
4b. July 11th. – Eruption on ankles had extended halfway up to knees, and there were several large blotches on his back. Some spots were as large as a three cent piece, and from that to a fine eruption; colour was dark red; there was more or less itching all the time, but at n. this was almost intolerable. The rash stood out from the skin very prominently, and was exceedingly hard. For the last 2 day it was commencing to die away. A small plant of P. Nuttalliana had been put in 2 oz. of alcohol, and allowed to macerate 16 d. Of this tinct. Dr. B. now took a quarter – ounce at 11 a. m. 12, sharp pains on right temple, profuse secretion of tears, with dull pains in eyeball extending to malar bone; severe burning in stomach. 5, had had dull headache all p. m. in upper forehead, with paralysis of lids – almost impossible to keep eyes open; return of aching and smarting in eyes; feeling in left ear as if closed; constant distress in epigastrium, with frequent hard drawing pains in left side, just under stomach; rumbling in bowels; hands hot and dry, with stiffness of fingers. 10, much the same, lower epigastric distress being especially severe; feeling feverish, with great debility. 12th. – Slept soundly, but woke very languid. Profuse secretion of mucus in eyes; neuralgic pains in eyeballs while walking, most in right; constant epigastric distress. 7, repeated dose. 10, pains in head and eyes as yesterday, with frequent pain in ears, drawing from within outwards, and feeling as if ears were closed; severe cutting pains in lower epigastrium and right hypochondrium; nausea twice for a m.; great debility; hands hot; pulse unaffected. 12, same, with also snapping noises in ears. 8, same symptoms, but not so strongly marked. 13th. – Slept soundly; large secretion of mucus in eyes. 9 p. m., have had through day frequent drawing pains in ears, epigastrium, and right hypochondrium, with occasional sharp pains in right temple and eyes. 10, first stool since beginning last proving, preceded by sharp cutting pains in umbilicus, m. 14th. – Rough flat taste in mouth; frequent sharp pains in right ear and temple; dull pains by spells in epigastrium; eruption has now disappeared. Natural stool. 15th. – Feeling well, save that hands were hot and dry all day, and that once there were drawing pains in testicles. (U. S. Medorrhinum and Surg. Journ., i, 65.)

5. Miss C., aet. 18, small frame, blonde; menses irregular; not very strong, but quite well at time of proving, save for some flatulent distension of stomach. Sept. 6 – 11 took repeated doses, increasing from 5 to 20 dr. of tinct. No symptoms till last day, when about 8 p. m. her eyelids began to smart and itch, and on retiring felt very hot. In m. they were slightly sealed by a soft yellowish matter; an hour later she noticed a thick white substance on edge of lower lid. After being out, on entering house dizziness and inclination to nausea; bowels slightly relaxed. 12th. – Took 3 doses of 20 dr.; passages more frequent and moist. 13th. – Took 3 doses of 30 dr. Nothing noted till evening of 18th, when she felt very chilly, at times shaking as with ague. On 19th took 20 dr. without effect; on 20th zj, and had very cold feet in evening, till she went to bed. 21st. – Took teaspoonful of 2nd dil. 3 times. At 6 p. m. sensation as of plug in lower part of throat, continuing till she retired. 22nd. – woke without feeling of plug, but it returned later, preceded by raw tickling sensation. Took 4 teaspoonful doses of 2nd dil. to – day, and 5 on 24th, with no further effects. (Bloated feeling had disappeared; but sharp shooting pains through temples, only occasionally felt before, had become very frequent and more severe.) (HALE, New Remedies, 2nd ed.)

6. Mrs. W – aet. 30 in good health, save that menses had delayed 4 day and she was quite constipated. Took of sol. of zj. of tinct. in half a glassful of water, a spoonful every hour from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. No symptoms. Next m. began taking it again at 7. 8, stinging darting pains through uterine region from side to side. 10, much chilliness for an hour, with loose papescent stool, accompanied by griping; four similar stools occurred during d. At noon began to feel great weakness in legs, could scarcely stand, and walking became difficult; it was a “trembling weakness”, she said, with a sensation of great weariness and heaviness; it continued till she went to bed. P. m., intense nausea was felt for 1/2 hour after each dose, but she could not vomit. Nearly all day had frequent inclination to micturate, soon passing off, but recurring speedily; actual micturition, however, was unusually frequent; urine was natural but copious. She felt very irritable, cross, could not bear to be spoken to; noise vexed her; felt inclined to weep at trifling annoyances. She discontinued medicine at 10 that n., and awoke next m. feeling well, save for some weakness. (The menses did not recur till the next period.) (Ibid.)

