EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM…


This remedy seems to have a specific action upon the renal plexus, exciting the kidneys to undue action, increasing the excretion of urine to a great extent, and has been found of great utility in dropsy, and urinary calculi. It also seems to be capable of producing a rheumatic diathesis.


Much smarting and burning in the urethra during urination.- Dr. DRESSER.

Constant desire to urinate, passes but a few drops at a time, and is obliged to make the effort often.-Dr. DRESSER.

Suppression of urine, with restlessness and moaning.- Dr.


Burning distress in the bladder.-Dr. DRESSER.

Deep, dull aching pains in the bladder.

Profuse urination.-Dr. DRESSER.

Urine mixed with mucus.- Dr. DRESSER.

Dull aching pains in the region of the kidneys.-Dr. DRESSER.

Rheumatic pains in the lumbar region.

Renal dropsy; body and extremities enormously swollen; scanty secretion of urine and distressing dyspnoea.-Dr. DRESSER.

The lower part of the belly swollen and hot, in suppression of urine.-Dr. DRESSER.

Excessive irritation of the bladder, with large deposits of lithates.-HALE.

Catarrhus vesicae, attended with ulceration.-HALE.

Fever.-Intermittent fever, chill commences in the back, and then spreads over the body.-HALE.

Violent shaking, with but little coldness.-HALE.

No thirst during the chill, but much frontal headache.-HALE.

Fever for several hours; nausea and vomiting, with thirst.

Not much sweat; on moving during the sweat, a chilliness would pass through the body.Dr. DRESSER.

Paroxysms come on at different times of the day, every other day.-Dr. DRESSER.

Nausea as the chill is leaving, and desire to eat immediately after the fever.-S. SWAN, M.D.

Head feels light; cannot get rid of the sensation as if the head was falling to the left side.-Dr. DRESSER.

A heavy, furred tongue; brown along the centre, and a bitter pappy taste, with the chill. Weak, tired feeling, which seems insupportable.

Numbness of the legs.-Dr. DRESSER.

Severe bone pains.-Dr. VON TAGEN.

All the symptoms are worse on the left side of the body.-Dr.


This remedy should be more thoroughly tested in rental dropsy.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881