11. Calcarea Carbonica. This remedy is chiefly used in scrofulous, rickety, and tuberculous affections. Glandular swelling of the neck and abdomen; eruptions around the eyes, and agglutination of the lids; difficult or delayed dentition, with heat and swellings of the gums; deafness, with snapping and roaring noises in the ear, and chronic diseases of the ear; chronic Diarrhoea; incipient consumption of the bowels; swelling of the mesenteric glands; cough, with foetid or bloody expectoration, or difficult breathing; Obesity, from a lax condition of the tissues, or, on the other hand, emaciation; diseases of females, when the menses appear too soon and are too abundant; Sterility; Leucorrhoea; chronic headache; worst in the mornings, from mental fatigue; also in inveterate and obstinate diseases of the bones (Rachitis) and skin. As a general rule, Calcarea is best adapted to affections of women and children, and to chronic diseases.

12. Calendula Officinalis (Marigold). This remedy is used externally and exerts a most favourable influence in promoting the union of wounds with the least resulting scars, and with the smallest amount of suppuration. Cuts, whether accidental or inflicted in operations, or injuries, in which the flesh in much torn, and which do not heal without the formation of matter; wounds penetrating the joints, etc. In such cases it is much preferable to Arnica, especially in constitutions having a tendency to Erysipelas. It controls haemorrhage (but to a less extent than Hamamelis), and relieves the pains attending accidents.

Formula for a lotion. A teaspoonful of the pure tincture to about half a teacupful of water.

13. Camphor, Homoeopathic Tincture of. This remedy is valuable in the invasive stage of Influenza (when its administration will often terminate the complaint); derangements in general with chilliness and shivering; malignant Cholera, in the incipient stage of the disorder; excessive, sudden prostration of the nervous system from any cause; fainting and dizziness; cramps in the arms, legs, or abdomen; severe purging. “It is antidotal to almost all the drastic vegetable poisons; relieves Strangury; procures reaction from cold, congested conditions; is the great anti-choleraic; and quiets nervous irritability, sometimes better than Coffea, Ignatia, or Hyoscyamus This is its whole clinical value and a great one it is in a nutshell” (Holcombe). In sudden attacks, two drops on a small piece of loaf-sugar, repeated every fifteen or twenty minutes, for three or four times; in Cholera, four drops, administered in the same manner, every ten, fifteen, or twenty minutes. The strongest Rubini’s preparation is the best. In consequence of its volatile properties, it must be kept separate from all other homoeopathic remedies.

14. Cantharis. Affections of the urinary organs; pain in the loins; scanty, scalding, and even bloody urine; tenderness about the bladder; Strangury; suppression of urine from acute congestion, etc.

EXTERNAL USE. In burns and scalds, with threatened or actual blisters; for lotion ten drops of the strong tincture to a teacupful of water. Cantharidine pomade is good for recent falling off of the hair after illness, etc.

15. Carbo Vegetabilis. Affections of the digestive organs, with oppression after eating; flatulent distention of the stomach, with acidity or heartburn; burning and contractive pain and emission of foetid flatulence; a burning sensation in the lower bowel; tendency to Diarrhoea; Piles; Worms; Toothache, with spongy or ulcerated gums; hoarseness, loss of voice, and sensitiveness to variations of weather; chronic Nettle-rash; itching and burning of the skin; unhealthy, burning, foetid Ulcers. Carbo Vegetabilis counteracts the injurious consequences of Mercury and Quinine.

16. Chamomilla. Diseases of children and women, affecting the nervous, biliary, and uterine systems. Convulsions, arising from teething, anger, or pain in the bowels; Neuralgia, with tearing, dragging, and lancinating pains. Toothache, the pairs being worse at night, tearing and stitching, with swelling of the cheeks, and a feeling as if the teeth were elongated; difficult dentition, when one of the cheeks is red and hot, the gums swollen and sensitive, the child irritable, and Convulsions are indicated; Diarrhoea of Children, from cold or teething, when the motions are watery, slimy, green, or yellow and preceded by cutting pains; dentition-fever, with crossness, restlessness, and irregular circulation; one cheek being hot, the other cold; catarrhal, cough of children, with hoarseness and rattling of mucus in the throat. The action of this remedy upon the sexual system of women is very marked, especially in Dysmenorrhoea, and in various derangements during pregnancy; after-pains. Also for the consequences of passion, and when pain seems to be intolerable, owing to the extreme sensitiveness of the patient.

