Ferrum phos [Ferr-p]
For the fever, pain, stitch in the side, catch in the breath and short cough. Breathing short, oppressed and hurried.
Kali mur [Kali-m]
The second remedy, when there is plastic exudation. It will complete the cure.
Natrum mur [Nat-m]
When serous exudation has taken place during and after its course.
Calcarea sulph [Calc-s]
Empyema, pus forming in the cavity of the pleurae or in the lungs. Dr. O.S. Haines thinks the remedy is especially useful in empyema after thoracentesis, and reports a cure of a case. (Hahn. Mo., 1910).
Calcarea phos [Calc-p]
Chronic pleurisy, a sore pain, a “hurt with every breath,” cough worse at night, little or no fever, pains not sharp. Worse sudden changes of weather.
PLEURISY CASES [Pleurisy cases]
Boy., aet. 5, with right-sided pleuritic stitch, worse when coughing and on deep inspiration. Rheumatic pains in right shoulder joint. General heat of the body, very little thirst. Bryon. did no good. Ferrum phos. 12, every two hours, relieved entirely on the second day. I noticed an unnatural excitement about the child the day after having taken Ferrum phos. He desired to get out of bed and wished to run about, but was too weak and fell over, very talkative and hilarious.
A similar excitement I noticed in a lad aet. 7, to whom I had given Kali mur. during a gastric fever with great benefit. (W.P. Wesselhoeft, M.D. From Hg).
Miss G.R., aet. 20. Was called about midnight to see this young lady, who was said to be suffering from a pain in her side. I found her to be suffering from severe pain in the left side of the chest. Gave her Bryon3. in water. Called next morning, found the fever somewhat less, but pain not relieved; continued the Bryon3. Called at four P.M.; about the same, pain still severe; gave Ferrum phos. in solution; called nine p.m.; the fever had abated, and the pain was much less. Called the next morning; no fever and pain nearly gone. She continued to improve, and after a few days was up and about as usual. (C.T.M).