Kali bichromicum Fever Symptoms

Allen gives the therapeutic indications of the remedy Kali BIchromicum in different kinds of fevers like: Continued, Bilious, Intermittent, Malarial, Remittent, Pernicious, Typhoid, Typhus, Septic fever, etc…


Characteristic – Adapted to fat, light haired persons, who suffer from catarrhal, syphilitic, or scrofulous affections, fat, chubby, short – necked children, disposed to croup and croup affections.

Affections of the mucous membranes – eyes, nose, mouth, throat, bronchi, gastro – intestinal and genito – urinary tracts – discharges of a tough, stringy mucus which adheres to the parts, and can be drawn out into long strings (Hydrastis, Lyssinum).

Complaints in hot weather.

Pains: in small spots can be covered with point of finger (Ignatia), shift rapidly, disappear suddenly (Belladonna, Ignatia, Mag. P.), neuralgia every day at same hour (Aranea, Chinas.).

Headache: blurred vision or blindness precedes the attack (Gelsemium, Lac d.), must lie down, aversion to light and noise, sight returns as headache increases (Iris, Nat., Lac d.).

Gastric complaints: bad effects of beer, loss of appetite, weight in pit of stomach, flatulence, Aggravation soon after eating, vomiting of ropy mucus and blood, round ulcer of stomach (Gym.) Nose: pressive pain in root of nose (in forehead and root of nose, Sticta), discharge of “clinkers,” plugs, mucus tough, ropy, green, bloody, in clear masses, and has violent pain from occiput to forehead if discharge ceases, ulcers and scabs on, or ulceration of, septum (Alumina, Sepia, Teucrium).

Diphtheria: Pseudo – membranous deposit, firm, pearly, fibrinous, prone to extend downwards to larynx and trachea (Lac caninum- from bronchi to throat, Bromium), bladder – like appearance of uvula, much swelling, but little redness (Rhus).

Deep – eating ulcers in fauces, often syphilitic.

Cough: hoarse, metallic in croup (membranous or diphtheritic), with expectoration of tough mucus or fibro – elastic casts, in morning on awakening, with dyspnea amelioration by lying down (cough on awakening, with dyspnea when lying down, Aral., Lachesis), sputa tenacious, expectorated but cannot be easily detached, sticks to throat, mouth, lips (tenacious, frothy, detached with great difficulty, but easily expectorated, Aral.).

Sexual desire absent, in fleshy people. Prolapsus uteri, seemingly in hot weather. Aggravation: Morning, after eating, heat of summer.

Amelioration: Skin symptoms in cold weather (rev. of Alumina, Pet.).

Type: Complaints appear periodically (dysentery every year in the beginning of summer, headache in the morning) at the same hour daily. Pains intermit. “Any type of fever.” – Lippe.

Time: Afternoon or evening paroxysm.

Fever, without chill, 4 and 5 P.M.

Chill: Without thirst. Coldness and shivering of arms, shoulders, back, with sleepiness, seeks a warm place. Shivering, alternating with flushes of heat. Chilliness commencing in feet and legs and extending upwards over whole body, with sensation as if vertex or pericranium were constricted ( Silicea ), occurring in frequent paroxysms, an hour after chill, heat and dryness of mouth and lips, had to be frequently moistened, followed by great thirst next morning, but no sweat. Ill – humor. Chilliness, especially on the extremities, and flushes of heat alternating with general sweat. Feet and hands cold.

Chilliness, with giddiness and nausea, followed by heat, with sensation of cold and trembling, periodical pains in the temples, no thirst.

Heat: With thirst, General heat over whole body at night. Flushes of heat in the face. Face and hands glowing hot, while arms were cold and deep internal chilliness continued. Sudden flushes of heat in the face which came on at 4 and 5 P.M.

Sweat: Profuse while sitting quietly (profuse on least motion, Bryonia, Sepia, Silicea, Sul.). Sweat on forehead, rest of face dry. Hands cold and bathed in cold sweat (Secale). General sweat, alternating with flushes of heat.

Tongue: Broad, with indented edges (Mercurius). Thick, yellow coating, coppery taste, saliva stringy, ropy, desire for acids ( Ant.c. ), for beer. Aversion to meat (Arnica).

Analysis: The general symptoms: ropy, stringy, viscid saliva and mucus. Sweat profuse while sitting quiet.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.