27. Hamamelis. Varicose veins: Haemorrhage from veins; painful and bleeding Piles; tendency to Haemorrhage from various parts; vicarious Menstruation; Dysmenorrhoea from disease of the ovaries; discolouration, as from a bruise.

EXTERNAL USE. Hamamelis is sometimes a good substitute for Arnica when the latter does not agree with the patient. It is a good application for Chilblains, bleeding Piles, etc. One part of the strong tincture to four of water.

28. Hepar Sulphuris. This is a compound of Sulphur and Calcarea, and has points of resemblance to each, influencing the skin like Sulphur, and the glands like Calcarea. It has also an action differing from either of these remedies separately. It is chiefly prescribed in inflammatory affections of the wind-pipe and air- passages, Croup, wheezing breathing, Hoarseness; consumptive Coughs, etc.; also for scrofulous enlarged glands discharging matter; Abscesses; Scald-head; salivation, and other consequences from large doses of Mercury. Like Silicea, but to a less extent, it favours the suppurative process.

29. Ignatia. This remedy is valuable for the consequences of grief, in persons, females particularly of a highly sensitive temperament, who often change from high spirits to a low state of despondency; nervous Headache; hysteric, convulsive, or spasmodic disorders, consequent on grief, disappointments, or ill-humour, with the sensation of a ball rising in the throat (globus hystericus); nervous affections of girls at puberty, and women at the critical period; also come of the symptoms of Hypochondriasis in the male sex; convulsive affections of infants and children from worms; Prolapsus ani; etc.

30. Ipecacuanha. Chiefly used in affections of the respiratory and digestive organs. Spasmodic, suffocative Cough, with tickling in the throat, sometimes with nausea, vomiting, bloody expectoration, or bleeding from the nose; Spasmodic-asthma, especially at night; Whooping-cough, during the spasmodic stage, with rattling breathing; hay-fever, and some varieties of bronchitis. Derangements of the digestive organs, characterized by simple nausea and vomiting, with or without Diarrhoea; Colic, with loose, fermented, or dysenteric stools, especially in children. Haemorrhage from various organs, the blood being bright-red, with anxiety, pale face, vomiting, etc.

31. Kali Bichromicum. Affections of the mucous membrane and the skin. On the respiratory mucous lining it has great power, especially in chronic Bronchitis, with much tough, stringy mucus, difficult to expectorate; Cough, with wheezing, difficult breathing; chronically ulcerated throat; Hoarseness; chronic Catarrh; Croup; Polypus of the nose. It is curative in catarrhal and strumous Ophthalmia, and in syphilitic affections of the eye. In the digestive tract it is valuable in chronic Dyspepsia, with heartburn, eructations, nausea, thickly coated, yellowish tongue, bitter taste, etc. An additional indication for its use is a simultaneous affection of the respiratory and digestive mucous membrane. Affections of the skin, within the sphere of the action of this remedy, are chiefly pustular eruptions. Ulcers of the legs (see also Calendula as an external remedy), especially of a syphilitic character, and pimples on the face.

32. Lycopodium. Atonic affections of the digestive organs; pain, sensitiveness, or distention of the abdomen; waterbrash; chronic Constipation; Gravel and Stone; moist eruptions; Scald-head; glandular swellings; rheumatic complaints; scrofulous Ulcers; loss of hair.

33. Mercurius. There are various preparations of Mercury used by homoeopathic practitioners, but in this Manual we have chiefly referred to two, as under.

1st. MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS. This remedy is prescribed for: Glandular affections, with swelling and sometimes suppuration; Sore throat, with swelling, pain, difficulty in swallowing, and ulceration; profuse flow of saliva from the mouth, with a foetid odour; Thrush; Cancrum or is; Toothache from decay, with aching, tearing pains, extending to the temples and glands, and a tendency to gum-boils; Jaundice, yellowness of the skin and of the whites of the eyes; Ophthalmia; agglutination of the eyelids; Ulcers on the cornea; discharge from the ears, soreness, Deafness; Diarrhoea, frequent desire to relieve the bowels, preceded by chilliness, with green, clay, or various coloured, slimy and offensive, evacuations, especially the Diarrhoea of infants and children; torpid liver, with deficient secretion of bile, as shown by pale, foetid, and costive motions, dull pain in the right side, poor appetite and dejection of spirits; long round worms; syphilitic and scrofulous swellings of the glands in the groins; Gonorrhoea; syphilitic Ulcers, etc. Two marked symptoms indicating this remedy are, aggravations of the pains and several symptoms at night, and profuse perspirations and afford no relief.