17, China, Peruvian Bark. Weakness, with easy perspiration consequent on exhaustive discharges loss of blood, Diarrhoea, prolonged nursing, sexual excesses, etc.; consequences of intermittent and other miasmatic fevers, purgatives, mercury, broken rest, etc. It is specific to many forms of fever of a periodic type; debility marked by disposition to sweat; exhausting night sweats; Diarrhoea, especially summer Diarrhoea, with or without pain, and when the discharges are slimy, bilious, or mixed with undigested food, and very offensive; loss of appetite; bilious taste; flatulence; Jaundice; enlargement of the spleen, with a dirty-yellow complexion; debilitating seminal emissions (Spermatorrhoea) from sexual vices, with undue excitement of the sexual instinct, in patients weak, low- spirited, and dyspeptic.

18. Cimicifuga (or Actea) Racemosa. Rheumatic affections chiefly of the left side, especially when there are uterine difficulties or irregularities; nervousness; pains in the left side below the breast in females; pain in the lumbar region; crick-in-the-back; headache, with aching-pain in the eyeballs; palpitation of the heart; sinking at the stomach (not of gastric origin); Amenorrhoea, Dysmenorrhoea, and Menorrhagia; disorders of pregnancy and the critical age etc.

19. Cina. Homoeopathic to the condition which produces intestinal parasites, and to affections arising from their irritation; especially thread-worms, indicated by picking the nose, grinding the teeth, convulsions and spasms, voracious appetite, alternating with poor appetite, itching at the seat, diarrhoeic motions, discharge of worms, wetting the bed, cutting pain in the abdomen, hoarse, hollow cough in children, and other symptoms from inverminous affections.

20. Coffea. Morbid sensitiveness and irritability of the nervous system, especially the effects of joy; fretfulness and wakefulness of children; nervous Toothache; almost insupportable labour-pains or after-pains; nervous sufferings of highly excitable children or hysterical women.

21. Colocynthis. This drug has not a wide range of action, and is chiefly prescribed for griping, flatulent Colic, with diarrhoeic evacuations; Neuralgia, Sciatica, etc.

22. Cuprum. Derangements of the nervous system, cramps, convulsive movements, etc.; St. Vitus’s dance; Epilepsy, with violent Convulsions, paleness of the face, dizziness, and great debility; general nervous affections, accompanied by spasm and emaciation; cramps and vomiting of Cholera; extreme pain in the bowels, with prostration, sallow complexion, and vomiting; some cases of Whooping-cough, etc.

23. Drosera. Whooping-cough, with suffocative symptoms, vomiting, or bleeding from the nose, especially when the “hoop” has become fully developed, and after the use of Ipecacuanha and Belladonna also in spasmodic cough generally, with a tickling sensation in the throat, vomiting or wheezing breathing, and a feeling of suffocation.

24. Dulcamara. Various affections. Cold, in the head, nausea, Catarrh of the bladder-mucous Diarrhoea, etc. from damp or a thorough wetting; itching and stinging eruptions of the skin, and other conditions following a cold. If taken immediately after exposure to damp, Dulcamara will often prevent the ordinary consequences of a Cold.

25. Ferrum Muriaticum. An excellent remedy for anaemia or bloodlessness. Also for weakness of the bladder, and difficulty in retaining the water during the day time.

26. Gelsemium Sempervirens. This drug, one of the new American Remedies, has a sphere of action apparently midway between that of Aconite and Belladonna Under the nervous system, it is useful in nervous shiverings without chilliness; excitement of hysteric patients; languor, etc., from night-watching; neuralgic faceache, with twitchings of the muscles near the affected part; spasmodic Croup, when Aconite fails or the brain is involved; simple sleeplessness of children, or from mental excitement. In Scarlatina it is useful when Aconite or Belladonna fails to bring out the eruption bright, especially in young children; also in this and other fevers where there is a tendency to remittency. Weakness of sight, with dimness or double vision, with dull heaviness in the head, and dizziness; Palpitation of the heart; pure nervous Toothache (applied locally); many ailments of children during teething, as sleeplessness, pain with sudden outcries, Spasm of the glottis, etc.; wetting the bed; acute pain in the muscles, from over-exertion, etc.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."