Sepia is complementary to Natrum Carb. and it is to be compared with Hepar, Iodium, Nat. Mur., Nux V. and Sepia

Natrum Mur [Nat-m]

      It is a first class remedy in the treatment of Dyspepsia. We find it indicated when farinaceous food, particularly bread, disagrees. There is a craving for milk meat, fish, oysters and salty food or for bitter and sour things. After eating the patient is very thirsty. There is a distressed, undesirable feeling at the pit of the stomach which is (>) by tightening the clothing [Fl. Ac.; Hepar and Lachesis-just the opposite]. There is constipation, with constriction of the anus, faeces dry and hard and difficult to expel, and evacuated with such exertion as to tear the anus and as a consequence there is bleeding with the stool; the constipation causes the patient to be low-spirited and ill-humored-this mental condition seems to keep pace with the degree of digestion as in Nat. Carb. and also with the degree of constipation and when the bowels move undisturbed, the mind is relieved [Nux V.-when disturbed, as by taking purgatives]. Or, there is chronic watery Diarrhoea, with a dry mouth, secondary to dry stool.

Niccolum [Nicc]

      Sinking sensation in epigastrium, without desire for food.

Nitro-muriatic Acid [Nit-m-ac]

      It is also to be remembered in cases of weak digestion. Its symptoms are recorded in Allen, and are very similar to those of Muriatic Acid.

Nux Moschata [Nux-m]

      Indicated in the Dyspepsia of the hysterical women. It is indicated by the following symptoms : Bowels enormously distended with wind, as from weak digestion; even soft stools are evacuated with difficulty.

Nux Vomica [Nux-v]

      The Dyspepsia in which Nux is applicable is characterized by marked aggravation an hour or so after eating. About 24 hours before the attack comes on, the patient complains of great hunger. He craves meats, gravies and fat foods and is averse to coffee. He has violent thirst, but water distresses the stomach and causes distention; after even a light meal, he is obliged to loosen his clothing. He is troubled with sour or bitter eructations hiccough and water-brash. These may be associated with nausea and vomiting of food and sour matter, but the prominent feature of the vomiting is the violent, retching which is often more or less ineffectual. The bowels are constipated, and this constipation consists characteristically, in ineffectual urging to stool. There may be pains also, of a griping, clawing character, as though a hand were scraping the inside of the stomach, often relieved by not drinks. The patient suffers from a dull headache, situated either in the occiput or over one eye, usually the left; when the pain settles over the eye, it usually the left; when the pain settles over the eye, it usually begins in the morning and increases until night and is accompanied generally by sour taste in the mouth (less frequently by a bitter taste), by accumulation of flatus and by annoying retching. In such cases, we find Nux Vomica a remedy, without which we cannot get along.

It is also indicated in Dyspepsia from farinaceous food [Sul.]. The symptoms indicating it are almost exactly the same as under Sulphur (which q.v.). It is well to remember that Nux is indicated in the beginning of these affections and is followed well by Sulphur; when Nux only partially relieves, Sulphur comes in to complete the cure.

In the bad effects of over-eating and the gastric symptoms following debauchery, it precedes Carbo Veg., which comes in when Nux ceases to act; in the latter case Sulphur may be required.

It is to be compared with Arsenicum, Bismuth, Carbo V., Hepar, Not. Mur., Pulsatilla, and Sul.

Oleander [Olnd]

      Gone, empty feeling in epigastrium, with sensation of distended abdomen; the chest feels empty and cold.

Phosphorus [Phos]

      It may cure vomiting in chronic Dyspepsia. The patient is better by drinking cold water, until the water becomes warm in the stomach, when it is violently ejected. There is a weak faint feeling in the epigastrium at 11 o’clock in the forenoon [Asafoetida, Hydrast., Sul., *Zincum met.].

