It is also useful in Rheumatism of the finger-joints [Calcarea Carb., Lithium carb. Carb.]

It is a valuable remedy in Rheumatism, when it affects the chest and is esp. useful when it shifts from the joints to the heart, particularly after external applications to the joints, of substances not Homoeopathic to the case. The pains are sharp and severe taking away the breath-the patient almost suffocates; they shoot down from the heart to the stomach or abdomen. The pulse is slow [Digitalis].

Lac Caninum [Lac-c]

      It is indicated when the pains are (<)from warmth [Ledum}; but they shift from one limb to the other, and back again.

Ledum [Led]

      It is an invaluable remedy in Gout and in Rheumatism affecting the smaller joints-the disease characteristically travels upwards, following the direction of its pains. The pains in the joints are acute and tearing in nature, with paralytic weakness of the limbs and numbness and coldness of the surface [Colchicum]; also drawing pains; the pains are (<)from warmth [Lac Can.] and wines. The muscles feel sore, as if but of place. The brain feels sore, at every false step [Rhus Tox.].

In rheumatic or gouty inflammation of the great toe it is indicated when instead of tending to copious effusion, the effusion is scanty and when tends to harden into nodosities.

It is also useful in Chronic Rheumatism and is one of the remedies on which to depend in treating hereditary Rheumatism [Silicea]. The symptoms usually extend from feet upwards. The patient is worse from warmth {Silicea-the opposite].

Lithium Carb [Lith-c]

      It is efficacious in Rheumatism associated with an erythema bout the joints, with very annoying itching there.

It is esp. called for in cases of Chronic Rheumatism connected with heart lesions. I have succeeded in several instances, in relieving chronic rheumatic patients by this remedy The symptoms which indicate the drug are these: The whole body feels stiff and sore, as if beaten. Clumsiness in walking from unwieldiness of the muscles. Pains in the joints, usually worse in knee-ankle-and finger-joints [Calcarea Carb., Kalmia]; pains go down the limbs. Tenderness with swelling and occasional redness of the last joints of the fingers. Intense itching on the sides of the feet and hands, without any apparent cause. The whole body increases in weight and becomes puffy. The urine looks turbid and may deposit mucous or red sediment. The associated heart symptoms are : Rheumatic soreness about the heart; Shocks or jerks about the heart. Fluttering of the heart, from mental agitation [Calcarea Carb., Nat.Mur., Sepia]. Distressing cardiac pain, particularly felt or augmented from bending forward or on bending over the bed in morning; the pains are (>) by urination.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

      It is useful when the urine contains a lithic acid deposit. Associated with this are : The arm feels heavy and weak, but when he tries to use them, finds that he can work quite well with them. The limbs easily go to sleep, with numbness and formication. The right side is usually the seat of the disease. The pains are (<)from beginning to move and (<)from continued motion [Pulsatilla].

In Chronic Rheumatism, it is found effective, when the pains are (<)from damp weather and(>) by slow motion and warmth, and the warmth, and the characteristic gastric and urinary symptoms are present.

Magnesia Carb [Mag-c]

      It is suitable for Rheumatism in the right shoulder. It has also rheumatic pains in the limbs, (<)after a long walk and in bed, and (>) from warmth.

Manganum [Mang]

      It is an excellent remedy in rheumatic patients when the heels are affected and the patient cannot bear any weight on them.

It is also indicated when the rheumatic symptoms come in dark, almost bluish spots.

Mercurius [Merc]

      It is indicated when sweating and warmth of the bed aggravate the symptoms.

Nux Moschata [Nux-m]

      It is indicated in Rheumatism affecting the left deltoid [Ferrum].

Nux Vomica [Nux-v]

      It is useful when the Rheumatism, involves the larger joints and muscles. The joints are swollen and are usually pale. The symptoms are almost always (<)towards morning.

It is esp. indicated in Rheumatism of the trunk.

It is also called for in Rheumatism of the back, when the patient is unable to turn over in bed, without first sitting up.

Petroleum [Petr]

      It is particularly indicated when the knees are stiff, being associated with sharp sticking pain in them, stiffness in the neck and cracking sounds when moving the head.

It is also indicated, in Rheumatism of the back, when the pains are (<)in morning before rising.

