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Best homeopathic remedies for Carbuncle from the book Therapeutic Pointers to Some Common Diseases by E.A. Farrington…

Arsenicum [Ars]

      Indicated by the character of the pains: Cutting lancinating, burning pains with agg. after midnight, and extreme restlessness. Pepper-box like openings and dipping deeply into the cellular tissues.

Anthracinum [Anthr]

      Has precisely the same series of symptoms as Arsenicum, but to a more intense degree.

It is indicated when Arsenicum fails, chiefly in the 30th potency.

Carbo Veg [Carb-v]

      To be administered when the affected parts are bluish or livid and when the discharges are offensive, and associated with burning pains like Arsenicum, but without the extreme restlessness of the latter. Also useful when the Carbuncle becomes gangrenous.

In these cases, it is not only your duty to give it internally, but also it is well to use a charcoal poultice over the Carbuncle.

Lachesis [Lach]

      Indicated when the surrounding area is swollen and looks purple or blackish and pus forms very slowly.

Phytolacca [Phyt]

      Indicated when there are lancinating, jerking pains.

Rhus Tox [Rhus-t]

      Indicated in the beginning, when the pains are intense and the affected parts are dark-red.

If given early, it may abort the whole trouble. It is followed by Arsenicum or Carbo Veg.

Silicea [Sil]

      Useful when the Carbuncle is situated between the shoulder and the nape of the neck.

Tarantula Cubensis [Tarent-c]

      It may be used effectively when there are great prostration and Diarrhoea, with intermitting fever of evening exacerbation.

In relieving the atrocious pains accompanying the condition, it acts like magic. It should be compared with Arsenicum, no less with Anthrac., Lachesis and Silicea

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.