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Best homeopathic remedies for Dyspepsia from the book Therapeutic Pointers to Some Common Diseases by E.A. Farrington…


Abies Nigra [Abies-n]

      Useful in Dyspepsia, when there is a hard-boiled eggs sensation in oesophagus- a feeling as though he had swallowed some indigestible substance, which had stuck at the cardiac orifice of the stomach- the main symptom and the key-note of the drug that has been frequently confirmed. The other symptoms are low- spiritedness, hypochondriasis and constipation incident to


Actaea Racemosa [Cimic]

      It is excellent, when with the faint, empty feeling in the epigastrium, there is a trembling, wavy sensation spreading from the stomach over the body.

Aletris Farinosa [Alet]

      A remedy for weakness of digestion; food distresses the patient and lies heavily in stomach.

Alumina [Alum]

      An unique drug for Dyspepsia caused by defective secretion of gastric juice- the same kind of Dyspepsia curable with Bryonia. Its distinctive symptoms are : A feeling of constriction along the oesophagus when swallowing food. The patient is always worse from eating potatoes-a good indication for Alumina. There is aversion to meat and craving for indigestible substances.

Argentum Nitricum [Arg-n]

      The stomach seems to swell up immediately after a full meal [Borax, Carbo Veg., China, Colchicum, Kali bichromicum, Lycopodium, Nat. Sul., and Nux M.].

Arnica [Arn]

      It is indicated, when after a meal, there is impending apoplectic congestion of the brain, with throbbing headache and drowsiness. And also, when there is some difficulty in the digestion of the food; there are foul breath, slimy, yellow coating of the tongue, eructation of gas tasting like rotten eggs, tympanitic distension of the abdomen and foul-smelling stools.

Arsenicum [Ars]

      The symptoms indicating it are: Taste is lost, or is bitter, sour and putrid. The stomach feels swollen, as if full of water; an ordinary amount of food causes a feeling of fulness of repletion [Lycopodium]. Burning feelings, a very distressing heart-burn, red, rough tongue and anxiety and distress after eating. Craving for acids and coffee, which do not agree; agg. from taking ice-cream [Carbo V.]. Violent thirst, but the patient drinks but little at a time and vomits the water. Nausea is frequent and often periodical (at 12 P.M.) and is accompanied by great prostration : nausea, at the smell or thought of food- particularly if rich or fat [Cocc., Colchicum, Pulsatilla, Sepia]. The vomiting is of an irregular convulsive character. It is best adapted to periodical burning pains with sour or acrid vomiting. The patient is excessively weak, without feeling so. Any exertion produces fainting.

Asafoetida [Asaf]

      It is indicated in the Dyspepsia of the hysterical women. Its most characteristic effects are as follows : Reversal of the peristaltic action of the bowels, stomach and particularly of the throat. Rancid eructations, with profuse saliva and greasy taste. The head feels dull and compressed. Burning in the stomach and oesophagus. Enormous meteorism of the stomach. Stools papescent, brown and offensive.

Bismuth [Bism]

      It is the remedy where there is much burning in the stomach with violent ejection of food. The epigastric pains may be burning, griping or lancinating, extending into the adjacent spine, usually relieved by cold drinks. Besides there may be pressure and heaviness in the stomach, with convulsive gagging. The patient vomits at intervals, when the stomach becomes full and the amount of vomited matter is enormous. Water is vomited, as soon as it reaches the stomach.

Borax [Bor]

      The digestion is impaired. The stomach seems to swell up, immediately after a full meal.

Bryonia [Bry]

      It is indicated when there are : A feeling as though a stone or heavy weight were lying clogged in the stomach. White coating of the tongue. The characteristic stomach thirst, i.e., a thirst for large quantities of water at long intervals. Intolerance of vegetable food. Constipation with hard, dry, brown stools, passed with difficulty, owing to the hardness of faecal matter. Atony of the rectum. The patient cannot tolerate heat of the Sun. All the symptoms are worse in Summer.

Calcarea Carb [Calc]

      Gone, empty feeling in the epigastrium. An usual craving for eggs. Milk disagrees. Ravenous appetite. Thirst, worse towards the evening.

Capsicum [Caps]

      Indicated in weak digestion in patients, who are irritable and easily angered and clumsy in their motions; they are worse from the least draft of air, even though the air is warm.

