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The operative treatment is, however, necessary, when the enlargement of the prostate is complicated by serious haemorrhage, by stones in the bladder or by a chronic purulent infection of the system….

In conclusion I have say a few words regarding the operative treatment of the enlarged prostate. Certainly the radical extirpation of the prostate (prostatectomy) is the only way to remove radically the mechanical obstruction to the urinary flow. It performed by an experienced and skilful surgeon or urologist the danger of the operation may be reduced to a minimum. On the other hand we have to consider some after-effects of it and have to think of the shock upon the system and on the physically weakened patient. Therefore, the question whether or not the operation ought to be performed in a special case must be decided very carefully, the more so as we know that many prostatic patients do not suffer at all in spite of their enlarged prostate. Furthermore, there are many patients who, under the suitable homoeopathic treatment, with or without the regular use of the catheter, are going along fairly well, though their bladder always contains more or less residual urine.

In my own practice during the first thirty years, I performed the suprapubic prostatectomy more than fifty times, the mortality being low and the results excellent. Many of these patients were over seventy years of age, nearly all them entirely recovered without ever getting a relapse. Nevertheless with progressive age and with progressive knowledge of homoeopathy, my point of view changed. In the last fifteen years I operated only on three cases. The operative treatment is, however, necessary, when the enlargement of the prostate is complicated by serious haemorrhage, by stones in the bladder or by a chronic purulent infection of the system.

Wilhelm Karo
Wilhelm Karo MD, homeopath circa mid-20th century, author of the following books - Homeopathy in Women's Diseases; Diseases of the Male Genital Organs; Urinary and prostatic troubles - enlargement of the prostate; Rheumatism; Selected Help in Diseases of the Respiratory System, Chest, etc; Selected Help in Children's Diseases; Diseases of the skin.