2nd. MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS. Dysenteric affections, with tenesmus, burning pains in the abdomen, and discharge of blood and mucus; Cirrhosis; scrofulous, rheumatic, and syphilitic Ophthalmia; Gonorrhoea, in the first stage, with sharp pain on urinating; syphilitic eruptions, etc.

34. Nux Vomica. Functional gastric derangements from a depressed condition of the nervous system, especially the following; Constipation, with ineffectual desire for stool; Constipation alternating with relaxation, the action being inharmonious and spasmodic; waterbrash, heartburn, flatulence, the symptoms being of a spasmodic character; headache, with giddiness, flushed face, constipation, and other symptoms dependent on gastric conditions; acute Indigestion, with nausea and violent vomiting, headache, trembling hands, and other affections following intoxication. Chronic congestion of the liver; spasmodic Asthma; dry Coryza; irritable bladder, and spasmodic Stricture, form abuse of alcohol. The pains which point to Nux arise from spasm, and not from inflammation. It is especially valuable in affections resulting from sedentary habits, want of out-of-door recreation, too close brain-labour, anxiety, and business cares, night- watching, indulgence at table, and the abuse of alcohol or tobacco. It is best adapted to persons of spare habit, firm fibre, and of energetic irritable, or hypochondriacal disposition, with tendency to irregular action of the bowels, and Piles. The symptoms come on or are worse early in the morning, and are increased by taking food or by mental effort.

35. Opium. Obstinate constipation, from paralytic obstruction, or want of peristaltic action of the intestines; lead Colic; paralytic retention of urine; recent affections from fright, or sudden violent emotions; apoplectic conditions, with stertorous breathing, and slow and full pulse; Typhus fever, with sleepiness, listlessness, and partial retention of urine; general mental and physical torpor. As may be inferred from the last indication, Opium is often useful in that nervous insusceptibility through which remedies, although clearly indicated, fail to effect improvement, when by restoring impressionability it places the patient in a condition to be benefited by the appropriate remedy.

36. Phosphorus. Chiefly valuable in affections of the lungs, and in long-continued, exhausting diseases, of which the following is an epitome: Pneumonia, especially in children; chronic Bronchitis, with considerable constitutional irritation; Hoarseness; dry Cough, or cough with expectoration of mucus, sometimes with blood; chronic Cough; Consumption, in which it is of signal use, moderating the cough, Diarrhoea, and Congestion of the lungs; chronic wasting, Diarrhoea and Hectic; chronic inflammation of the stomach and bowels; Atrophy of the liver, and other hepatic affections; malignant Jaundice; fatty degeneration, in any part; Typhus and other fevers, with atonic condition of the brain, and want of vital reaction; also physical and nervous weakness from loss of animal fluids, especially from sexual excesses and self-abuse.

37. Podophyllum Peltatum. Diarrhoea, watery, especially urgent in the morning, prolapsus of the bowels.

38. Pulsatilla. Mucous Dyspepsia, with thickly-coated rough tongue, nausea and vomiting of bile, mucus, or of a bitter, sour fluid, with diminished or altered taste; Indigestion from fat, pork, pastry, or other rich food; mucous Diarrhoea, with little pain, chiefly at night; heart-burn. It assists in cleansing the tongue, moderating the Catarrh, and checking the Diarrhoea in Measles, Chicken-pox, Remittent-fever, and other diseases of children. In the respiratory mucous membrane it is chiefly useful in catarrhal affections and sub-acute Bronchitis, with much mucous discharge. Pulsatilla is much used in profuse lachrymation, agglutination, twitching, Styes, and other affections of the eyelids, especially of a sub-acute character and in scrofulous persons. Deafness from Catarrh, or following Measles, with noises in the ears; ear-ache of children, with purulent discharge. Varicose veins, and embarrassed venous circulations, especially during pregnancy. In Gout and Rheumatism, it is chiefly indicated when the attacks are sub- acute, and the pains shift from one part to another. The most remarkable property, however, of this remedy is its action upon the female sexual system, as in tardy, scanty, or suppressed Menstruation; Leucorrhoea; false, delayed, or deficient labour- pains; retained placenta; excessive after pains; suppression of the lochia, and a deficient secretion of milk. It is also useful in swollen testicle, and other affections of the male organs. Generally, however, Pulsatilla is more suited to the female sex, or rather to persons of gentle dispositions, of fair complexion, easily excited to laughter or weeping, and with a tendency to relaxation rather than constipation.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."