Kali phos [Kali-p]
Hysteria in females, nervous attacks from sudden or intense emotions, or from smothering passion in the highly nervous and excitable; also a feeling as of a ball rising in the throat. Hysterical fits of laughter and crying. Hysterical yawning. Hysterical spasms, with unconsciousness and low muttering delirium.
Natrum mur [Nat-m]
Delaying or decreasing menses. Somnambulism. Great sadness, fears, much mucus in urine. All symptoms relieved as soon as she gets into a perspiration. (Lilienthal.) Hysterical spasms and debility.
HYSTERIA CASES [Hysteria cases]
Miss R., aet. 16, menstruated once when thirteen years old, and not since. Was a remarkably healthy and well-nourished girl, until three months before she consulted me, when she began to decline. She lost flesh, became pale, languid and weak, and suffered much with her stomach. When I was called to see her she was not able to retain her food, and it would be vomited as soon as taken; complained of great pain in the stomach immediately after eating, even the lightest food; on several occasions the pain caused severe hysterical convulsions. The tongue was but slightly coated white; bowels constipated; abdomen tympanitic and very sensitive to the slightest pressure; no fever, but much thirst; water, like food, was ejected as soon as swallowed. At first I thought that I had a case of nervous dyspepsia to deal with, but finally concluded I had a case of true hysteria, as she was so extremely nervous and hyperaesthetic all over, and much given to tears when any one was around. I also found that she had the convulsions whenever her plans were thwarted in any way, and upon my threatening to put her in cold water if she had another she stopped them. Ferrum phos. 12x relieved the stomach trouble in one week, and Kali phos. 12x relieved all of the other symptoms in two weeks or more, and my patient was soon as strong and healthy as before her illness. Menstruation returned two months after, and she has been all right since. (George H. Martin, M.D., S.F).
Miss B., aet. 50, tall, slender and dark, had been suffering many years from an excessively nervous condition, and would become hysterical upon the slightest provocation. She also suffered much from spasmodic retention of urine, and often had to use the catheter. One day she came to me, saying that the end of the catheter had been broken off while she was using it, and the end was still in the bladder. I dilated the urethra with my forefinger, and soon recovered it, the bladder at the time being well filled with urine. She would not take an anaesthetic, although I advised it, as the pain was intense. That evening, six hours after the removal of the catheter, she sent for me, saying that she was in great pain and very ill. When I saw her I found her very nervous and suffering much from pain in the bladder and abdomen, with a great desire to urinate. The abdomen was enormously distended and very sensitive. There was no fever. I gave Belladonna 3x and returned next morning. Symptoms all worse, but still no fever. Attempted to drain urine, but could not introduce the soft rubber catheter, as the spasm of the urethra was so great. Two hours later returned with silver catheter; introduced it, but only got a few drops of urine. Thinking there might be some uterine trouble, I determined to examine and find out. As she was so sensitive, I gave her a little Chloroform. She had not taken but a few inhalations when the tympanitis disappeared. I examined uterus and bladder, and found nothing abnormal, so concluded she was suffering from hysteria. Gave Magnesia phos. 12x, which very shortly relieved bladder symptoms, and Kali phos. 12x cured the case in about ten days. She has had no more return of the trouble since, and the other symptoms of hysteria were also much modified. (Geo. H. Martin, M.D., S.F).