Aesculus hippocastanum

9a. Dr. BURT. a. March 14th, 1864, 10 a.m. took gr. 10 of lx trit. From 11 to 4, flying “neuralgic” or constrictive pains in various parts, chiefly about praecordia; and dull aching in small of back, increasing in severity, aggravated by motion. At 4, took gr. 20. Same pains, also aching in knees, and from pit of stomach to right to be of liver. At 10, with same pains, and feeling as if something had lodged in fauces, producing constant inclination to swallow, took 20 grains more. 15th. – Called up more than once in night, back always aching, as it is in morning. At 7 a.m., took gr. 20. At noon, dull frontal headache; fauces feel dry and constricted, burning distress in stomach, frequent eructation, very tired and languid, back aches severely. During days frequent pains in umbilical and hypogastric regions. For 2 days no stool. 16th. – Very hard and dry stool at 7 a.m., followed by colicky pain in umbilicus and severe cuttings in anus. At 9, took gr. 10. Internal burning, backache, flying neuralgic pains, and sensations in fauces, occurred as before. At noon, pulse being 68, soft and weak, took gr. 40. Same results; with frontal headache, great constriction of skin of forehead; with throat sensation at pit of stomach, lasting 5 morning, and recurring five times; frequent dull aching in right hypochondrium, and faintness at epigastrium. In evening, frequent twitching of muscles under left eye. 17th. – Very dry and hard knotty stool, voided with great difficulty; same on 19th with prolapsed feeling at anus after it. Symptoms had now subsided.

9b. On 22nd, feeling well, took 20 grs. of pulverised nut at 10:30 a.m. In 1/2 hours smarting of tongue and eyes, constriction of fauces; dull umbilical aching. At 11:45, severe neuralgic pain in heart, lasting 10 morning, and arresting breathing; right hypochondrium and back beginning to ache. By noon all previous symptoms had recurred, and they lasted all day. In evening fauces looked dark and congested, and an evacuation took place with difficulty as before. 23rd. – On waking, still feeling as if portion of anus was prolapsed, with dull backache. At 9 a.m., took 30 grs. Same pains, with profuse secretion in nostrils, and feeling of much depression. At 4:30 p.m. another 30 grs. All pains worse; throat again shows much congestion; same kind of stool in evening 24th. – In morning tongue very much coated yellow, and sweet, flat, slimy taste in mouth. Burning distress in stomach continues; also backache on first rising, but it becomes easier on moving about. At noon, took 30 grs., with usual effects. At 2 great desire for stool; when passed, first part was back and hard, second of natural consistence, but white as milk; severe tearing pains in anus followed. At 4, took 40 grs. This evening congestion of fauces was accompanied with constant aching distress in them; legs also ached much, and he felt so weak that he had to lie down all the time. 25th. – Slept soundly;but pains in stomach, liver and back were all present on waking, with a severe frontal headache, which lasted all forenoon. Moving produced violent pains in sacrum and his; urine was very high- coloured. Was obliged to lie down all forenoon, feeling feverish; hands hot and dry but pulse 66 only, soft and weak. At 3, feeling very weary and low spirited, took 30 grs. Nothing fresh occurred. 26th. – Slept soundly; backache went off on movement, and he felt well. At 10 a.m., took 60 grs. Pains in throat, heart, epigastrium, right hypochondrium and lumbo-sacral region recurred in much force; with epigastric pain was weak, faint feeling. At 9 p.m., stool of natural consistence, but very white. 27th. – Symptoms moderating; dry, difficult stool in evening 28th. – The same, with frequent griping and desire for stool, which two soft evacuations do not relieve. 29th. – The same: stool black as well as soft. April 1st. – Still a good deal of pain in lumbar region, with soft mushy stool. (Ibid.)

