LACHESIS (Lachesis). Change of Life.

LEPTANDRA (Tall Speedwell). Chlorosis.

LILIUM TIGRINUM (Tiger Lily). Falling of the Womb.

LIQUOR SODAE CHLOR. (Chlorate of Soda). Falling of the Womb, Involution.

LYCOPODIUM (Wolf’s-foot). Amenorrhoea, Change of Life, Leucorrhoea, Chlorosis, Falling of the Womb, Varicose Veins, Morning Sickness, Acidity, Constipation, Piles, Itching of the Genital Parts, Constipation after Labour, sore Nipples, Prolonged Nursing.

MACROTIN (active principle of Cimicifuga). Painful Menstruation, Spinal Irritation.


MERCURIUS (Mercury, including Mercurius Corrosivus, Mercurius Iodatus, Mercurius Solubilis). Too Scanty Menstruation, Leucorrhoea, Infantile Leucorrhoea, Falling of the Womb, Inflammation of the Womb, Toothache, Salivation, Diarrhoea, Itching of the Genital Parts, Puerperal Fever, Sore Nipples, Sore Mouth.

MEZEREUM (Spurge Laurel). Leucorrhoea.

MILLEFOLIUM (Yarrow). Profuse Menstruation.

MOSCHUS (Musk). Hysteria, Fainting, Palpitation.

MURIATUS ACIDUM (Muriatic Acid). Sore Mouth.

NATRUM CARBONICUM Carbonate of Soda). Sore Mouth.

NATRUM MURIATICUM (Muriate of Soda). Too Scanty Menstruation, Leucorrhoea, Chlorosis, Palpitation.

NITRI ACIDUM (Nitric Acid). Leucorrhoea, Polypus of the Womb, Salivation, Constipation, Piles, Sore Mouth.

NUX VOMICA (Vomit-nut). Amenorrhoea, Vicarious Menstruation, Change of Life, Chlorosis, Falling of the Womb, Inflammation of the Womb, Hysteria, Spinal Irritation, Sterility, Headache, Toothache, Palpitation, Varicose Veins, Morning Sickness, Heartburn, Cramp, Colic, Constipation, Piles, Incontinence of Urine, Retention of Urine, Abortion, After-pains, Constipation after Labour, Deteriorated Milk.

OPIUM (White Poppy). Suppression of the Menses Melancholy, Fainting, Constipation, Puerperal Fever, Constipation after Labour.

PETROLEUM. Sickness of Pregnancy.

PHELLANDRIUM. Painful Nipple.

PHOSPHORIC ACIDUM (Phosphoric Acid). Chlorosis, Sterility, Diarrhoea, Milk Fever, Puerperal Fever, Diarrhoea after Labour.

PHOSPHORUS (Phosphorus). Amenorrhoea and General Ill-health. Deficient Menstruation, Vicarious Menstruation, Profuse Menstruation, Chlorosis, Sterility, Heartburn, etc., Diarrhoea, Piles, Gathered Breasts.

PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA (Pokeweed). Gathered Breasts.

PLATINA (Platinum). Inflammation of the Womb, Hysteria, Sterility, Melancholy, Headache, Constipation, Itching of Genitals, Lochia, Puerperal Mania.

PEPSINE. Morning Sickness.

PLUMBUM (Lead). Chlorosis, Colic, Constipation.

PODOPHYLLUM (Resinoid of Plot. Pelt). Colic.

PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM (May-apple). Falling of the Womb, Piles.

POLYGONUM (Smartweed). Amenorrhoea.

PULSATILLA (Pasque-flower). Amenorrhoea and General Ill-health, Suppression of the Menses, Too Scanty Menstruation, Irregular Menstruation, Vicarious Menstruation, Profuse Menstruation, Painful Menstruation, Change of Life, Leucorrhoea. Infantile Leucorrhoea, Chlorosis, Hysteria, Spinal Irritation. Melancholy, Fainting Fits, Headache, Toothache, Palpitation, Varicose Veins, Morning Sickness, Heartburn, Diarrhoea, Incontinence of Urine, Pain in the Breasts, Abortion, Cramp during Labour, Labour, Lochia, Puerperal Mania, Diarrhoea after Labour, Suppressed Milk, Involuntary Escape of Milk, Prolonged Nursing, Weaning.

QUINAE SULPHAS (Sulphate of Quinine). Irregular Menstruation.

RHUS TOXICODENDRON poison-oak). Spinal Irritation, Cramp, Retention of Urine, Puerperal Fever, Prolonged Nursing, Weaning.

ROBINIA (Locust Tree). Acidity.

SABINA (Savin). Profuse Menstruation, Leucorrhoea, Inflammation of the Womb, Polypus of the Womb, Hysteria, Sterility, Abortion, Flooding, Lochia.

SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS (Blood-root). Change of Life, Acidity.

SECALE CORNUTUM (Spurred Rye). Profuse Menstruation, Painful Menstruation, Polypus of the Womb, Abdomen, Labour, Flooding, After-pains, Lochia.

SENECIO (Life-root). Amenorrhoea, Suppression of the Menses, Too scanty Menstruation, Vicarious Menstruation, Painful Menstruation, Chlorosis, Sterility.

SEPIA SUCCUS (Inky Juice of the Cuttle-fish.) Amenorrhoea, Suppression of the menses, Too scanty Menstruation, Change of Life, Leucorrhoea, Chlorosis, Falling of the Womb, Sterility, Melancholy, Headache, Toothache, Palpitation, Morning Sickness. Cramp, Constipation, Itching of the Genital Parts, Abortion, Lochia, Involution.

