
7c. Nov.24th, took m. and evening 10 dr. of tinct. in water. Only slight weakness and emptiness in stomach at times during day 26th. – At 7 a. m. took 3ss. In 10 m. uneasiness in stomach; slight nausea with constant twitching of right eyelids all forenoon, especially while reading, and at intervals all day 27th. – Repeated dose m. and e. Return of twitching of lids; no stool in m., a hard and scanty one in evening; slight distension of abdomen p. m. 28th. – Offensive breath this m., noticed by self and others; continued all day 10 a. m., took 3j. In a few m. heat in stomach, gradually increasing to pain, most severe in one spot under end of sternum. In 2 hours aching at spot in abdomen, increasing by movement, also in left groin just above crest of left ilium (quite severe on moving or bending), and in chest (all forenoon). No appetite for dinner; pain in stomach while eating; after eating tongue unusually red and face flushed, with slight headache in left frontal eminence, and dullness of mind, disinclining him to work. Feeling sleepy, took a nap, which was not refreshing; after it feverish heat of body, pulse 80 (generally 60) for 2 h. Went out walking, legs very heavy, cool blustering wind very refreshing to hot face; slight smarting of edges of lids from it. Unusual thirst for cold water in e. There was no stool this day 10:15, repeated dose. In 10 m. twitching of left eyebrow and upper lid, lasting for 1/2 hours after going to bed, with audible pulsation of heart and painful drawing in left cheek – bone and jaw. 29th. – On waking, dry pappy taste in mouth; tongue coated with tough slime, red, rather dry, and swollen, showing impressions of teeth on its margin; throat same; pain above ilium as yesterday; no appetite for breakfast, in spite of a walk first. These symptoms lasted for 2 day only, and he felt nothing more till Dec. 15th, when there was itching on right side of chest, quite intense at times, with small scattered pimples and red points, whole skin assuming a rose – like redness on slight friction. This lasted for 5 d.

7d. Jan. 30th, 4 p. m., took 3j. In 15 m. pinching in right curvature of stomach, repeated several times. After a nap, woke with acid taste in mouth and dull pressing pain in stomach; then followed rumbling in abdomen, with colicky pain, frequent discharge of much flatus, and desire to go to stool as if diarrhoea would come on, which, however, did not take place. (Trans. of Amer. Inst. of Hom., 1867.)

8. Mrs. C. W -, aet. 25, general health perfect, took, Oct. 9th, 1866, I dr. of 3x dil. About 1 hours after, weakness in joins and general feeling as if menses were coming on; they ought not to appear for 5 d. Soon after taking medicine great desire to eat, though it was directly after breakfast, bad taste in mouth, and p. m. sudden dizziness and fulness in head, lasting only a few m 10th. – Sensation as of approaching menstruation continues. 11th. – P. m. and at n. frequent desire to urinate, accompanied with nervous sensation in feet – constant irresistible desire to move them; this continued for 2 day more. On appearance of menses at their due time repeated dose. Discharge, which is always copious, at once became very profuse, amounting to haemorrhage, and continued with violence for 3 d. Eyes, which are habitually sensitive, became more so, and dryness and irritation prevented their use, especially in evening; edges of lids were red. After 4 weeks, light – red blotches on right breast, itching severely at n. In 3 day rash had spread all over chest in little red dots or stipples, lasting a week; itching relieved by scratching, worse on being heated. Complexion, at first rough after taking medicine, became very clear after disappearance of rash. Again, 4 weeks later, itching on back and shoulders, followed by stippling and general erythematous redness. She had never had the slightest skin eruption. (Ibid.)

9 ALEX. POPE, aet. 19, in perfect health, took, Dec. 19th, 10 dr. of tinct. While riding on horseback immediately after had sudden attack of diarrhoea, obliging him to dismount. P. m. had 2 more dark coloured, thin, pap – like stools, with urgent desire; also great emptiness of stomach. Next day (and to some extent for 4 day more) very frequent urination; in evening itching over body; slight rash on back and shoulders, lasting 2 d (Ibid.)

10. a. W. C. POPE, aet. 20, health good. Took 1 dr. of 3x dil. n. and m., Oct. 14th – 17th. Lay awake one n. for several hours, restless. Increased appetite; irritability; desire to keep moving about, quick nervous movements.

10b. Dec. 9th, took 10 dr. of tinct. at 11 a. m., which operated on bowels in about 15 m., leaving them in a very loose condition, with feeling of emptiness in stomach, which no food could usage; it continued all p. m., with sense of weakness. No appetite for dinner. Went to bed feeling much exhausted, having had during day 4 watery discharges of light yellow colour, without pain or wind. For 2 day more thirst for cold water than usual. Empty feeling continued 3 day, with 4 – 5 discharges each day, thin and yellow. After 7 day, great itching over all parts of body. Again after 8 day, more incessant itching, and next day red rash over whole body, most on chest and abdomen, blotches and in some places points running together and forming them; itching continued with it. After 3 day eruption was still very severe, gradually becoming urticarioid; nodular, white, hard elevations on red base, of irregular form; it lasted 10 d. Itching (increased on riding in cold air) returned at longer intervals, and lasted in less degree all the winter. (Ibid.)

