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AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM …


Acts especially upon the cerebro-spinal system, selecting for its special centre of action, the filaments of the motor nerves that emanate from the lower portion of the spinal cord and are distributed to the mucous membrane of the colon and rectum; the functions; of these nerves are paralyzed so as to entirely suspend the secretions of the mucous follicles, producing constipation, and white colored stools. I once thought it powerfully influenced the liver, entirely suspending its secretions, producing white stools; but a better knowledge of physiology has taught me that white stools are caused by the follicles of the colon not performing their functions. Dr. Inman has shown that the faeces do not become brown until they reach the colon; and that the green stools of infants assume their peculiar color at this point. AEsculus probably produces some passive portal congestion.Dr.E.M.Hale, says: A careful study of its pathogenesis would lead us to believe (a)that it affected the whole mucous membranes in a peculiar manner, exciting therein congestion (venous,) with irritation, and that this action was the cause of the whole phenomena; or(b) that the starting point of its action was in the portal system, the circulation of which is deranged in a peculiar and profound manner, and from this cause proceeded the gastric, hepatic, intestinal, and rectal symptoms. It is difficult to hold to one explanation to the exclusion of the other. The explanation under (a) is the nearest to being correct.

This is a real cerebro-spinal remedy; especially spinal, and its effects are mostly spent upon the rectum and anus. There is no remedy that produces so many symptoms in this region.

The many symptoms of the fauces noted in the provings are due to its local astringent action, and must not be relied upon as curative.


Exhausts the nervous power of the spinal cord, so that its functions cannot be performed.Constant backache, affecting the sacrum and hips, aggravated by walking or stooping.

Constriction, protrusion, fulness, aching, dryness, itching, pricking tenesmus, and pains in the rectum and anus.Hale.

Dry uncomfortable feeling in the rectum which feels as if it had been filled with sticks. Hughes.

Excessive dryness of the rectum with a feeling of heat.Hale.

Hemorrhoids; there is little tendency to hemorrhage, but much severe fulness and bearing down, with constipation.Hughes.

Dreadful pain in the anus; could not sit, stand or lie down.

The pain was like a knife, sawing backwards and forwards; almost a martyrdom for agony.

Large hemorrhoids, which quite block up the rectum, without much hemorrhage.

The hemorrhoidal tumors protrude from the rectum; are of a blue-purple color, with sharp, shooting, cutting pains in them running up into the rectum.

An intolerable burning, itching pain, with a feeling of fulness of the anus.-T.C. DUNCAN.

Aching, swelling, and rigid hardness of the rectum, with constipation.-T.C.DUNCAN.

Soreness in the rectum, with increased secretion of mucus, or as if the folds of the mucous membrane obstructed the passage, with a feeling as if the rectum would protrude.-BOYCE.

Severe lumbar and sacral pains.

A painful weakness of the loins with dull aching pain.- Dr. W.M.CUTHBERT.

Dull aching pains in the small of the back, much aggravated by walking.

Severe aching pains in the lumbar and sacral regions, with stiffness in the back; almost impossible to walk.

Pain across the sacro-iliac symphysis, more or less constant, with a feeling as if the back would give way at that point, causing great fatigue when walking. This symptom is common to both sexes, but in uterine displacements may be regarded as a key note.

Leucorrhoea, with lameness in the back, across the sacro- iliac articulations, and hence great fatigue from walking; because that part of the back gives out from walking even a little way.

Capillary congestion of the mucous membrane of the bowls.

White soft papescent stools.

Prolapsus ani with constipation.

It is said to act well in jaundice.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881

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