Eupatorium purpureum Fever Symptoms

Allen gives the therapeutic indications of the remedy Eupatorium Purpureum in different kinds of fevers like: Continued, Bilious, Intermittent, Malarial, Remittent, Pernicious, Typhoid, Typhus, Septic fever, etc…


Characteristic – Has been praised as a preventive.

All symptoms worse on left side.

Sensation as if falling to the left, persistent, cannot get rid of it.

Weak, tired feeling in every organ of the body, cannot move without making a desperate effort.

Rheumatic pains go from below upward (Ledum – shoot downward, Kalmia), change places frequently (Kali bichromicum, Lac caninum, Pulsatilla).

Sleep, restless, disturbed with frightful dreams.

Mechanical dysuria, from displaced uterus, jolting ride during pregnancy.

Constant desire to urinate, no matter how often he voids urine, bladder still feels full.

Incontinence of urine in children.

Chronic cystitis: uneasy, deep aching, dull pain and soreness in bladder, smarting and burning in bladder, in urethra, on urinating.

Aggravation: Motion, changing position, draft of air.

Type: Double tertian, double quartan, malarial.

Time: Different times of the day, hour not marked (3 to 5 p.m.). No regularity.

Prodrome: Bone pains in arms and legs (bone pains with intense thirst, Eup-perf. ). Dry, hacking cough in spells.

Chill: With thirst, begins in small of back – lumbar region (interscapular region, Caps., Polyp. ), passing up and down, thence extends over the body.

Chill begins between scapulae, thence spreading over body like waves, craves heat to back, yet heat does not relieve (heat ameliorated, Caps.)

Longing for lemonade, cold acid drinks, with violent bone pains, blue lips and nails (Nat., Nux), extremities cold, and frontal headache. Violent shaking, with comparatively little coldness (Eup-perf.). Nausea, but no vomiting, as the chill is leaving (vomiting at close of chill, Eup., Lycopodium ). Nervous, restless, hysterical mood. Numbness of the legs after or in conjunction with the severe bone pains.

Slight movement while covered or draft of air produces a return of chill.

Heat: With thirst. Long – lasting heat, with bone pains, nausea and vomiting. Hunger, with desire to eat immediately after the fever (hunger before chill and during sweat, Cinchona ). Frightful dreams. Longing for hot drinks (Arsenicum, Casc., Ced.).

Sweat: Without thirst, slight, mostly about forehead and head, of upper parts of body. Chilly down the back, when changing position ever so little. Very rarely, sweat is profuse (same as its congener, Eup-perf. ).

Tongue: Heavily furred, brown along the center, bitter, pappy taste with the chill.

Apyrexia: Passes more urine than normal. with frequent desire, scalding on urinating. Profuse flow of clear, limpid urine, weak, tired and faint after urinary symptoms. Vertigo, with “a dizzy feeling” all over, and a persistent sensation of falling to the left (Colocynthis – of falling, Gelsemium ). Difference between Eupatorium purp and Eupatorium perf


Type: Double tertian. Time: Different times of day, 10 A.M. Every other day. Prodrome: Bone pains in arms and legs. Dry, hacking cough in spells. Chill: No thirst, or thirst for lemonade and acid drinks. Chill begins in lumbar region, thence extends over body. Nausea as the chill is leaving, but no vomiting. Heat: Long – lasting, thirst, bone pains, and hunger as the heat is passing off (Cina, Cinchona). Sweat: Chilly when changing position ever so little during sweat. Apyrexia: Vertigo, with falling to the left. Urine, profuse, urging, scalding. Eup.perf.

Type. – Tertian. Time – 7 A.M., or 7 to 9 A.M. One day, 12 day. Prodrome. – Thirst several hours before, with bone pains and pains in back. Chill. – Great thirst for cold water. Chill, with bone pains, pains in back, gaping, stretching, throbbing headache. Bitter vomiting at close of chill. Drinking hastens chill and causes vomiting. Heat. – With sleep, moaning, increased headache. “A swallow of water will make him shiver”(Caps.). Sweat. – Bone pains disappear with disappearance of sweat. Light chill and profuse sweat, or shaking chill, and light or wanting sweat. Apyrexia. – Jaundiced hue, great weakness, anemia.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.