting pain under navel when standing. When walking after dinner, twisting pain in abdomen. Drinking disagrees with him, causes immediately weight and cooling sensation in bowels. In iliac region, on drawing in abdominal muscles, a pressive pain. On bending chest forward pressure on lower part of sternum. Drawing pressive pain along 4th and 5th last dorsal, and Ist lumbar vertebra, as if along their bodies. Pressive sacral pain, especially when bending the body back and forward. Stitches along sacral bone, down to anus. Pain in perineum, as if something blunt pressed out there. Stitches in latissimus dorsi near upper arm. At outer end of clavicle, when sitting, a pressive pain. Drawing pain about head of humerus, when he held arm still, with a kind of trembling over-excitement (as after a great debauch) in its muscles which he must always keep moving. Tearing pains up along forearm, on moving fingers. Tearing in left femur when sitting. Drawing pressive pain in tendons of hough on stretching them. Great weariness when moving; as long as he lies or sits still he feels strong, except a feeling of faintness when his mouth becomes dry. In afternoon, flushing of heat on cheeks. -2nd d., sensation in brain under upper part of frontal bone, like undulation and quivering, m. Near frontal protuberance externally, continued burning pricking, with pain like ulceration, relieved by touching, but immediately returning. Pressure in both eyes. Bellyache in upper abdomen as if chilled, and as if diarrhoea would come on, with a kind of bulimy. In m., feeling in gastric region and whole abdomen, as if all were bruised there, with feeling of fulness in stomach and eructations. Pulsation in pit of stomach, perceptible to finger. After eating, pressure in gastric region, with great faintness. On merely compressing abdomen, pressure in lower part of stomach (xiphoid cartilage) with nausea and feeling of fulness in pit of stomach. Shooting outwards in both sides of belly after eating when sitting, going off by pressing on it. Across abdomen, pinching drawing when sitting, with obtuse stitches going outwards in left side of belly. In left side of hypogastrium violent shooting and drawing that extends along inside of os ilii, when sitting, m. After eating, tension in abdomen, as if he had over-reached himself. Sensation of great discomfort in whole abdomen, with great weight in it and pressure in its sides, m. Crossness and anxiety, which seem to come from abdomen, when he has a little difficulty in fixing his attention, m. Soon after dinner, when lying, great oppression of chest with pressure and throbbing in it. Stitches and pressure on chest when lying, with very difficult, sobbing, jerky inspiration, going off on pressing on chest with the hand, and when sitting up. Drawing along left side of neck downwards on moving. Paralytic drawing pain along left shoulder and down upper arm, when at rest. Tearing stitches upwards, followed by burning, in right forearm when at rest. In the wrist bones, pain as if beaten. Pressive drawing in bones of wrist and instep on moving. When lying and at rest, drawing pressure, on backs of fingers, and blows from forearm to elbow.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.