
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Pulsatilla, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Including P. pratensis, Millefolium (nigricans, L.), meadow anemone, pasque – flower, wind – flower; and the American variety, P. (Anemone, D. C.) Nuttalliana. [ Provings 1-3 are from the p. nigricans, the remainder from P. Nuttalliana vol III. ] Nat. Ord., Ranunculaceae.


1. HAHNEMANN, Mat Medorrhinum Pura, vol. ii of original and of translation. Contains 1153 symptoms, mostly from self, about 100 only from 5 fellow – provers and a few authors.

2. LEMBKE, Nov. 1st, 8 a. m., took 2 dr. tinct. After 1 hours flow of saliva, rumbling in belly, eructation of air. Often during d. nausea with peculiar pain in stomach. Frequent tearing in right side of head. – 5th, 7:30 a. m., 5 dr. A not unpleasant sweetish slimy taste for some time after taking the drops. 8:30 a. m., transient pressure in stomach. 8:45 a. m., severe pressure in right outer ankle, going and coming, when sitting. 12 noon, whistling in right ear with dulled hearing, and as if air forced the membrana tympani from within outwards. 12:30 p. m., pressure in left forearm. 5 p. m., transient violent cutting in stomach. During day 3 or 4 times a noise like opening of the right ear. – 6th, a. m., drawing in spermatic cords; 2 hours later great cutting deep in abdomen extending into pelvis, with feeling as if bowels were going to move, increased by drawing in abdominal integuments. Strong pulsation externally in left side of occiput for 1/2 m. – 8th. 10:30 a. m., when walking in open air attack of vertigo as though the body would fall to right or left; at same time feeling of stiffness of legs, lasting for about 100 paces. Frequent nausea during day, with good appetite. Frequent closing of right ear. Painful drawing in spermatic cords, frequent and long continued. Violent shooting in tips of right toes, evening – 9th, 7 a. m., 20 dr. Immediately much scraping deep down in throat and esophagus, great flow of saliva, lastly heat in stomach for 1/2 hours 7:45 a. m., shooting in canthi of right eye. Pressure in left tibia and right shoulder – joint. Vertigo while sitting. Much mucus in mouth. Transient shooting in sternum and in left thoracic wall. 9 a. m., strong pressure in left temple. Pains in both shoulder – joints, evening – 10th, m. and 11 a. m., shooting in tips of right toes. 9 a. m., pressure in centre of chest. 2 p. m., vertigo when walking over a lofty bridge. – 11th. 11 a. m., boring in left zygoma and right side of frontal bone. 4 p. m., cutting in tips of right toes. – 12th, 7 a. m., 30 dr. Immediately scraping from tongue to deep down in oesophagus, great flow of saliva, going off after a few minutes. Much heat in sinciput, lasting 2 or 3 m. 8 a. m., severe cutting in toes, dull pain in stomach with full feeling, at same time sliminess in mouth. 8:30 a. m., strong pressure above and on left clavicle. 9 a. m., tearing on left parietal bone, great tickling and scraping in larynx, with lachrymation and dry cough. 1 p. m., sudden violent stomachache. 9 p. m., tearing in left side of parietal bone. – 14th, 8 a. m., 40 dr. Symptoms following dose same as on 12th. Pressure on inner side of right knee. Severe shooting under edge of left ribs and up into left thoracic wall. After /2 hours scraping in stomach and up oesophagus like heartburn. Much chilliness through back. Drawing in left calf. Tearing on left side of occiput. 5 p. m., severe pains in 1st joint of left index, relieved by moving finger. – 19th, 7 a. m., 40 dr. Symptoms same as on 14th soon after taking dose. They come and go with nausea in between. later, great flow of saliva. 11 a. m., persistent bitterness in mouth. 1 p. m., sudden violent shooting in left thoracic wall when sitting. 7 p. m., severe shooting in eyelids and canthi. – 22nd, 7:30 a. m., 50 dr. Symptoms as above. 9 a. m., shooting in tongue. 2 p. m., much nausea, much shooting in ear. When walking shooting and drawing in right inner ankle all day – 29th, 7 a. m., 50 dr. Symptoms same as on 22nd. 8:15 a. m., much pain in stomach, extending to navel and down into pelvis; it then jumps to beneath left ribs, drawing in of abdominal integuments increases the pain; these symptoms last till 10:30 a. m., when there is still violent pain under left ribs. 9:30 a. m., smarting in tip of tongue. 12 noon, pain in left thoracic wall hindering respiration. 1 p. m., pressure between left fingers. – Dec. 4th, 6:45 a. m., 60 dr. 7:30 a. m., nausea, much saliva, severe cutting in right toes. 8:15 a. m., persistent chilliness through whole body, especially in back; cold hands; pressure in various spots of cranial bones, in left tibia. 8:30 a. m., pressure in right facial bone. Great hunger at an unusual time. 12 noon, in bones at both sides of nose a pain as if the bones were burst asunder. Great boring above right inner ankle. Sometimes shooting under ribs left and r. Stitches deep in left ear. Some sharp stitches suddenly darting through chest. 5 p. m., great disposition to vertigo. Tearing in front of right leg. Much dry persistent cough, with scraping and raw feeling in larynx. – 5th. Stiffness and pressive pain in nape muscles, left side. 4 p. m., pressure in bones above right ear. 5 p. m., severe cutting in right toes. (N. Zeitsch. f. hom. Kl., viii, 145.)

