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Cure of Ringworm

Cure of Ringworm by j.C.Burnett in his book Vaccinosis….

Some of my readers may know that I have started the theory that ringworm is in its nature of a tuberculosic quality, that the presence of the fungi on an individual is a proof of this, that the presence of ringworm on such an individual is to his (or her) advantage, and that external treatment of ringworm is harmful, and finally I have written a small treatise on the subject of the curability of ringworm by internal constitutional treatment, notably Bacillinum.

I have proved the truth of all this up to the hilt over and over again; but at present, only a few thinkers accept any of my said theses. Well, it’s all true nevertheless, and the world will have to accept this truth sooner or later. Said a very well-known homoeopathic practitioner to me in a letter at the beginning of the year. “I have been giving a little girl suffering from ringworm your treatment by Bacillinum, but it’s no good.”

“Have you gone on with it steadily, in infrequent doses, and for several months?”

“Yes, I have, and I tell you it gets no better.”

The little child was brought to me, when I found the usual manifestations of ringworm, viz., large patches, originally circular but now covered with scabs. I further ascertained that this child had been under the local homoeopathic chemist before coming to the practitioner, who had given Bacillinum a three months’ trial.

Any phthisic taint in her? Both her maternal grandparents died of phthisis.

Here it seemed to me that vaccinosis barred the way. Simple ringworm does not become pustular and encaked with mattery scabs as in this case. Vaccinosis is a filthy pustular art disease that is put into the blood by force. I therefore put the little forty-four month old maiden on Thuja 30, when great scabs were still seen on the scalp, but they were dryer.

Then after two months under Bacillinum 30 (in infrequent doses), the scabs had all fallen off, and the circular patches were covered with young hairs. Said her mother, “Oh, she is so much better in every way, and her hair is growing so much that I really hardly know what to do with it.”

After another two months of treatment by Bacillinum 30, the cure was complete.

And here we see that my colleague, who condemned my views

in regard to ringworm, and claimed that they would not hold water, was mistaken in that Bacillinum is not homoeopathic to vaccinosis but to ringworm only—the vaccinosis barred the way, and when this was removed by Thuja, the tuberculosic mycosis yielded to Bacillinum.

This point is of the very highest importance is several respects, but here we are concerned with only one, viz., Vaccinosis: here this superimplanted disease had to be homoeopathically cured before the underlying tuberculosic taint could be got rid of, and this done, the fungi died of starvation, when the hair grew again naturally.

James Compton Burnett
James Compton Burnett was born on July 10, 1840 and died April 2, 1901. Dr. Burnett attended medical school in Vienna, Austria in 1865. Alfred Hawkes converted him to homeopathy in 1872 (in Glasgow). In 1876 he took his MD degree.
Burnett was one of the first to speak about vaccination triggering illness. This was discussed in his book, Vaccinosis, published in 1884. He introduced the remedy Bacillinum. He authored twenty books, including the much loved "Fifty Reason for Being a Homeopath." He was the editor of The Homoeopathic World.