Phosphorus [Phos]

      It is particularly indicated when Endo carditis or Myocarditis occurs during the course of Acute Inflammatory Rheumatism or Pneumonia.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

      It is indicated in Rheumatism of the joints, when the joints are swollen the pains are of a sharp stinging or tearing character and are accompanied by a feeling of soreness or of sub-cutaneous

ulceration about the affected joint. The tearing pains force the patient to move the affected parts; they often extend down the limb and are accompanied by jerking; they are usually erratic, now here and now there jerking; they are usually erratic, now here and now there [Bryonia, Kali., Bich., Sul.]; pressure relieves these pains; they are usually (<) from warmth in the evening and on beginning to move, and are (>) by cold and from slow motion [Lycopodium].

In rheumatic headaches, it is indicated when the pains are sharp and severe and seem to go from head into the face and almost drive the patient mad; in other cases, they may be erratic, wandering from one part of the head to the other.

It is often indicated in Gonorrhoeal Rheumatism [Thuja].

Rananculus Bulbosus [Ran-b]

      It is indicated in Rheumatism when the pains are (<) in damp weather, particularly from a change of weather or temperature. Even a rheumatic headache having this aggravation may call for


It is decidedly the best remedy in the Inter-costal Rheumatism with sharp stitching pains and a sore spot in the chest, (<) from any motion (even breathing), pressure or change of temperature, associated with dyspnoea sometimes distressing.

Rhododendron [Rhod]

      It is particularly useful in chronic Rheumatism affecting the smaller joints.

It is one of the best remedies for Rheumatic Gout and for a hard, rheumatic swelling of the big toe-joint often mistaken for Bunion.

Rhus Radicans [Rhus-r]

      It is indicated when there are: Drawing, tearing pains in the legs. Rheumatic pain in the back of head. Rheumatic stiff-neck associated with occipital headache.

Rhus Tox [Rhus-t]

      It is indicated in Rheumatism not so much in the inflammatory form as in Rheumatic diathesis when the characteristic modality (i.e relief of symptoms by continued motion and agg. on beginning to move) is present and when there is agg. during damp weather or from dwelling in damp places. It is esp. suitable for Rheumatism after exposure to cold or wet, particularly when one is over- heated or perspiring. Other notable symptoms are: Restlessness, all the time. The prominent projection of bones are sore to the touch, as for example the cheek-bones. Rheumatism of the muscles of the back and shoulders [Calcarea Carb.- follows it well]. Rheumatic pains in the inter-scapular region, (<) from cold (>) from warmth. Stiff-neck. Colic (of rheumatic origin), the pain is (<) by bending double or moving about. Brain feels sore at every false step [Ledum]. Accompaniment of Hives. The patient cannot bear the least exposure to cool air characteristic.

It is to be compared with: Anacardium, Caps., Conium, Ferrum, Kalm. Ledum, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Rhus., Radicans and Rhodo.

Ruta Graveolens [Ruta]

      It is similar to petroleum.

Sabina [Sabin]

      It is suitable for Rheumatism of the small joints the pains are (<) in a warm room.

It is particularly suitable in plethoric women, who suffer from what they call rheumatic inflammation.

Sanguinaria Canadensis [Sang]

      It is suitable for Acute Muscular Rheumatism The pains are sharp and stitching, with great soreness and stiffness of the muscles, esp. those of the back and neck.

It exhibits a special affinity for the right deltoid muscle, and is suitable for Rheumatism affecting it [Mag. Carb.]. The pains are intense. The patient cannot raise his arm to the head.

Secale Cornutum [Sec]

      It is useful in Rheumatism, when there is sudden `catch’ or `kink’ in the back.

Silicea [Sil]

      It is useful in chronic Rheumatism. It is one of the remedies on which to depend in treating hereditary Rheumatism [Ledum]. The pains are predominantly in the shoulders and in the joints and are, at night and when uncovering [Ledum- worse from covering up].

Sulphur [Sul]

      It is indicated both in the Acute and Chronic Rheumatism, particularly the latter when the inflammatory swelling ascend, i.e., they begin in the feet and extend up the body. The pains are (<) in bed and at night, and they may be erratic [Bryonia, Kali bichromicum, Pulsatilla]. Burning in the feet which the patient uncovers.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.