3. WENZEL, student, took 10 dr. of tinct. 3 times a day for several d. From this he notes only a careless case, such as is often produced by a small dose of haschisch. From increased doses he had frequent and bloody micturition. From 20 dr. thrice daily for a month nothing. From a 40 dr. dose nervous excitement; violent frontal headache; bloody stools. Front same, continued for a week, asthenopia and photophobia; tinnitus aurium, as in cinchonism; impairment of motor power; numbness of surface; then general anaesthesia. (ALLEN’S Encyclopaedia.)

4. a. Dr. BURT, in good health save for weak ankles, proved 4x dil., last two dils. being aqueous (to avoid effects of alcohol). June 20th, 1865, at 7 a. m., took. 9, for last 1/2 hour pricking burning sensation in centre of epigastrium, with feeling of distension of abdomen and slight dull frontal headache. 10, burning of lids, with slight headache; distress in whole epigastrium, with severe cutting pains passing through stomach to spine, lasting 1/2 hour; drawing pains in left sartorius while walking. 1, sharp pains in stomach every few moments for last 2 hours, as if needles were being pressed through; frequent momentary pains in wrists and fingers. 4, several times hard pains in whole upper forehead, passing to back of head like a wave affecting whole brain; sharp neuralgic pains down sciatic, from hip to middle of high. 10, frequent eructations of sour air; sad, gloomy state of mind; still epigastric distress. 21st. – Slept well, and woke feeling well. Repeated dose at 7 a. m. 8, slight frontal headache, with severe sharp cutting pains in epigastrium; hard lumpy stool. 12, a number of times hard pain over left eye, feeling as if a nail were being pressed into forehead; frequent sharp pains in stomach; distress in umbilicus; smarting of lids. All forenoon hard drawing pains from 1st to 2nd joint of right middle finger. 9, sad and gloomy. 22nd. – Woke with lids agglutinated; yellowish coating along centre of tongue; flat taste in mouth. Repeated dose at noon. Slight dull frontal headache all day; smarting of eyes with profuse flow of tears; for 2 hours after taking medicines, constant fluttering noise in right ear; drawing cutting pains in lower epigastrium all afternoon; dull pains in right hypochondrium, lasting 10 m. at a time; stiffness of fingers with dull pains in toes; sharp pains in 1st joint of right forefinger. 23rd. – Restless n., with severe frontal headache, caused by a sour stomach. For 2 hours while in bed severe pain in whole right knee, of dull aching character; tongue and taste as yesterday; constant dull pains in whole abdomen; hands hot and dry. 11, dull pains in right temple; constant dull distress in lower epigastrium. Repeated dose. 9, epigastric distress has continued; slight drawing pains by spells in fingers and toes; languor with gloomy state of mind. 24th. – Hard colicky pains after midnight in epigastrium. 6 a. m., mushy stool. 4 p. m., epigastrium pains have recurred frequently during day; smarting of eyes. Repeated dose. 9, dull headache; eyes same; hard drawing pains along r. Eustachian tube for 1/2 hour; dull distress in lower epigastrium and umbilicus; drawing pains in left metacarpal bones. 25th. – Profuse mucous secretion from eyes during night; severe pains in lower epigastrium at 7 a. m., followed by mushy stool. This pain continued all day, with flying pains in head and feet. 26th. – Lids agglutinated; soft stool at 6 a. m.; frequent spells of distress in lower epigastrium. 27th. – 6 a. m.; severe pain in umbilicus, with desire for stool; dark – coloured stool, covered slightly with mucus, followed by same pains for 1/2 hours; sharp stabbing pains in pectoralis major for 5 m., followed by burning distress at same points. 11, took zj of 2x dil., prepared in water from 1x alcoholic dil. 3, for 1 hours after taking medicine very chilly, with constant inclination to yawn; severe dull frontal headache; smarting of eyes; spells of epigastric distress, with dull pains in right hypochondrium and lumbar region; is very languid and feverish. 10, slight headache; eyes same; face hot and flushed; all p. m. and evening feeling as if he must go to stool immediately, with constant distress i n lower part of epigastrium and umbilicus; now hard, dry, lumpy stool; dull pains in left hypochondrium; dull distress in testicles, with drawing pains along left spermatic cord; has had frequent flying pains in hands, feet, and toes; hands hot and dry; sharp drawing pains along outside of left knee to halfway down leg; very sleepy all afternoon. 28th. – Slept well; smarting of eyes, with deep dull pain in orbits; tongue coated yellow along centre; flat rough taste in mouth; muscles of arms are quite stiff, especially flexors (this passed off in a short time after moving them); hands hot and dry; fingers stiff. 11 a. m., hard stitching pains in left spermatic cord and testicle. Repeated dose. 5 p. m., dull pain deep in eyes, which still smart; distress in epigastrium; three times has had hard stitching pains in left spermatic cord, lasting 5 – 10 m. each time; a good deal of dull pain in left hypochondrium. 9, same symptoms as at 5, with dull pains in lumbar region. 29th. – very languid to – day, with great depression of spirits; wants to sleep all the time; dry lumpy stool at 6 a. m.; slight secretion of mucus in eyes; tongue same. 6, natural stool. 30th. – Slight agglutination of lids in morning; otherwise well, but there is an eruption breaking out on his ankles, which itches severely at n.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.