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Rheumatism Best homeopathic remedies for Rheumatism from the book Therapeutic Pointers to Some Common Diseases by E.A. Farrington…

Actaea Spicata [Act-sp]

      It is useful in Rheumatism affecting the smaller joints, as those of hands and feet, esp. if hands and wrists are involved.

Anacardium [Anac]

      It is useful in stiff-neck, (<)from beginning to move.

Apis [Apis]

      It may be used both in the muscular and articular Rheumatism, but it is more frequently indicated in the latter type, commonly called Acute Inflammatory Rheumatism. It is indicated by the following symptoms : The affected parts feels very stiff and exceedingly sensitive to pressure; often with sensation of numbness. the joint or joints affected are swollen, with a kind of stretched-tight feeling; the swelling is rather pale red in color, and some fluctuation may be detected about the joint. Burning, stinging pains, (<)on any motion.

Apocynum [Apoc]

      It is indicated in rheumatism of the joints, The joints feel stiff, esp, on moving in the morning.

Arctium Lappa [ ]

      It cures Rheumatism when there are: Soreness of the muscles; dull Pains, (<)from motion. High-colored urine. The patient so weary and sleepy that he cannot do nay work.

Arnica [Arn]

      It is useful in local Rheumatism, which occurs in the Winter weather and which seems often to be the combined effects of exposure to cold and dampness, and strain on the muscles from over-exertion. The symptoms indicating it are : Sore and bruised feeling of the affected parts, (<)from any motion. Sharp shooting pains, which rum down from the elbow to the forearm or shoot through legs and feet. The feet often swell and feel sore and bruised.

Artemisia Abrotanum [ ]

      It is esp. called for Rheumatism with lameness and stiffness of the joints.

It is also indicated : When there is a strong tendency to metastasis; when, either spontaneously or from meddlesome local treatment Rheumatism leaves the extremities and goes to the heart; when Diarrhoea or Piles alternate with Rheumatism.

Belladonna [Bell]

      It is one of our best remedies both in acute and chronic Rheumatism. It is indicated when there are : Cutting and tearing pains, running along the limbs like lightning. The joints are swollen, red and shining; streaks of red radiate from the inflamed joint along the limb. Rheumatic Fever, with pains attacking the nape of the neck, shoulders and upper arms.

It is also one of our best remedies in rheumatic stiff-neck, caused by cutting the hairs, getting the head or sitting with the head exposed to a draft.

Bryonia, Guaiacum and Nux Vomica are nearly related to Belladonna in this affection.

Benzoic Acid [Benz-ac]

      It is useful in Rheumatism with urinary symptoms of the remedy. The urine smells strong, like that of the horse.

Berberis [Berb]

      It is a very useful drug in Rheumatism, when the characteristic urinary symptoms of the remedy are present. The pains in the joints are tearing and burning and there is bubbling feeling, as if water were coming up through the skin a symptom which points very strongly to Berberis, as the remedy.

Bryonia [Bry]

      It is indicated both in Muscular and Articular Rheumatism.

In Muscular rheumatism it is indicated when: The muscles are sore to the touch, and at times swollen; the pains are aggravated from the slightest motion and are relieved by remaining perfectly quiet [Rhus Tox.-relief from moving about].

In Articular rheumatism it is indicated when the local inflammation is violent. The fever is not very high and the pains and swelling either shift not at all, or else very slowly. The affected parts are very hot and dark-red or pale-red. The pulse is full and strong and the tongue is either uniformly white or more characteristically, dry and white down the centre. The bowels are usually constipated. The pains are (<)from least motion, and(>) by remaining perfectly quiet. The pains may be erratic [Kali Bich, Sul].

Calcarea Carb [Calc-c]

      It is of service in :Rheumatic affections caused by working in water; Rheumatism of the back and shoulders, after the failure of Rhus Tox; Rheumatism of the finger-joints [Kalm., Lithium carb., Carb.].

Calcarea Phos [Calc-p]

      It is useful in Rheumatism appearing in any change of weather or on exposure to dampness. It is indicated by the following symptoms: Stiffness of the neck, aching and soreness in the limbs and wandering pains through the limbs, particularly around the sacral region and down the legs.

