Summarizing the homoeopathic treatment I must state that the drugs above reviewed are only a part of the many, many homoeopathic drugs which may be the simillimum to a special case. It is impossible to give a complete list without counting down the whole Materia Medica.
The homoeopathic treatment should always be supplemented by all kind of biological and physical measures. Regarding biological remedies there are leeches, herbs, etc. Leeches are especially useful in acute retention. I remember cases in which the application of three leeches on the perineum and two above the pubes was followed by a striking effect; the patients were able to pass their urine so that I did not need to catheterize. If the case is not too urgent I often apply leeches before I use the catheter. The application of leeches is also called for in uraemic cases as well as in cases of congestion of the abdominal organs, especially if there are haemorrhoids. Anyway, I would not like to miss the leeches in treating prostatic patients.
Regarding the herbs the homoeopathic materia medica makes use of them to the utmost limit. I refer only to the many herbal drugs already reviewed above. But independent from the homoeopathic potencies each practitioner ought to study thoroughly the effectiveness of our medicinal herbs as well as of our victuals. Their effect applies (1) to the heart (Digitalis, Crataegus, etc.); (2) to the kidneys (Berberis, Equisetum, etc.); (3) to the chemistry of the blood and protoplasm; (4) to the hormones of the organism. There can be no doubt that the strengthening of all these organs may be not decisive influence in treating prostatic patient. Considering these facts I give all my patients a special herbal tea, i.e., the Adinolan Tea. Its chief constituents are Gnaphalium, Juniper, Betuline, Scilla, Rhizoma graminis, Ruta graveolens, etc. Some of these plants are impregnated with Natrum benzoicum and Urotropin in homoeopathic potencies in such a percentage that each cup of Adinolan tea contains one dose of Natrum benzoic. 4x and Urotropin 3x. Its stimulating effect upon the urinary organs, as well as of the digestive canal is striking; owing to its antiseptic action it prevents the development of bacterial infection of these organs. Adinolan tea ought to the daily beverage of each prostatic patient.