Pulsatilla [Puls]

      It is one of those remedies which we are apt to select by the predominance of the mental symptoms. In Dyspepsia also, in which it is a prominent remedy, we follow the same principle. It is esp. indicated inpatients of a mild, tearful disposition, having a rather slow, phlegmatic temperament; they are never irascible, although at times peevish. The accompanying gastric symptoms are : The tongue is coated with a thick, rough fur. The mouth feels dry, yet there is not much thirst-thirstlessness is characteristic. Heartburn, rarely water-brash [Nux-water-brash is prominent]. Nausea, esp. at the thought or smell of food, particularly if rich or fat [Arsenicum, Cocc., Colchicum, Sepia]. Sometimes vomiting, the vomited matters contain food or mucus and also of bile-the food vomited may have been eaten a long time before [Kre., Meph., and Sul.]. Feeling as of a lump in the mid- sternum, as if food were lying there [Cinchona]. Throbbing in epigastrium. Feeling as of a weight in the epigastrium an hour after eating,(>) by eating again. Feeling of fulness and heaviness in the stomach, after eating, sometimes associated with a feeling of rawness there, as from ulceration. Much flatulence which moves about, causing pinching pains and rumbling,(<) on awaking or just after supper. Usually there is Diarrhoea, with slimy or watery stools, (<) after midnight. There is agg. from : eating fatty food [Carbo Veg., Ipecac., Thuja] or pastry; eating ice-cream [Arsenicum, Carbo Veg.]’ partaking of a mixed diet [Ipecac., nux]; eating at night [Ipecac., Nux vomica, Sepia]. The patient is worse from all meats [Ferrum, Graphites]; he has a desire for lemonade [Belladonna, Calcarea Carb., Cycla., Sabina and Secale].

Sepia [Sep]

      It is an important remedy in Dyspepsia. Like puls. the mental symptoms of Sepia also come in, to enable you to decide for it as the remedy. i remember curing a case of Dyspepsia with Sepia, in which there were very few gastric symptoms, nothing more than a feeling of discomfort, but the mental symptoms were prominent and always ushered in an attack of Indigestion. The patient, a lady became indifferent to her business affairs and also to her friends; she became excessively irritable. Sepia entirely cured this patient, after she had been six or seven years under allopathic treatment. The accompanying gastric symptoms, indicating it are : Tongue, coated white. Bitter or sour taste in the mouth [Sul.]. Eructations, sour or burning [Lycopodium, Nat. Mur.] or tasting like bad eggs. A gone, faint feeling at about 11 A.M [Sul.]. Fulness from little food [Sul.]. Longing for acids or pickles, which seems to relieve the symptoms [Sul.]. Goneness and empty feeling in epigastrium or abdomen, not relieved by eating [Carbo An.], except perhaps in supper. Abdominal plethora [Sul.]; the abdomen is swollen and distended with foetid flatus [Nat, Murex], and there is almost always soreness in hepatic region. The bowels are usually constipated, the stools are hard, dry and insufficient, and are difficult to expel, although not esp. hard [Nat. Mur.]; the constipation is associated with piles. The urine has a peculiar foetid odor and is very turbid.

It is more suitable in torpid cases with defective reaction [Sul.] and also in Dyspepsia incident to uterine diseases.

It is complementary to Natrum Mur. and is to be compared with Carbo An., Lycopodium, Natrum Mur., Stannum, and Sulphur.

Sarsaparilla [Sars]

      Gone, empty feeling in the epigastrium, associated with rumbling in abdomen.

Stannum [Stann]

      It is indicated in disordered digestion, associated with debility. The odor of cooking causes vomiting [Colchicum], it a particularly strong indication for this remedy esp. in women. The face of the patient is apt to be pale and sunken, with dark rings around the eyes. There is bitter taste in the mouth; nausea and vomiting in the morning; and weak, gone feeling in the stomach [Sepia]. The rectum is inactive; much urging is required to evacuate even a soft stool.

Men may require it, when they are hypochondriacal; they have gastralgic pains, which compel them to walk about for relief, and they are so weak that this exercise is very fatiguing to them. The tongue is coated yellowish.

Sulphur [Sulph]

      It is suited to torpid cases with defective reaction [Sepia] and may be indicated in Dyspepsias of many varieties. The particular indications of the drug may be set down as these : In a general way, you will find it indicated in patients of tightness or fulness in abdomen, with feeling of repletion after partaking of but a small quantity of food. The liver is congested, enlarged and more on pressure. The taste is sour or bitter [Sepia]. Saliva nauseates. Eructations sour or tasting like and eggs. Craving for brandy, beer and sweets, which disagree. The bowels are constipated, with frequent ineffectual urging to stool, and with Piles; the constipation frequently alternates with Diarrhoea which is not apt to be the early morning Diarrhoea, which is so characteristic of Sulphur. The face of the patient is more blotched, red and at times spotted.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.