10. Dr. T. C. DUNCAN, aged. 24. Well, save some weakness of bowels. May 6th, 1865, took gtt. xij of 2x dil. During day heat and soreness in epigastrium; memory and power of attention weak; slight pains here and there. In evening continued pain in back, shoulders and neck, at times with pricking sensation; profuse coryza, with feeling in nose and forehead as if he had taken cold; fulness and itching at anus after walking mile. 7th. – Slept well, but woke with still some symptoms of catarrh, dull heavy pain in back of neck; itching in anus, with some heat. At 8 a.m., took gtt. xv. Neck and anus sensations continued; ideas confused no stool. 8th. – At 7 a.m. took gtt. xx of Ix dil. Nausea; mouth and pharynx feel irritated; pressure, burning, itching and fulness at anus; flushes of heat over body soreness of neck, with pricking sensation; head chest and upper abdomen feel congested, later surface in general. Stool very costive; urine frequent and hot. 9th. – In night distressful and exciting dreams; on asking feels sore all over, feet swollen (became so on 8th after an ordinary walk), cervical glands slightly enlarged and tender to touch, limbs heavy and joints stiff. Throat, anus, stool and urine as yesterday. Mind still confused and temper very irritable. At 8:30 a.m., took gtt. xxx of lx. By 9 mouth and throat were dry; sharp, darting pains affected trachea, producing tickling cough; there was heat in stomach and thorax, and all over body; ineffectual attempts at stool, and soreness at anus. Yawning and stretching were followed by chilly sensation, especially when riding in cool air; anterior head feels light, posterior heavy and dull; great pain in cool air; anterior head feels light, posterior heavy and dull; great pain in sacro-lumbar region; whole body heavy, weak, sore, and painful on motion; right hypochondrium tender, later full; lids twitch, balls are sore, and right eye pains when near light; head tight and dull, as in catarrh; itching of whole body, especially round waist. In evening, after great fulness and pressure, and with much straining and shivering, expulsions of about 8 in. of faeces, like a rope, solid, knotty, first half dark, second light in colour; great soreness of anus, sphincter seemed unable to contract; about 1/2 in. protrusion, which he had to push up; great burning and itching. Had been very drowsy all day, and now soon went to sleep.

He now took no more medicine, but symptoms lasted 3 days longer. Pains, soreness, heat and fulness, and languor, were present on 10th, with dull supra-orbital aching; want of control over tongue, which feel swollen; tenderness of abdomen; no stool. Felt dull, gloomy and despondent. Skin dry and hot, but sensitive to cold. On 11th, symptoms lessening; hard stool, with usual effects at anus; mind clearing. On 12th, a small stool, thin, watery, light-coloured, with some tenesmus. Easier altogether, but weak and disinclined to study. (Ibid.)

11. Dr. C. H. LEE began on December 26th, 1863, by taking one drop of 3rd dil. Symptoms (acute febrile tonsillitis) which followed were quite foreign to the drug, and pretty certainly the results of cold. On January 2nd, these having left him, took 4 drops of tincture. On 3rd and 4th, appeared haemorrhoids like ground nuts, of purple colour, very painful, and with sensation of burning (prover never had piles before). On 6th, felt dryness in soft palate, fulness in head; urine dark, with some little sediment. Took 8 drops. On 8th, throat dry and swollen. Took 3j. On 10th, throat same; severe headache as if head would split; desire to pass water often, but little at time. On 11th, with these symptoms, burning in throat and palate; much thick yellow phlegm in mouth; tongue coated yellow; bowels loose, stools brown; urine scanty and dark brown, no sediment; pulse hard and frequent; dull aching in left elbow. He took no more of drug; symptoms began to diminish on 12th, and had gone by 14th. (Ibid.)

12. Dr. H. M. PAINE took from 10 to 30 drops of tincture daily from September 28th to 30th. On October 1st, general headache, with fulness in upper part. Very annoying vertigo all afternoon. General malaise. Same symptoms next day till 4 p.m. At 9, took 40 drops. A few morning after quick, severe griping pain in epigastrium for 1/2 hour. On 34d, felt miserably cross and disinclined for any labour. Headache and vertigo as before until evening. At 10 p.m., took 40 drops, and same pain followed. On 4th, but slight disorder: took 40 drops more in evening. On 6th, for first time since beginning proving had rather difficult stool. Forty drops in evening. On 7th, another such stool, followed for 1 hour by slight soreness, aching and fulness in rectum. Took 50 drops in evening, but no further symptoms were experienced. (Ibid.)

13. Dr. WOODWARD WARREN, aged. 36, nervo-bilious temp., subject to gastric and bilious derangements. On May 22nd, 4 p.m., took 2 grs. of Ix trit. Slight uneasiness in fauces, stomach and bowels ensued with dull pains here and there in head. On 29th, same dose of 2x, and same symptoms, but also ineffectual urging to stool, and constriction of rectum. 30th. – At 6 a.m., difficult scanty stool. At 8, took 3 grs. In 10 morning coppery taste, with increased saliva. Some headache and nausea after 1/2 hour, and at 9 lameness and weariness in nucha and small of back. 31st. – Took 2 grs. At 9 a.m. copious soft stool, followed by burning and feeling of swelling and constriction in rectum. Slight symptoms as before in head and abdomen, also confusion in head and giddiness, with flushes of heat on surface from occiput to shoulders and burning in ears. June 7th. – Took 5 grs. at noon. Same symptoms as on 31st; also burning and stinging deep in left orbit as if pain surrounded ball of eye, with feeling of coldness in eye; and (2:30) general feeling of malaise, with stupefying feeling in head, and lameness in the back. 8th, at 7 a.m., difficult hard stool, followed by burning and sense of constriction in rectum. At 9, took 3 grs. Same symptoms as heretofore. (Ibid.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.