Mercurius Fever Symptoms

Allen gives the therapeutic indications of the remedy Mercurius in different kinds of fevers like: Continued, Bilious, Intermittent, Malarial, Remittent, Pernicious, Typhoid, Typhus, Septic fever, etc…


Characteristic – Indicated in bone diseases, pains worse at night, glandular swellings, with or without suppuration, but especially if suppuration be too profuse ( Hepar, Silicea).

Affects light-haired persons most.

Hurried and rapid talking (Hepar).

Breath and body smell foul (Psorinum).

Cold swellings, abscesses, slow to suppurate.

Great weakness and trembling from least exertion.

Profuse perspiration attends nearly every complaint, but does not relieve and may even increase the suffering (profuse perspiration relieves, Nat., Psorinum, Verbascum).

Ptyalism: profuse, fetid, metallic-tasting saliva, soapy, stringy.

Crowns of teeth decay, roots remain (crowns intact, roots decay, Mez.).

Dysentery: stools slimy, bloody, colic, fainting, great tenesmus during and after, followed by chilliness, and a “cannot finish sensation.” The more blood and pain the better indicated.

Morning sickness, profuse salivation wets pillow in sleep (Lac-ac.).

Mammae painful, as if they would ulcerate, at every menstrual period (Conium, Lac caninum), milk in breasts instead of the menses.

Leucorrhea: acrid, burning, itching, with rawness, always worse at night, pruritus, aggravation from contact of urine, must be washed off (Sul.). Cough: dry, fatiguing, racking, in two paroxysms, worse at night, from warmth of bed, with utter impossibility of lying on right side.

Affects lower lobe of r. lung, stitches through to back (Chelidonium, Kali carb.).

Suppuration of lungs, after hemorrhages of pneumonia(Kali carb.).

Tongue: large, flabby, shows imprint of teeth (Chelidonium, Podophyllum, Rhus), painful, with ulcers, red, or white.

Intense thirst, although the tongue looks moist and the saliva is profuse (dry mouth, but no thirst, Puls).

Quantity of urine voided is larger than the amount of water drank, frequent urging to urinate.

Nocturnal emissions stained with blood (Ledum, Sarsaparilla).

Trembling extremities, especially hands, paralysis agitans.

“Ulcers appear on the gums, tongue, throat, inside the cheek, with salivation, irregular in shape, undefined edges, have a dirty, unhealthy look, lardaceous base surrounded with a dark halo, apt to run together. The syphilitic ulcers are circular, attack posterior parts of mouth and throat, have well – defined edges, surrounded with a coppery hue, and do not extend from their primary seat. “- Dunham.

Relations – Follows Hepar, Lachesis and Sul. well, but should not be given before or after Silica, in low potencies hastens rather than aborts suppuration.

Compare: Mezereum, its vegetable analogue, for bad effects of large doses or of too frequent repetition.

Aggravation: At night, wet, damp, cool air especially in evening, in autumn, warm days and cold, damp nights, uncovering, cold air coming in contact with exposed parts (Baryta, Hepar), lying on the right side, perspiring, heat of bed.

Amelioration: In open air, active motion, during work, rest in bed. Both Arsenic and Mercury have aggravation and amelioration in bed.

Mercury is aggravation by heat of bed, but amelioration by rest in bed.

Arsenic is aggravation by rest in bed, but amelioration by heat of bed.

Type: Periodicity not marked. Tertian rarely, anticipating occasionally. Bilious forms of typhoid or typhus.

Time: No certain hour. Midday, 12 M., 1 P.M., evening, night.

Cause: Atmospheric variations, exposure to cold, to damp places, to cold wet weather.

Chill: Without thirst, in the morning when rising, more generally in the evening after lying down, or in bed at night. Chilliness on going into the open air. ( Rhus- reverse of Pulsatilla ). Chilliness all over, with ice cold hands, as from cold water poured over one ( Mag.c., Rhus ). More chilly in the open air than in the house, same temperature. Violent shaking chill in evening, in bed, she could not get warm. Chilliness in the abdomen (coldness of abdomen, Meny. ). Chill, not relieved by warmth of stove, alternating with heat, of single parts only, internal with hot face. Sensation in soles of feet as if put in cold water, simultaneously with burning in them. Hands and feet constantly cold.

Heat: With thirst. Alternate sensation of heat and chilliness, not perceptible to external touch. Heat in bed, chilly when not in bed. Heat alternating with chill, often of single parts. Aversion to uncover (Mag.c. ). Heat and redness of face, and palms, then shaking chill far into the night, and thirst towards morning.

Sweat: Profuse on every motion (Bryonia, Sambucus). Profuse sweat at night, same in the morning. Unusually profuse sweat that is sour and offensive and makes the fingers look softened, spongy, wrinkled, like a washer woman’s (Ant.c., Canch.). Profuse, fatty and oily perspiration at night (Thuja, sabad. ), makes linen yellow and stiff. Profuse, offensive perspiration, soaking through the bed – clothes, the linen was stained saffron yellow and could not be removed by washing (Carbo a., Cinchona, Bryonia). Sweat that causes a burning sensation in the skin ( Caps. ). Profuse sweat on single parts not over six inches large, while other parts are dry. Worse while sweating, weakness aggravated (Rhus. ). Sweat towards morning, with palpitation and nausea.

Apyrexia: Great weakness, trembling from least exertion, vertigo when sitting down, gums inflamed and painful, thick, salty saliva, throat sore, painful when swallowing.

Analysis: The constitutional symptoms are guiding. Sweat, profuse on every motion, at night and in early morning, oily, greasy, fingers wrinkled like a washer woman’s, offensive, wetting the bed, stains saffron yellow.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.