6a. Dr. T. C. DUNCAN examined his urine several days up to Nov. 3rd, 1866. It was acid, of strong odour, dark yellow colour; sp. gr. 1018 – 20 in m., 1026 – 30 at night; daily amount 30 – 36 oz. Analysis showed “uric acid, earthy phosphates, chloride of sodium, &c.; ” under microscope were seen “crystals of urea, uric acid, many of the triple phosphates, urate of ammonia”, and some squamous epithelium. At 10 p. m. this day took zss of tinct. 4 th, 2 a. m., woke with great urging to urine, and voided 10 oz. of very light – coloured urine, sp. gr. 1010; skin was hot and flushed. 8 a. m., passed with great urging 7 oz., darker, sp. gr. 1014. 10 p. m., some pain, or rather uneasiness, in kidneys and bladder; 35 oz. of urine have been voided in last 24 hours; sp. gr. of last 1030. Took 3iij. In about an hour full hot feeling in cerebellum. 5th, 7 a. m., great urging to urinate; passed 7 oz., dark yellow, sp. gr. 1027. During day, with every micturition, some tenesmus and strangury; uneasiness in kidneys more marked; passed 25 oz.; sp. gr. of last 1031. 6th. – Tenesmus more marked to – day, extending up ureters; uneasiness in kidneys increased. Urine in 24 hours was 23 oz.; sp. gr. in m. 1025, in evening 1030. Bowels constipated; little appetite; all afternoon severe headache. 7th. – Urine to – day copious and light – coloured; sp. gr. i n m. 1014; but little tenesmus; dull heavy feeling in head in m., less p. m. 8th. – Urine as yesterday; nothing left but a little uneasiness about kidneys.

6b. Analysis of light – coloured urine of 4th, 7th, and 8th showed albumen and excess of phosphates, acid reaction but slight; dark – coloured urine of 5th and 6th was strongly acid, and showed excess of uric acid and phosphates. Under microscope in former was found much epithelium, with (after standing) abundant phosphates, earthy and triple; and in that of 7th and 8th there were also tube – casts and mucous corpuscles. In the dark – coloured urine crystals of uric acid and the phosphates were very apparent. (Dr. Duncan says that he took little note of the constitutional symptoms, effect on urine being the main object of his experiment.) (Ibid.)

7a. Dr. C. WESSELHOEFT, aet. 32, in perfect health, took, Oct. 8th, 1866, at 10 p. m., 1 dr. of 3x dil. After 30 m. painful emptiness and pressure in stomach, then a rising up oesophagus as in heartburn. 9th. – 10 a. m., repeated dose. Same feeling as last n., recurring at hourly intervals during day, gradually increasing in severity, amounting to cramp – like sensation running up to fauces from cardiac orifice of stomach. After each meal for about 2 days pressure, with cramp – like rising, preceded by painful emptiness. 14th. – Took 2 dr. In 5 m. emptiness (painful) came on, increasing in an hours to pressure, with which later coldness was conjoined, both extending to abdomen with sensation as if diarrhoea would set in. After dinner, rumbling of wind in distended abdomen, moving from above downwards. 4:30, took 2 dr. Two hours after eating bread and milk, eructation with taste of food; increased appetite while eating, and hunger an hours after and all evening 10, repeated dose. Copious discharge of pale yellow urine 3 times in n. Urinated more freely and copiously than usual next d. Same sensation in stomach as on day before, and for 5 day subsequently had at times painful pressure there.

7b. Oct. 22nd. – At 11 p. m. took 10 dr. of 2x dil. Sleep restless all n., many dreams. 23rd. – Repeated dose m. and e. In 1/2 hours after former painful pressure in stomach. Eructations of hot tasteless wind several times in forenoon. In 6 hours slight dull headache, lasting 1/2 h. Very great hunger before usual time, and could hardly eat enough to satisfy appetite. Confused dreams all night; woke frequently with feeling of general discomfort, like that preceding a fever, – heat, restlessness, anxiety, dull frontal headache, aching of limbs, lameness of back and loins particularly. Had to get up to urinate during n. Dull headache next m., going off with active exercise, but returning at noon. Repeated dose at 10 p. m. Woke frequently during n. with lameness in lumbar region. Some headache in m. No more symptoms. 25th. – 10 p. m., 10 dr. of 1x dil. Immediately painful pressure in epigastrium (l.), with frequent eructations, lasting 2 h. Slept well. 26th. – Repeated dose m. and e. No stool till 9 p. m., then hard and scanty. Both doses followed by painful pressure as before; belching of food and afterwards wind; p. m., pressure extended all over abdomen. Slept soundly till 1 a. m., when he had to micturate; after that awoke frequently with aching in loins and hips, causing constant change of position in bed, which seemed too hard. 27th. – 10 dr. in m. Slight gastric pressure several times during day; in evening great hunger, unappeasable; ate so much bread, butter, and milk that he could not sleep for it, and rose with tongue coated white, and flat pappy taste. There was no appetite for breakfast, which, however, was relished; no thirst. P. m., great depression of spirits. Sleep sound. 29th. – So hungry in middle of day that he was able to eat two dinners. After a (purposely) light supper of bread and milk, slight heartburn and hot tasteless eructations, followed by fulness in epigastrium and abdomen, relieved by loosening clothes. Still hungry, but also thirsty; drank freely of cold water, which was extremely grateful. Effects of drug lasted till 31st, gradually decreasing.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.