Carbo Animalis [Carb-an]

      It is indicated where there is goneness and empty feeling in the pit of stomach, esp. after loss of vital fluids, not relieved by eating.

Carbo Vegetabilis [Carb-v]

      It rivals other well-known remedies in Dyspepsia, and is esp. indicated in patients who are advanced in life and debilitated, and also in weak, delicate patients, who are old dyspeptics, particularly if they have abused their digestive organs by debauchery.

It is indicated by the following symptoms : Heaviness fulness, sleepiness after eating, with fulness of the abdomen and burning. Great flatulence, with rancid belching and burning, with bitter taste in the mouth [Lycopodium-sour]. Flatulence of the bowels [Lycopodium-of the stomach]; the flatus is more rancid, putrid, or when passed per annum -burning, moist and offensive and is more in quantity and its incarceration is the cause of many of the symptoms; it also causes a bearing-down upon the bladder and sacral region. The burning is most marked in the internal parts, as in stomach, and is attended with a creeping feeling up to the throat; it spreads up to the chest and down into the abdomen. Burning distress and weakness referred to the epigastrium, with nausea. Tenesmus recti. Constipation, with Piles; ineffectual urging to stool. At other times, morning Diarrhoea, with thin, watery stool accompanied by a great deal of urging. Agg. of symptoms from eating fat food and ice-cream. The patient is worse in a warm room.

It is also indicated, particularly after the failure of Nux Vom., when the indigestion is caused, as bad effects of : Debauchery; excessive indulgence in table luxuries, wine and liquors; and all kinds of dissipation.

It is to be compared with : Arsenicum, Cinchona, Ipecac., Lachesis, Lycopodium, Nux V. and Pulsatilla

Cinchona [Chin]

      It is very useful for Dyspepsia, occurring esp. after loss of vital fluids. It is often the remedy when the disease is the result of drinking tea to excess or beer, fruits, etc. also. The digestion is so weak that the stomach cannot tolerate any food at all; and if his meals come to him later than usual, he is sure to suffer in consequence. Great debility and marked tympany, early in the course of the disease is characteristic.

The symptoms indicating it are : Great flatulence; the stomach is distended with flatus, the least food or drink increases this symptom, so that after taking but a small quantity, he feels full, as though he had eaten an enormous meal; this fulness is so severe as to cause pain, with little or no relief from belching, which sometimes makes the patient worse. The abdomen also is enormously distended. After eating languor; a sensation as a lump in the mid-sternum [Pulsatilla]; bitter eructations; bitter taste-which however is altered after swallowing, the food tastes normal while being masticated. The appetite is often voracious, when not capricious; longs for acids, brandy and sweet-meats; craving for coffee-beans; fruits induce Diarrhoea, with intestinal fermentation. Thirst for cold water- drinks little and often. The discharges from the bowels and the flatus are offensive; yellow, watery undigested stools. Marked agg. at night and after meals. Great prostration. In addition, there are paleness, ringing in the ears, easy fainting, etc.

Cocculus [Cocc]

      Gone, empty, weak feeling, extending all over the abdomen and chest, renewed by over-exertion and esp. by loss of sleep. It tires her to talk. Nausea at the thought and smell of food.

Cyclamen [Cycl]

      The indigestion for which it is the remedy has these to characterize it : The patient is worse from taking fatty foods and pastry. Formation of flatus which causes colic at night, forcing the patient to get up and walk about till the flatus passes and gives relief. Strabismus.

Colchicum [Colch]

      The symptoms indicating it are : Coldness or cold feeling in stomach [Elaps]; burning in stomach; intolerance of pressure of clothing [Lachesis]. Nausea, (<) from smell or odor of cooking [Stannum]. Vomiting, (>) by sitting or lying quietly [Veratrum Alb.]. Offensive flatus. Offensive diarrhoea. Spasms of sphincter ani, which contracts after each stool, with fruitless urging. Too much exhaustion. Senses too acute. Bright light, touch or strong odors intolerable [Nux V.].

Graphites [Grat]

      It is indicated by the following symptoms : Feeling as of a lump in the left side of the throat, over which the food seems to pass with difficulty. The sensation as of a lump in stomach with constant beating. Great flatulence; flatulent distension of the abdomen, with congestion to the head; offensive flatus. The eructation which causes heart-burn is much rancid. Offensive stools : half digested, dark and pappy. Imperfect digestion.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.