11. a. H. ELLIOT, student, aet. 25, health excellent. Oct. 9th, 10 p. m. took 1 dr. of 1x dil. Slept very well. Small hard stool next m.; dull pain in epigastrium, with dull frontal headache; thick gulping. At n. repeated dose. 11th. – Took same at 8 a. m. Slight heaviness of food after meals, with sour eructations; aching in both knees, worse in left; slight frontal headache. 12th and 13th. – Took 4 dr. each m. and e. Small dry stools each m.; severe pain in left ankle extending to hip, continuing for some h. On waking in n. of 13th found it impossible to open eyes for nearly 5 m. Same kind of stool, but rather large. Took 1 dr. at n. 15th. – 1 dr. in m. An hours after hearty breakfast, renewed appetite, with empty feeling of stomach, lasting till dinner; very hard dry lumpy stool towards evening 16th. – 1 dr. in m. Feeling of great emptiness and hunger, with slight frontal headache, all m.

11b. Oct. 26th, 10 p. m., took 1 dr. of 2x dil. Sleep somewhat disturbed; had to rise during n. from urgent desire to urinate. 27th. – 8 a. m., repeated dose. Copious flow of light – coloured urine; no desire for stool, but had a large evacuation of dry pieces at usual time; gnawing emptiness in stomach. (Ibid.)

12. HARRIET C -, aet.40. Began taking powders, each moistened with 1 dr. of 3x dil., when just recovered from a bad cold, but considering herself very well. After taking two she began coughing a good deal, and continued to do so for 2 or 3 d. When cough was quite gone she began taking same dil. in water. Oct. 31st. – Took dose at 10:30 p. m. Very wakeful for a time (most unusual), with slight headache. Rose next m. with right head aching, and feeling generally languid and sick. Repeated dose. Dull headache and slight nausea nearly all day, better about noon, but worse again towards night; indifferent appetite, with feeling as if she was going to have a fever; anxious, miserable feeling. Nov. 2nd. – No medicine; headache and miserable feeling first half of day; constant inclination to cough, and much actual cough all day 3rd. – Repeated dose at 10 p. m. After good night’s rest, some dullness, little appetite, and stiffness of right neck in m. 5th. – Repeated dose at 5 a. m. Slight headache right side, afterwards confused feeling rather than aching. All day much as before, but symptoms less marked; pain and slight looseness twice in day; feeling as if diarrhoea were coming on; more miserable at n., felt as if she had taken another cold; some rheumatism in right knee. Next m. looseness of bowels; rheumatism in right shoulder; heavy and faint sensation in stomach; mouth and lips dry, with thirst; feeling as if menstruation (which had been irregular of late) was coming on; more miserable towards bedtime. (Ibid.)

13. MARTHA C -, aet. 30, healthy. One Thursday took 2 dr. of 3x dil. on retiring at 10 p. m. Very wakeful for 2 hours; chilliness with full and uncomfortable feeling in stomach. Next m. dull headache and nausea till about 11 a. m., and after that faintness at stomach. Uncomfortable sensation at stomach all day, as after taking tartar emetic; fulness also there, like a great weight. On the Saturday n. following took 1 dr. Some wakefulness; weight and pressure in stomach; mouth filling with saliva. In m. same dull headache, with nausea and indisposition to eat at breakfast and at dinner (Ibid.)

14. a. Dr. WALTER WESSELHOEFT, aet. 26, in robust health, Dec. 6th, 1866, took 5 dr. of 3x dil. at 8 a. m. 9:30, husky feeling in throat until noon, and at intervals throughout afternoon. 7th. – Repeated dose. Slight sensation of scratching and huskiness immediately after taking medicine; p. m., frequent desire to micturate, urine clear. 8th. – Took same. After eating slight irritation in throat, with hawking of white tough mucus. Frequent desire to micturate, though no great quantity of urine passed till n., when he passed a large amount, with slight pain at end of urethra; odour had been slightly ammoniacal during day, but was now very strong, like that of the skunk. 9th. – Urine of previous n. had dark sediment, and bottom of vessel was thickly coated with light brown urate of ammonia. On passing water to – day irritation at end of penis; urine clear, with slight ammoniacal smell; frequent inclination to micturate towards and in evening 6 p. m., slight pressing drawing pain in right side of penis. After retaining urine some time, marked pain on urinating, which continued till he went to sleep. 10th. – Pain in penis on waking, quite severe, increased on passing water, which is without smell or sediment; it continued all day, with frequent desire to micturate. 11th. – No pain on waking; it was felt slightly in passing water till evening, when it disappeared. 12th. – Took 5 dr. at 8 a. m. Frequent inclination to clear throat; dullness and heaviness about head; depression of spirits; towards evening, slight pressing drawing pain on right side of penis with frequent inclination to micturate, urine quite clear. 13th. – Awoke at 4 a. m. with distressing erection, soon subsiding; unusual wakefulness for an hours 8 a. m., medicine as before. Disinclination to move during forenoon, with with great fatigue after walking; no urinary trouble till evening, when after drinking ale he had great desire to pass water and slight return of pain in penis.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.