SILICEA (Pure Flint.) Leucorrhoea, hysteria, Varicose Veins, Sore Nipples, Deteriorated Milk, Insufficient, Supply of Milk, Gathered Breasts.

SPIGELIA (Warm Grass). Spinal Irritation.

SPONGIA (Burnt Sponge). Polypus of the Womb.

STANNUM (Tin). Leucorrhoea, Falling of the Womb.

STAPHYSAGRIA (Staves-acre). Hysteria, Toothache.

STRAMONIUM (Thorn-apple). Spinal Irritation, Puerperal Fever, Puerperal Mania.

SULPHUR (Brimstone). Amenorrhoea, Too scanty Menstruation, Vicarious Menstruation, Profuse Menstruation, Change of Life, Leucorrhoea, Chlorosis, Falling of the Womb, Inflammation of the Womb, Inflammation of the Womb, Spinal Irritation, Sterility, Varicose Veins, OEdema, Acidity, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Piles, Itching of the Genital Parts, Lochia, Constipation after Labour, Involution, Sore Nipples, Deterioration Milk, Insufficient Supply of Milk, Gathered Breasts.

SULPHURIS ACIDUM (Sulphuric Acid). Acidity, Salivation, Sore Mouth.

SYMPHORICARPUS RACEMOSUS (Snow-berry). Sickness of Pregnancy.

TABACUM (Tobacco). Change of Life, Sickness of Pregnancy.

TEUCRIUM (Wood-sage). Infantile (Leucorrhoea.

THUJA (Tree of Life). Polypus of the Womb, Itching of the Genital Parts.

TRILLIUM (Beet-root). Polypus of the Womb.


VERATRUM ALBUM (White Hellebore). Amenorrhoea, Suppression of the Menses, Morning Sickness, Colic, Puerperal Mania.

VERATRUM VIRIDE (American Hellebore.) Change of Life, Spinal Irritation, Fainting, Palpitation, Cramps, False Labour Pains, Milk Fever, Puerperal Fever, Puerperal Mania, Sore Nipples.

VIBURNUM. Cramps. Abortion, False Labour Pains, After-pains.

XANTHOXYLUM (Prickly Ash). Painful Menstruation, Leucorrhoea, After-pains.

ZINCUM METALLICUM (Zinc). Leucorrhoea, Spinal Irritation.

ZINCUM VALERIAN (Valerianate of Zinc). Hysteria.


Aconite 32

AEsculus H. 3x

Agn. C., 1x

Aletris 1x

Aloes 3x

Alum 5

Ambra 5

Ant. C 5

Ant. T. 3x

Apis 3x

Arnica 3x

Argentum N. 3

Arsen. 3x

Asaf, 3x

Atrop. 3

Aurum 5

Baptisia 1x

Baryta C., 5 or 12

Belladonna 3x

Borax 3

Bryonia 3x

Cact. 1x

Calcarea c. 5

Calcarea Ph. 1 trit.

Calendula O

Cann. I. 1x

Cann. S. 1x

Cantharis 3x

Carbo V. 5.

Cauloph. 1x

Causticum 3x

Caps. 3

Chamomilla 3x

China 1x

Cimicif. 3x

Cina 3x

Cocc. O, 1x

Coff, 3x

Colchicum 3x

Collins. 1x

Coloc. 3x

Conium M. 1x

Capaib. 3x

Croc. 3x

Crot. T. 3

Cuprum S. 6

Cyclnm. 3x

Dioscorea 1x

Dulcamara 3x

Erig, 3x

Eupat. A. O, 1x

Euphr. 3x

Ferrum M. 1x

Ferrum Mur. 3x

Ferri. Phosphorus 1

Gelsemium 1x

Gloninum 3x

Graphites 5

Hamamelis V. I

Helonias D. O, 1x

Hepar S. 5

Hydrast. O or 1

Hyoscyamus 3x.

Ignatia 3x

Iodium 1

Ipecac. 3x

Iris 1

Kali Bromium 1x

Kali C. 5

Kali ch. 3x

Kali H. 3x

Kreosotum 3x

Lach, 5

Lept. 1x trit.

Lilium Tig. 1x

Liq. Sod. Ch. 2x

Lycop. 5

Macrot. 1x

Magnes. C 5

Mercurius C, 3x

Mercurius S. 3x

Mercurius I. 1 trit,

Mez. 3x

Millefolium 3x

Mosch. 3x

Mur. Ac. 1

Nat. M. 5 or 12

Acid nitricum 1

Nux V. 3x

Opium 3x


Phelland. 3x

Phosphorus 4x

Phosphorus Ac. 1

Phyto. 1x

Platina 5

Plumb. 5

Podoph. O or 1x

Polyg. 3x

Pulsatilla 1x

Quin. S. 1

Rheum 2x

Rhus T. 3x

Robinia 3x

Sabina 3x

Sanguin. 1x

Secale 1x

Senecio O, 1x

Sepia 5

Silic 5

Spigelia 3x

Spongia 3x

Stannum 5

Staphysagria 2x

Stramonium 3x

Sulph. 3x

Sulph. Ac. 1

Tabacum 3

Thuja 3

Trill. 2x

Valer. 1x

Veratrum A. 3x

Veratrum Verbascum 1x

Vib. O. 3x

Xanthoxylum 1x

Also Dr. Rubini’s Solution of Camphor, which must be kept apart from the medicines.

Whenever Mercurius is indicated in the body of the work, and no special preparation of it is mentioned, Mercurius Solubilis is to be prescribed.

C.C To ascertain the comparative frequency with which the above remedies are prescribed, see the list, pp. 246-256.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."