Caulophyllum [Caul]

      It is esp. suited to Rheumatism of the phalangeal and meta-carpal joints, particularly in the females.

Causticum [Caust]

      It is called for in Rheumatism, esp. when the joints are stiff and the tendons shortened, drawing the limbs out of shape. Rheumatic pains attack particularly the articulation of the jaw; they are (<)from cold and are(>) by warmth.

It is also useful in Rheumatism of the right deltoid [Ferrum, Phosphorus, Acid Sanguinaria].

Chamomilla [Cham]

      It is useful in Rheumatism, with feverishness and nervous excitability. Stitching pains, jump from place to place and leave a sense of weakness and numbness; the pains drive the patient out of bed and compel him to walk about. He is thirsty, hot with red cheeks and almost beside himself with anguish; sweat does not relieve him, but the pains are better after sweat.

China [Chin]

      It is often indicated in inflammatory Rheumatism, not at the beginning, but later when the fever has become intermittent in its character, with jerking and pressing pains and swelling of the joints. The patient will not permit anyone to approach, crying out with pain if the affected parts are touched-so exquisitely sensitive is the surface.

Chininum Sulph [Chin-s]

      See the symptoms of China, with which it is similar.

Colchicum [Colch]

      It is indicated in Rheumatism proper, when it begins in one joint, and travels thence to another or in one side of the body and then flies to the other. It is esp. useful in weak debilitated persons, or in those, who despite local rheumatic inflammation, exhibit general symptoms of torpor; they are exceedingly irritable-every little external impressions, as light, noise or strong odor annoys them and pains seem to be unbearable. The affected joints are swollen and dark-red or pale in color and are extremely sensitive to touch and to the slightest motion. The pains are acute, tearing or jerking in character and are associated with paralytic weakness of the limbs and numbness and coldness of the surface [Ledum]; they appear about the neck and shoulders, or in a small part of body at a time, and then shift quickly; they are superficial in Summer, deep in Winter; they are worse in the evening. The smell of food nauseates him and he is sick at the stomach. The urine is dark- red and scanty, and burns in passing along the urethra.

It may also be indicated in metastasis of Rheumatism to the heart, when there are pericardial effusion, fulness and oppression while lying on the left side, compelling him to turn over; the pulse is invariably small, weak and accelerated.

Colocynth [Coloc]

      It is to be remembered for Articular Rheumatism, when the joints remain stiff and unwieldy; after the acute stage, The pains in the affected parts are of a boring character.

Conium [Con]

      It is indicated when the pain is worse from beginning to move, but relieved from continued motion.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

      It is useful in Rheumatism, made worse by sudden changes in the weather.

Ferrum [Ferr]

      It is useful in Muscular Rheumatism, when the pains are (<)at night, and (>) by moving about slowly.

It esp. affects the left deltoid muscle.

Gelsemium [Gels]

      It may be useful in Gonorrhoeal Rheumatism.

Guaiacum [Guai]

      It is useful in Chronic Rheumatism, when the joints have become distorted by the concretions.

It also follows Causticum well, when there are contractions of the tendons, drawing the limbs out of shape, and aggravated by any attempt at motion-particularly if there are well developed nodosities in the joints.

Helleborus [Hell]

      It is useful for rheumatic pains in the knees.

Iodine [Iod]

      It is sometimes indicated in rheumatic joint affections, with effusion and emaciation.

In acute cases, compare Apis; in the chronic, Sul.

Kali Bichromicum [Kali-bi]

      It is useful in Rheumatism, particularly which occurs in the Spring or in the Summer weather, when there are cool days or nights. The joints are affected considerably and there are more pains about the fingers and wrists, than in any other part of the body. The pains wander about, suddenly jumping from one part of the body to another and are(>) by moving the affected part. Gastric and rheumatic symptoms often alternate.

It is also called for in Gonorrhoeal Rheumatism; the pains are better in a warm room.

Kali Iod [Kali-i]

      It is useful when Rheumatism affects the spine and Paraplegia results.

Kalmia Latifolia [Kalm]

      It is useful when there is tearing pains down the legs, without any swelling, without any fever but with great weakness [Colchicum]. The Rheumatism usually travels downwards, following the direction of the pains.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.